Paleolithic Era- another name for the Old Stone Age, it was the period when people used stones as tools, and it lasted about 58,000 years
Hunter-gatherer- a person who meets his or her needs by hunting animals and gathering plants
Cave painting- drawings on the sides of caves and on rocks that provide information about life during the Stone Age
Archaeologist- a person who studies the past
Nomad- a person who has no one place to call home as he or she is constantly on the move
Technology- the use of tools and skills to meet practical human needs
Flaking-chipping pieces off the edge of stones to make them sharper
Carbon-14 dating- method used to date the remains of humans, plants, and animals
Migrate- to move to a new place
Neolithic Era- another name for the New Stone Age and lasted from 12,000 to 6, 000 years ago
Agriculture- the raising of crops and animals for human use
Domesticate- to train something to be useful to people
Surplus- an extra supply of something
Specialize- to do a particular kind of work
Civilization- a culture that has developed systems of specialization, religion, learning, and government
Excavate- means to dig
Artifact- an object that was made by humans and was found at an archaeological site
Anthropologist- a person who studies humans