www.kevinhinckley.com Escape! D&C 38
We are not considered ‘Christian’ by some, I suppose because we are not fourth-century Christians, we are not creedal Christians of the brand that arose hundreds of years after Christ No, when we speak of ‘restored Christianity’ we speak of the Church as it was [before] ... great councils were called to debate and anguish over what it was they really believed. I confess I did not believe I would live to see the day that taxi cabs in Times Square would be scurrying about with 'taxi toppers' saying, 'See the Book of Mormon’ Of course our quick rejoinder has been, 'Now you have seen the show, read the book.'" Elder Holland
Colesville Colesville Saints D&C 37:2 First Branch (Knights) Great Faith Moved to Kirtland First to Zion (Kaw) Opposition Baptismal Dam broken Constant Mischief Joseph arrested twice Plotted death of Joseph and Sidney
Escaping the Enemy D&C 38:13,28-30 D&C 38:31,32
Escaping the Enemy Part 2 D&C 38:23-27 D&C 38:39
Brigham Young A perfect Oneness will save a people, because intelligent beings [can only] become perfectly one…by acting upon principles that pertain to eternal life. Only truth and righteousness can secure those who are sanctified by it can dwell in celestial glory. (Discourses of Brigham Young)
Another Principle D&C 38:40-42 Acts 9:15
Edward Partridge D&C 41: 9,11
James E. Faust Grandfather was so tortured, humiliated, and suffered so much in his calling from lawless mobs, and was still so steadfast and faithful, that he could not possibly have doubted the genuineness of the revelation that appointed him. Like others who were close to the Prophet, he knew Joseph’s heart and soul. Grandfather could not have been deceived. I believe his life and death both prove that he did not lie. His devotion, suffering, and sacrifice eloquently testify that he had implicit faith in Joseph as an inspired servant of God.