UNIT TITLE—_________________________ Unit Objectives: Instructional Coach Sandra Duncan UNIT TITLE—_________________________ Unit Objectives: As a result of this unit, the students will KNOW: As a result of this lesson students will UNDERSTAND that: As a result of this unit, the student will be able to DO: Sandi LFS Graphic Organizer Foldable KWL Frayer Ticket-out Other____________ ___________________ DI RAFT Think-Tac-Toe Cubing/Think Dots Choice Board Exit Cards Tiering Other_____________ Instructional Strategies Used in this Unit Collaborative Groups Lecture Writing Across Curriculum Reading in Content Areas Multicultural Other__________________ __________________ Technology Virtual Wht. Bd. Power Point Internet Activity Podcast Wiki Blog Other____________
Unit Overview Lesson EQs Whole Class Differentiated Projected Lesson Duration
Summarizing Strategies: Acquisition Lesson Planning Form-- Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill --- Not for the Day Projected Lesson Duration_________________________ beginning date _____________ Essential Question: Activating Strategy: Teaching Strategies: Differentiated Instruction: Summarizing Strategies:
Projected Lesson Duration___________________________ beginning date _____________
Unit Title ______________________ CSOs ADDRESSED: TEACHER NOTES/ REFLECTIONS