Effects of the Great Depression


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Presentation transcript:

Effects of the Great Depression Lecture 2 and Dust Bowl Standard 11.6.3

Standard 11.6.3 Discuss the human toll of the Depression, natural disasters, unwise agricultural practices and their effect on the depopulation of rural regions and on political movements of the left and right with particular attention to the Dust Bowl refugees and their social and economic impacts in California Essential Question: How did people cope with the Depression? What was Hoover’s response to the Depression? How do you think Obama would react if he was the President during the Depression?

The Depression Toilet Unemployment and Bankruptcy Business and banks closed 1929 and 1932 unemployment skyrocketed up to 25% by 1933 Ford fired 75,000 workers income dropped 20 -50% debts remained the same thousands searched the country for jobs Bread Lines Hoovervilles 11.6.3

Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? They used to tell me I was building a dream. And so I followed the mob When there was earth to plow Or guns to bear I was always there Right on the job. I was building a dream With peace and glory ahead. Why should I be standing in line Just waiting for bread? Once I built a railroad I made it run Made it race against time. Once I built a railroad Now it's done Brother, can you spare a dime? Once I built a tower up to the sun Brick and rivet and lime. Once I built a tower, Now it's done. Once in khaki suits, Ah, gee we looked swell Full of that yankee doodle dee dum! Half a million boots went sloggin' through hell And I was the kid with the drum! Oh, say don't you remember? They called me Al. It was Al all the time. Say, don't you remember? I'm your pal. Buddy, can you spare a dime? 11.6.3

The Great Depression The Human Toll




Tennessee Texas

Washington D.C.

New York City

Human Toll of the Depression The Dustbowl a long drought dried out the Midwest strong winds carried away millions of tons of topsoil from North Dakota to Texas led to government-funded irrigation projects 11.6.3

Grapes of Wrath Farmers and Migrant Workers farmers couldn’t make money because prices fell banks seized and sold farms and equipment 350,000 Okies and Arkies went to CA for migrant labor John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath 11.6.3

Fam Bams of the Depresh Impact on Families some fled the cities to go back to the country men worked at lower pay women tried to find ways to earn money children dropped out of school 11.6.3

Partner A If your family was suffering as a result of the Depression what sacrifices would you be willing to make?

Minorities Impact on Minorities tensions between ethnic groups increased unemployment among blacks was 50% in 1932 100,000s of Hispanics were repatriated to Mexico 11.6.3

Escapism Novels, Radio, and Movies Americans tried to escape the despair of the time Shirley Temple, the Three Stooges, the Marx Brothers The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Snow White Monopoly Jazz and Swing music 11.6.3

Partner B How does escapism during the Depression differ from escapism today? Give examples. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjCFYpWDmfM&safe=active http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1LI8lZALPM&safe=active

Hoover’s Response Rugged Individualism didn’t believe he legally could give direct aid it’s not in the Constitution gave money to local and state governments and businesses instead encouraged businesses to voluntarily help tried to get local communities and states to fix depression 11.6.2

RFC Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 1932 Hoover loaned billions to private businesses to jump start the economy banks, railroads, insurance companies, and local governments from 1932 – 1941 the RFC loaned $9.5 billion FDR continued this program it was too late, voters dumped Hoover for FDR in 1932 11.6.2

Partner A What was the goal of the RFC? Was it effective? If you were Hoover how might you handle the situation differently?

Bonus Army Bonus Army, 1932 a large assembly of WWI veterans marched on DC to demand the money they’d been promised…Sound Familiar??? the Adjusted Compensation Act was like the GI Bill Congress refused so they set up Hoovervilles outside the city the army chased them out Hoover looked really bad the veterans did not get their money 11.6.2

Partner B What was the goal of the Bonus Army? Were they effective? Explain.

Communist / Fascist Solutions communists argued that the government should seize all property the government would control all businesses the depression in the USSR was less severe fascists wanted a dictator to control every aspect of society 11.6.3

1932 D Franklin Roosevelt 22,809,638 472 R Herbert C. Hoover 531 D Franklin Roosevelt 22,809,638 472 R Herbert C. Hoover 15,758,901 59 S Norman Thomas 881,951 --

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