10TH ANNUAL MARLBOROUGH TOWN-WIDE TAG SALE Saturday, October 1st 8:30AM – 1:00 PM FUNDRAISING EVENT: FRIENDS OF BLISH PARK PLAYSCAPE 25+ homes and 5 Tables @ MES participated in last year’s Town-Wide Tag Sale! Registration fee includes: We promote your tag sale in local papers and internet Your house location on a MAP to be distributed October 1st, day of tag sale House Marker Signs provided for easy tag sale locating Questions: 860-295-6203 or parkandrec@marlboroughct.net OPTION 1: Have tag sale at your home and be located on Map FEE: $25 OPTION 2: Host a table at Marlborough Elementary School FEE: $25 Name: Options (please check all that apply) Address: Home Sale Phone: Table at Elementary School Email: Will you participate if it rains? → Yes No Short description of Tag Sale items: Mail form and entry fee to Marlborough Park & Rec., PO Box 29, Marlborough CT 06447 Make checks payable to: Town of Marlborough Registration must be received by Friday, September 23rd – NO EXCEPTIONS to be included on the town locator map. Please pick up your house sign at Town Hall September 27th-September 29th