Parents Information Meeting Monday 11th September We believe that we are all God's work of art. We strive to respect and care for each other and to use our talents to do our best. By doing this, we are 'Learning in the Light of Christ'
Welcome to Year 4 Working in Year 4 will be Mrs Vieyra as lead LSA and Mrs Moccia as PPA cover (French) Mrs McNamara (2 days) and Miss Varga (3 days)
Timetable What your child will need: Everyday they should bring in their water bottle, reading book and reading record book, pencil case Letters from parents to be given to the teacher at the beginning of the morning (during register time) Tuesday – P.E. kits Friday – P.E. kits If your child does music lessons, please ensure that they remember their instrument on their allocated day and places it in the pavilion.
Expectations Your child to become familiar with the routines and organisation of the school –break and lunchtimes, wet play times, available resources to become more independent and involved in their learning – including the management of their own reading/ reading records. that they take pride in their learning and present it to a high standard - handwriting and writing in pencil or blue pen if they have received their pen licence (approved by Ms Varga/Mrs McNamara) to build on their previous years learning so that they continue to move forward that they take on being responsible for jobs around the classroom/school. that learning is completed so that feedback can be given and acted upon Behaviour -Traffic light system
Curriculum Handouts The Year 4 curriculum overview given to you today is an outline of what we will be covering this year. Suggested Book List
Home Learning Home learning will be given on a: Friday – English – comprehension task/writing task (research, write-up , grammar task and spellings and a Maths task. On-going – multiplication tables and daily reading Home Learning Exercise Book – same standard of presentation, returned to school by Tuesday. Late home learning will not be marked.
Autumn Term Dates September Tuesday 19th School Development Plan Information Evening For Parents with PIMMS Tuesday 26t h Mass to celebrate the beginning of the school year. Wednesday 27th Feast of St Vincent Parish Mass at OLSV Friday 29th Year 4 Assembly October Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th October Parent Consultations Friday 20th October Harvest Assembly and Learning Celebration Morning November Wednesday 1st School Mass to celebrate All Saints Tuesday 7th Class Mass Thursday 9th PSHE( Personal, Social & Health Education) and SRE ( Sex and Relationship Education) Information Evening for parents Monday 13th Anti bullying and PSHE ( Personal, Social and Health Education) Week begins Tuesday 28th Maths Information Evening For Parents December Friday 8th KS2 ADVENT SERVICE at OLSV Thursday 14th Christmas jumper day, Christmas Lunch and Pope Paul’s Got Talent Friday 15th Whole School to Cinderella pantomime at Wyllyotts Theatre. Parents to collect children from theatre at 4pm
P.E * The children will have P.E lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays. * Please leave P.E kits in school for half a term. We will send them home earlier if they get muddy!
Remember that if you have any concerns then please come and speak to Miss Varga or Mrs McNamara. We, like you, want the best for your child and therefore we should be your first port of call. Mrs Lennox will be happy to make an appointment for you and we will be more than happy to meet with you. We are looking forward to working in partnership with yourselves and your child, and we look forward to a happy and productive year.
Other websites we will be using include: www. topmarks. co Other websites we will be using include: – that supports many curriculum topics in addition to English and Maths - all subjects which is an online interactive programme Home Learning in on time please