Meet the Teacher Year 3 12th July 2017
Organisation Class Teachers: Mrs Somers (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Sherrington (Thursday and Friday) LSA: Mrs Bennett PPA cover: PE, French and Mental Maths with Mrs Boakes Miss Naylor: Schools Direct student
Organisation information Coat Hooks: Limited space so book bags not large Rucksacks Children are supplied with a pencil case and all stationary required by the school NAMED PE kit in school everyday. No earrings (please provide tape if they cannot be removed) Long hair must be tied back NAMED water bottle in school everyday Please Name all uniform clearly and check it regularly Home School Books –Write any messages but if urgent please let your child know to show me!
Contact info Appointments: Please email as efficient or write in Reading Diary Raising concerns – Please contact Mrs Somers or Mrs Sherrington in the first instance. We are normally available after school for an informal chat or please feel free to book a formal appointment through the office
Homework Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. Each child will be given a homework folder that they are expected to keep organised. The homework will reinforce either math's or English learning from that week. Weekly spellings to practise (based on the National Curriculum)and a weekly spelling check. Maths Mountain - a weekly check.
Homework: Reading Daily Reading recorded in diaries – In school daily, Please write the date in at the start of the week and record all reading. Accelerated Reader- ZPD is the optimal range of books for your child to read, book quizzes assess understanding. Children should read at home with an adult for a minimum of 15minutes a day and should be scoring 85% in book quizzes. Children will also have a library book to enjoy. Reading is so important to all of your child’s learning.
Expectations Arriving and Leaving - Children are expected to come in by themselves. They will be brought to the playground for pick up. Please inform us of any changes to who is picking up Uniform Behaviour
Timetable Children to come into school from 8.35-8.45am, Self- registration for lunches. SODA and Reading Activities will begin straight away. PE will be twice a week- Days to be confirmed. Games outside and Gym or Dance inside. Use of ICT suite and the IPads. Computing skills will be taught and computers will be used to support learning as part of ILU
Curriculum ILU Half Termly Newsletter will give details of the learning in different areas of the curriculum and of the Home Learning Project ideas. Exciting Topics involving all arears of the curriculum Daily Maths lessons and Mental Maths. Maths Mountain will be tested once a week. Daily English, including spelling and grammar.
Autumn Stone Age to Iron Age: The children will learn about the First people to live in Britain, What is Stonehenge and how did it get there?, Early Farming, Archaeology. We will be taking the children for a hands on ancient experience at Butser Farm Angry Earth: The children will learn about different environments and climates around the world, volcanoes and Earthquakes.
Spring Rotten Romans: When and why did the Romans invade Britain? Roman Britain, the impact of Romanisation. Magical Mediterranean: Human and Physical Geography- Comparing life in a Mediterranean country to our own.
Summer How does your garden grow? Looking at the function of the parts of a flower. Understanding the processes within the life cycle of a plant. Good to be me! Animals including Humans, Nutrition linked to what we eat, skeletons and muscles. 1 night residential trip – tbc
Other information Performance Parent Helpers- Any hidden talents? Can spare some time to help on trips? Regular slots to help with reading/support learning? Please, please sign up! The children will take tests throughout the year to track progress as well as continuous Teacher Assessment Parents Evenings: Autumn Term and Spring Term, usually over 2 evenings you can talk to me or email- do not wait!