from the view of people experiencing poverty


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Presentation transcript:

from the view of people experiencing poverty OBSERVATOIRE DES PRECARITES ENERGETIQUE & HYDRIQUE de GDF SUEZ Paris, 13 - 12 - 2011 Energy Poverty from the view of people experiencing poverty Ludo Horemans President European Anti Poverty Network

Who is EAPN? Independent EU Network of NGOs committed to fight against poverty and social exclusion, with and for people in poverty. Started in 1990 – key actor in poverty programmes and development of social OMC. Receives financial support from the European Commission (PROGRESS) 30 National Networks and 23 European NGOs as members. (1,500+ organisations)

What is at stake? – few figures Definition: the inability to heat your home to an adequate standard. The World Health Organisation has established standards on what this must mean – ie 21 degrees for a living room, and 18 for a bedroom, higher for older people or other vulnerable groups. A growing number of households affected due to the economic crisis and the rising of energy prices : result of the liberalization of the energy market and rise of energy prices Between 50 million and 125 million people affected A fundamental attack on the basic human right to a decent life Impact of Inequality: The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better, by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett 

The overall objective To take a significant step forward in the promotion of an integrated strategy at EU and national level that would embrace the 3 key factors of Energy (and water) Poverty : Low household income High and rising costs of fuel / electricity / water Lack of Energy Efficiency

The EU context: an overlooked issue 1) The failure to implement the 3rd Energy Package: The provisions: Member States shall: take appropriate measures to protect vulnerable consumers and ensure that rights and obligations linked to vulnerable consumers are applied define the concept of vulnerable customers formulate national energy action plans, providing benefits in social security systems to ensure the necessary electricity supply to vulnerable customers, or providing for support for energy efficiency improvements, to address energy poverty

The EU context: an overlooked issue b. The lack of implementation Deadline for transposition: 3 March 2011 None of the 27 MS met this deadline EC considering about launching infringement cases procedures against 18 MS 2) The current EU wider energy/environment debate Roadmap for moving to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050 Europe energy 2020: A trillion needed to modernize energy infrastructures Resources Efficiency Europe Flagship initiative (Europe 2020 Strategy) => the risk to increase the burden on the most vulnerable people

National contexts France a. Some promising elements… Grenelle 2 law, July 2010 15 Nov 2010: EAPN France - Nat Conference on energy poverty: actions for moving forward Improving the knowledge, scope, definition: national observatory on energy poverty The complementary Universal Coverage b. …But much more still needs to be done A big rise of energy prices (+20% for gas in 2011). Energy State subsidies still targeting a marginal part of the population affected and insufficient amount for poor households Social tariffs versus universal access to affordable energy 2) UK Around 5,5 million households in 2011 (6 million expected in 2012) Ongoing review of the UK energy poverty definition and measures (the 10% of income criterion put into question with the big rise of fuel prices) A “Green Deal” to review the funding mechanisms for energy efficiency measures towards consumers

National contexts 3) Belgium Guaranteed minimum delivery is crucial ! Public Service Obligations = necessary correction for “competition” and “free market policy” Social tariff automatically to vulnerable groups Improve housing quality to prevent high energy bills because of low housing quality (no insulation, damp, windows & doors) + Financial help for low income owners Evaluation of measures leading to limited supply :  with involvement of people experiencing poverty Clear and easy to read information and invoices Easy accessible services with personal contact (not only by telephone or internet !) by companies and authorities Promote the ombudsman Participation of consumer organisations and people experiencing poverty

Recommendations at European level

EU recommendations Affordable access to Energy and water as a fundamental Right Launching a social impact assessment of the 3rd Energy Package especially on public service obligations The development of national actions plans to fight fuel poverty with delivery and implementation monitored through the new social OMC (with the development of more appropriate indicators for measuring fuel poverty as part of the National Social Reports attached to the NRPs): contribution to the achievement of the poverty reduction target of Europe 2020 An EU integrated approach to face fuel poverty, including fair pricing , energy efficiency and ensuring an adequate minimum delivery A European observatory on energy poverty involving EU institutions and all relevant stakeholders (Energy providers, NGOs, housing sector…) to monitor progress

EU recommendations Members States should guarantee affordable access for all to essential services through measures such as regulated pricing regimes, guaranteed access to a minimum package of services and prohibition of cut-offs The involvement of stakeholders including low-income users in the design, delivery and evaluation of policy solutions An EU study on fuel poverty (extent, causes and impact on different targets groups) An EU-level evaluation of the impact of the liberalisation and privatisation of services of general interest (SGI - including social services, on the quality, accessibility and affordability of services) An EU framework for services of general interest (SGI) to make sure that essential rights are to be guaranteed

Thank you for your attention