Sternberg’s Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model MODULE 17 Sternberg’s Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model
This presentation were introduce to you the theory and model This presentation were introduce to you the theory and model. It is hope that it will spawn your interest and make you want to explore more.
I have an assignment, do you have any idea who can help me?
Hmmm, maybe my sister can help me!
Come on everybody! Lets go!
I hope my sister can help me.
Lets go to her room.
Yes I’m here! Sister, are you there?
Oh sure, just wait me in the study room. Can you help me with my assignment?
Okay, thank you. I will wait for you.
What is your assignment? My assignment is all about Sternberg's Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model.
Oh, I know that but before I explain it to you Oh, I know that but before I explain it to you. First I will introduce to you who is the proponent of that theory.
Robert J. Sternberg is a cognitive psychologist who is currently the Provost and Professor of Psychology at the Oklahoma State University
He did work in the field of intelligence, As a youngster, he had difficulty with the intelligence tests.
This might have fueled his interest in the field that led him to come up with the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence in the 1980’s
Over the years, his theory evolve from the more complicated, componential Triarchic Theory to the simpler successful intelligence theory.
More recently, in collaboration with other prominent psychologists, he proposed the WICS (Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, Synthesized) Model
His successful intelligence Theory has four skills. Memory skills help us recall facts and pieces of information. It help us retain the knowledge we acquire.
Analytical Skills help the person determine if a certain idea is good.
Creative Skills allow a person to come up with the new idea, usually to answer a need or solve a problem. It makes one flexible and able to adjust to changes in one’s situation.
Practical Skills enable a person to apply what one has learned Practical Skills enable a person to apply what one has learned. It also allows one to carry to implement a plan.
Thank you sister.
Thanks to my sister, I’m so ready to go to school tomorrow!
After that day…
Let’s go to my school!
Who wants to share their assignment? Ma’am, I want to share my assignment.
. Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model Okay Dora, you can share your assignment with your classmates. You may now proceed. .
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model Good Afternoon Classmates, I’m here in front of you to share my assignment which is all about Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model The WICS Model. In the WICS Model Intelligence is viewed as a set of fluid abilities to learn from experience and to adapt to one’s surroundings.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model Individuals possess abilities that can be nurture into competencies and further cultivated into expertise.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model WICS stands for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, Synthesized. Sternberg presents a model for education that is relevant to the need of times.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model “Your role as a teacher is not to educate the mind alone, but to educate the sole as well”
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model One way that you can apply the WICS Model in instruction is when you reflect and make choices on the task and activities that you will give to teach and assess your students.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model You may choose to teach analytically, creatively, practically as well as teach for wisdom.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model How to teach analytically? Analyze Critic Judge Compare and Contrast Evaluate Assist
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model How do you teach for wisdom? Try to find a common good See things from other’s point of view. Balance your own interest with those of others and of institutions.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model 4. Look at the long term as well as the short term. 5. Reflect about how one can base his every decision on positive ethical values. 6. Appreciate that in life what is seen as true and effective may vary over time and place.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model The WICS Model has been use not only for instruction but also for admission and assessment. Sternberg and his colleagues propose, tried out and studied creative ways of doing student admission as well as assessing students learning.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model Based on their studies, the WICS Model was successful for teachers and their learners because it celebrated the differences of learners through a supportive learning environment.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model 2. Made students remember better what they learned. 3. Build on strengths of the learners and 4. Strengthen the motivation of the learners.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model That is all about Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model. Thank you for listening!.
Reporting of assignment. Sternberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model Wow! Dora is so good in delivering her assignment. I was so impressed to her.
Now, Dora got a higher grade because she is good in sharing her assignment.
I hope you learned too from my assignment, just like my classmates.
Prepared By: BSED 2- Filipino Major Magsino, Liezel D. Peralta, Rosalyn P. Rubion, Luzviminda B.