Would money spent on improving computer technology in 3rd world countries be better spent on things like healthcare or food? by: brady adger
State of 3rd World Countries Countries with lower social, political, cultural and economic divisions. Countries of higher economic stature pour millions of dollars into helping develop these countries while receiving next to nothing in return. U.S spends approx. $30 billion annually to assists the worlds developing countries. 50% of all U.S exports go to developing countries.
How to Develop Third World Countries Encourage free-market economics. Specialization. Freedom to invest, set up business, and conduct trade. The key is to provide education and make aware the failures of other states so that they don’t make the same mistakes.
Pro Technology Technology has been seen as a major tool in child development. Dell runs its own computer hardware and literacy program called Youth Learning, which started in India and is now in 15 countries around the world. Deb Bauer, director of Dell Giving believes that technology is a gateway to the broader world and can open doors to education in a more cost effective manner. Charles Kenny, a senior fellow at the Centre For Global Development says, “Young people are natural adopters of new technologies and certainly the potential for technology and digital media to be a force for innovation, education and change is just beginning to be realized." Unicef conducted studies in South Africa, Vietnam, and Zambia to see the utilization of ICT’s(information and communication technologies) and found that 40% of Vietnamese children in rural areas were using technology for educational purposes. This number rises dramatically in more populous regions. Projects such as the Digi Truck provide computer technology to desolate parts of the world that do not have access to electricity thus attempting to close the digital divide.
Pro Food/Healthcare Cons More than 3 million lives are saved every year through USAID immunization programs. Foreign support towards agriculture assists farmers in increasing food production, along with better quality crops can keep the population healthier. Cons Giving food destroys local markets and farmers. LDC may become too dependent on richer countries.
SHOULD WE CONTINUE TO IMPROVE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY? We should continue to pour our resources into providing ICT’s to lesser developed areas as this has the greatest potential to stimulate economic growth by providing education. This leads to more efficient and safer methods of agriculture along with improved medicines as well as opportunities for higher paying jobs.
References http://www.economist.com/node/16329442 http://borgenproject.org/foreign-aid/ https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/technology-empower-children-developing- countries https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/09/opinion/where-does-aid-money-really-go/ http://futureofworking.com/14-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-foreign-aid/ http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/04/us-food-aid-should-focus-on-combating- hunger-and-malnutrition-in-poor-nations