Northwest ISD Energy Management NISD believes that prudent and practical use of energy and natural resources affords an opportunity to be environmentally and fiscally responsive and responsible. In Dec. 2008, I was employed as Energy Manager to develop and implement a program of energy management I had no budget… but I did have the support and commitment of every level of Administration The first item of business was to develop an Energy Management budget for a district I knew nothing about
Northwest ISD Energy Management My Utility Budget in 2009 - $4,949,281.00 12 elementary school buildings 3 middle school buildings 1 high school 5 other facilities Fear of the unknown… pay the utilities… save $$$$ First year – observation Established a statement of Energy Policy and Regulations for energy usage Involved in communication and training with our custodial staff “Energy Walk-through” visits Review utility bills prior to payment Initiated “Optimum Start”
Northwest ISD Energy Management Initiated “School Dude” Periodic adjustments to HVAC and outside lighting schedules Survey of NISD buildings for needed lighting retrofit opportunities Holiday energy shutdowns Reconfigured the way our buildings are controlled by their daily HVAC time schedules Installed occupancy sensors in 6 elem. schools T5 retrofits in 3 gyms… received rebate… put back in utility budget for other projects Sold metal halide gym fixtures in auction… money put in utility budget for other projects
Northwest ISD Energy Management At the end of the first year, NISD had opened one new elementary, one new high school, built additions to three middle schools, and still saved $900,362.00 in utility costs From January 2009 – October 2017, NISD has saved $5,500,000.00 in utility costs, in comparison to our base year… real dollars, not cost avoidance. This amount of energy savings would provide the beginning salary and benefits of 84.6 new teachers Savings have been achieved while opening, and maintaining: 5 elementary schools 3 middle schools 2 high schools
Northwest ISD Energy Management Additions to 11 existing buildings Savings were accomplished with no significant increase to the utility budget: 2017-18 $5,523,396.00 2009-10 $4,949,281.00 $ 574,115.00 increase