The Super-short version Revolutionary War The Super-short version
Please write the following dates down the left side of your Cornell notes and skip 5 lines between each date… 1765 1767 1770 1773 1774 1775 1776 1781 1783
1765 Parliament passes the Stamp Act to help Britain raise money to pay their war debts Colonists boycott British goods in protest
1767 Parliament tries again… passes the Townshend Acts Taxes on imports like lead, glass, paint, paper and tea Colonists organized protest and shouted “no taxation without representation” Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty led protests in Boston, MA
1770 Boston Massacre 5 people were killed Colonists used this event to build momentum for a revolt Dramatic pictures and engravings were published all over the colonies by Patriots
Boston Massacre engraving by Paul Revere
1773 Britain passes laws that hurt American tea companies. Boston Tea Party Colonists dump tea into Boston harbor to protest the tax
Boston Tea Party
1774 Intolerable Acts King George punishes Boston Designed to force the colonists to accept his rules Boston harbor was closed. Troops were placed in colonial American homes Colonists organized the First Continental Congress
1775 British Gen. Gage marches to Concord in search of colonial weapons storage Paul Revere warns the colonists Lexington and Concord First battles between Redcoats and Minutemen War begins
Retreat from Concord
1776 Thomas Paine’s Common Sense published Declaration of Independence Urged colonists to support independence Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 Written by Thomas Jefferson Sent to King George III
Reading of the Declaration of Independence from the State house in Boston
1781 War drags on for 5 years. Battle of Yorktown Americans use guerilla tactics against larger British force. Battle of Yorktown With help from the French navy, Patriots surround Cornwallis
Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown
1783 Peace talks in Paris, France become official Americans send: John Adams, John Jay and Ben Franklin Treaty of Paris was signed in September, war ends
The Delegates Franklin Adams Jay
Washington crossing the Delaware on Christmas night, 1776
Summary Write no less than 4 sentences summarizing the events that led to the American Declaration of Independence.