RTO update Colin Mitten March 2012
Northland Regional Council Statement of Intent Agree SOI and report against KPIs Appoint directors NEAG DCs & other Local EDAs Northland Inc Board organisation Businesses RTO , Industry Forums Community Interest groups IWI
Economic Development Delivery Structure Northland Inc Sector Development Stakeholder engagement Investment analysis and organisational support
4 Key Sectors We have real advantages (and could do better) in; Primary Industry- optimising our land use Adding Value – processing our primary products Marine – maximising our USP Tourism – continue to increase our product offering
Primary Industries Sector Currently employs 12.7% of our work force and a quotient of 2.5 Focus on Agriculture Forestry Horticulture Aquaculture Mining and Minerals
Adding Value Sector Currently employs 9.2% of our work force, with a quotient of 2.4 Focus on Food processing Wood processing Marine technology and engineering
Marine Sector Black boat build and repair Super-yacht build and refit Launch repair and refit
Tourism Sector Currently employs 17.8% of the workforce and has a quotient of 1.2 Focus on Increasing product offering Target specific overseas markets Working with Auckland Marketing the whole of Northland
Stakeholder Engagement Communication Stakeholder strategy RTO
Investment Seeking out and working up funding for opportunities that align with Sector Strategy Syndicating funding for the Investment and Growth fund.
TDG projects for Northland Inc • Kauri National Park • Info / interpretation centre at Cape Reinga • World Heritage sites, Tentative o Natural Kauri Park Off shore Islands incl Three Kings, Te Paki/spirits Bay Poor Knights Hen and Chicks Little Barrier Moko hinaus o Cultural Kerikeri stone store Waitangi • Marine National park o Off the east Coast, in IMO no go area from Cape Brett, outside PK to Whangarei Heads • Hundertwasser centre Other projects like: • Conference centre in Northland o BOI o Whangarei • Waterfront BOI • Ngawha springs • Other?
Points to agree Branding RTO do we need one How does the RTO operate New Zealand First Bay of Islands RTO do we need one How does the RTO operate How is it funded What is the scope of the consultant...Brand development? Does the TDG need a constitution...Terms of Reference
QUESTIONS And any other questions like….. ………and how do we prioritise? • How many projects through NEAG, • what is the process, • what are the requirements, • what can be delivered by Northland (Inc)?