John Adams 1797-1801 Federalist Massachusetts Was a Founding Father Washington’s VP 1st President to live in White House Died on 50th Anniversary of Dec. of Ind.
Election of 1796 John Adams is elected as the 2nd President Adams was a Federalist The runner-up would serve as the vice president Jefferson is the runner up and serves as VP Jefferson is a “Republican”
XYZ Affair (1798) Historical Circumstances French are angry at Jay’s Treaty and are harassing our shipping Adams sends diplomats to meet with the French and push for peace Americans are met by secret French officials named “X’, “Y”, and “Z” They demand a $250,000 bribe and a $10 million dollar loan to speak with officials Americans refuse Significance American diplomats are viewed as heroes Relationship with France is getting worse
Quasi War with France (1798-1800) Historical Circumstances French Rev. overthrows gov’t U.S. refuses to pay war debt, claims debt was to previous regime French begin to seize and harass U.S. ships Many Americans want full scale war with France (still angry over XYZ Affair) Adams wants to continue Washington’s neutrality and does not feel U.S. can defeat France Significance Adams refuses to ask for a declaration of war U.S. and France engage in small naval battles Approx. 50 deaths on each side
John Adams: Domestic Affairs Alien Act (1798) Now takes 14 years (not 5) to become a citizen Dangerous aliens can be deported or detained at president’s discretion Sedition Act (1798) Illegal and punishable by jail time to criticize President or Congress in the Press Reasoning Many immigrants supported the D-R Afraid of French ideals spreading Many newspapers criticized Federalist Impact / Importance Limit on 1st Amendment Jefferson does not enforce laws when Pres
The New Alien and Sedition Acts Travel Ban Executive order 13769 Admit only 50k Suspend refugee immigration for 120 Days No more Syrian Refugees Suspend immigration from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen for 90 days Fake News “So much Fake News being put in dying magazines and newspapers. Only place worse maybe @NBCNews, @CBSNews, @ABC and @CNN. Fiction writers!” – 10/17/17 “Network news has become so partisan, distorted and fake that licenses must be challenged and, if appropriate, revoked. Not fair to public!” – 10/11/17 Jeff Sessions Statement
Election of 1800
Revolution of 1800 Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans take power from the Federalists Power is peacefully transferred from one party to another U.S. has political legitimacy because the parties respected the system
Political Philosophy “A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned” – Jefferson Based upon this quote, explain what you believe Jefferson’s “political platform” was based upon?
Early Life and Beliefs 3rd President (1801-1809) Democratic-Republican, Vir. Son of landowners Becomes a surveyor Graduated from William and Mary Believes in small gov’t, low taxes and little intervention Strict interpretation Wrote Dec. of Ind Created U of Vir. Ambassador to France
Political Platform Small government Lower taxes A government which governs the least, governs the best Lower taxes More liberty, less government
The Louisiana Purchase (1803)
The Louisiana Purchase French Territory France controlled New Orleans and charged U.S. citizens to use the Mississippi River U.S. is fearful of a French empire in North America Jefferson sends James Monroe and Robert Livingston to France Can pay up to $10million for the city
Louisiana Purchase (1803) Napoleon offers all the land U.S. agrees to pay $15 million for the land Incredible Deal, US gets: New Orleans Mississippi River Great Plains
THINK With all of the knowledge I have bestowed upon your so far this year, explain to me why Jefferson would be troubled with the Louisiana Purchase. Consider his political beliefs and past political battles. 3 REASONS!!!!!!!!
Jefferson’s inner debate Strict Constructionist Constitution does not give him the power to buy land Small Government Buying land is going to increase the government and its power Increase of national debt Jefferson had opposed the National Bank
Lewis and Clark
Embargo Act of 1807 Britain and France are still harassing our shipping Chesapeake-Leopard Affair in June 1807 Jefferson does not want war with Britain Embargo Act of 1807 Close American ports to all imports and exports to foreign nations Hope to devastate British and French economy Backfires and hurts U.S., Br. and Fr. found other markets for their goods 1809 Congress repeals the Embargo Jefferson has loss of popularity Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 – no trade with Br. and Fr.