Domus Romanae et Insulae By: Magistra Ashcraft
Model of a Roman Domus
Entrance to the house of Loreius Tiburtinus in Pompeii Ianua Entrance to the house of Loreius Tiburtinus in Pompeii
Passageway leading from main entrance to the atrium Painted Vestibulum Passageway leading from main entrance to the atrium Notice that this vestibulum is elaborately painted. One would pass through this narrow hallway from the street into the atrium.
Atrium from The House of the Vetii at Pompeii
Atrium from The House of the Faun
Close-up of the Impluvium
Pompeian Mosaic found outside the entrance to a house at Pompeii CAVE CANEM Pompeian Mosaic found outside the entrance to a house at Pompeii
The Roman Bedroom Cubiculum with Lectus
Shrine for the Household Gods Lararium Shrine for the Household Gods
Roman Lares and Penates Hearth and Cupboard gods worshipped by the earliest Romans
TABLINUM The Master’s Study The Wax Tablets (Tabulae) containing the family records and the Household Safe (Arca) were kept here.
House of the Faun Tablinum
Detail of the Mosaic Floor
Tabula and Writing Materials
Lucernae, Oil Lamps
Scrolls in Capsa
Triclinium, The Dining Room
Roman Seating Arrangements in the Triclinium
A Mock Banquet with Mensa and Tres Lecti …
The Culina
Remains of a Roman Kitchen and Cooking Pottery
View of an Ancient Kitchen
Ancient Glassware
Roman Cooking Utensils in Bronze
The Latrina (Ancient Roman Toilet) Fun on a cold morning!
Latrina Closeup
Peristylium with Birdbath and Hortus
Peristylium with Piscina (Fish Pond)
Walled Peristylium
Outdoor Fountain
Frontal View of the Fountain and Statue. Note the Intricate Mosaic Work
Outdoor Dining Area
D O o u o t r L a r a r i u m
Homes in Ostia, Rome’s Seaport Town
A Roman Insula (Apartment)
Model of an Insula