Chapter 12 Lesson 4 Section 7: Personality Disorders NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Section 7: Personality Disorders Section 8: Suicide Section 9: Combatting Stigma
7. Personality Disorders chronic maladaptive cognitive-behavioral patterns A. Antisocial Personality Disorder Diagnosis and Symptoms law-breaking, violence, deceit; without regret impulsive, irritable, reckless, irresponsible Etiology biological factors (genetic, brain, and ANS differences) Psychopaths Suggestion: Ask students what the difference might be between a regular violent criminal, and a violent criminal with antisocial personality disorder. Photo credit: © Bettmann/Corbis (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
B. Borderline Personality Disorder Diagnosis and Symptoms instability in interpersonal relationships & self-image impulsive, insecure, unstable & extreme emotions Etiology genetic childhood abuse irrational belief one is powerless, unacceptable, and that others are hostile (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display 3
Psychological Factors Sociocultural Factors (more later) Prevalence 8. Suicide Biological Factors Psychological Factors Sociocultural Factors (more later) Prevalence over 40,000 in year 2012 twice as many suicides as homicides in U.S. 3rd leading cause of death in early adolescence (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
When Someone is Threatening Suicide Do . . . take it seriously. calmly ask simple questions. be a supportive listener. emphasize that the unbearable can be survived. stay with the person until help arrives. encourage to get professional help. Photo credit: © Nathan Lau/Design Pics/Corbis RF (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
When Someone is Threatening Suicide Do Not… ignore the warning signs. refuse to talk about it. react with horror or disapproval. lecture judgmentally: “You should be thankful…” offer false assurance everything will be alright. abandon the person once the crisis seems to have passed. Photo credit: © Nathan Lau/Design Pics/Corbis RF (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
Sociocultural Factors in Suicide chronic economic hardship non-Latino white males over 85 Native American, esp. females Eastern Europe, Japan & South Korea culture of honor religious prohibition women more likely to attempt; men more likely to complete. Photo credit: © Nathan Lau/Design Pics/Corbis RF (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
Rosenhan’s study - fake psychiatric patients A. Cosequences of Stigma 9. Combatting Stigma Rosenhan’s study - fake psychiatric patients A. Cosequences of Stigma Prejudice and Discrimination: negative attitudes toward mentally ill physical health risk B. Overcoming Stigma successfully functioning individuals with mental illness reluctant to “come out” Suggestion: Instructors might mention that the availability heuristic likely influences our perception of individuals with psychological disorders. Discussion/Activity: Instructors might use this as an opportunity to have students discuss or reflect on society’s stereotypes of psychologically-disordered people. (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display