Synopsis Tips for Becoming Marijuana-Free Tips for Becoming Marijuana-Free Marijuana Addiction Treatment: What Are the Options? Marijuana Addiction Treatment: What Are the Options? Ways to Tell If A Loved One Is Addicted to Marijuana Ways to Tell If A Loved One Is Addicted to Marijuana
Tips for Becoming Marijuana-Free Getting Active Exercising regularly can release endorphins and regulate the chemicals in the brain. This can lead to an elevated mood and an increased ability to handle stress. This lessens the need to smoke marijuana during times of anxiety. Working out can also lead to weight loss, which is a concern for many addicts who smoke in order to avoid putting on excess pounds. Sticking to an exercise routine can also boost confidence and a promote a positive self-image, which could decrease an addict’s desire to turn to drugs in order to feel relaxed and self-assured. A 12-Step Program This recovery method is beneficial for those who are suffering from a number of addictions, and can help those with marijuana dependency acknowledge their problem and take spiritual steps to overcome the addiction. The program also helps addicts to come to terms with the fact that loved ones and friends have been hurt their decisions, and encourages them to reach out these individuals, admit their wrongs and try to make amends. This provides both a spiritual and physical solution to the problem of addiction and helps an addict to mend various parts of his/her life that will motivate him/her to maintain sobriety.
Tips for Becoming Marijuana-Free Counseling Counseling may be ideal for those who are undecided when It comes to getting rid of marijuana. A therapist can help addicts to see the negative effects of their habits and the ways that addiction is affecting their relationships with family, friends and coworkers. Therapy sessions can also give addicts a clear picture of their dreams and aspirations, and help to explain why these dreams may not be able to be accomplished when drugs are in the picture. Cold Turkey Of course, some people may want to stop cold turkey. This is for extremely strong-willed individuals who are serious about not smoking anymore. The cold turkey method can be risky, however, because the withdrawal symptoms can be overwhelming for some. This method is usually best for those who have not been smoking for long, since THC, the main ingredient in marijuana, is stored in the body for weeks and the cravings will be strong to increase the amount of THC in the bloodstream. If the body has become dependent on receiving a certain amount of THC on a regular basis, the longer one has been maintaining a smoking habit, the harder it will be to quit.
Marijuana Addiction Treatment: What Are the Options? Motivational Counselling During these sessions, addicts are reminded of the things that are important to them, and may even uncover some of the things that matter to them. Once these things are discussed, an action plan for achieving goals is established. For instance, if a patient realizes that marijuana addiction is keeping him/her from obtaining a degree, a plan for eliminating drug use and completing schoolwork while receiving stress management and study skills could be effective. Dietary Changes Adding more protein to the diet can help to reduce the craving for marijuana. Protein helps to strengthen the brain and can reduce the chances of depression, which can often lead to marijuana addiction. Foods that contain vitamin C can also help to cure marijuana addiction, since this vitamin restores and protects the immune system and gives the body energy. It’s also important to consume whole grains and healthy sources of fibre like root vegetables and quinoa to stabilize blood sugar and decrease the tendency to eat junk foods, which is common with marijuana addiction. Keeping the body hydrated with water, beverages that are low in sugar and high in electrolytes and fresh fruit juices can also replenish the body and increase energy. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy This type of therapy helps addicts to come to terms with their destructive behaviour, and to realize that these behaviours are leading to negative consequences. Cognitive behaviour therapy may be necessary for individuals who don’t know or aren’t willing to acknowledge how marijuana addiction is affecting their relationships with loved ones or their performance at work or school. Once negative behaviours such as being withdrawn from relatives or showing up late for work constantly are addressed, a plan of action for correcting these behaviours is established, and it becomes easier for the patient to chart his/her progress.
Ways to Tell If A Loved One Is Addicted to Marijuana Impaired Memory If you notice that your family member can’t remember important events, or is having a hard time at work or school due to forgetting to turn in projects or attend meetings, this could be a result of marijuana addiction. Smoking marijuana in excess can cause memory loss and the inability to comprehend and apply information correctly. It’s normal to be forgetful every once in a while, but if this happens repeatedly and becomes a habit, it could be a sign of addiction. Reduced Problem Solving Skills Getting frustrated about simple things or not being able to come up with a solution to a problem that is easy to solve are also signs of marijuana addiction. Marijuana can put the mind in such a relaxed state that the skills needed to analyze a situation or come up with a plan of action are impaired. This can affect a person’s ability to complete academic assignments or professional projects with efficiency. If this side effect of marijuana addiction is prevalent for too long, it could affect employment, school status and even relationships.
Ways to Tell If A Loved One Is Addicted to Marijuana Impaired Coordination Much like alcohol addiction, marijuana addiction fools people into thinking they are much more coordinated than they actually are when under the influence. Tripping over objects that are in plain sight, not being able to stand for long periods of time, and the inability to complete simple tasks quickly like tying shoes or brushing teeth are signs that marijuana has become a serious problem. Anxiety and Paranoia Even though marijuana is known for mellowing people out and making them calmer, those who are addicted to the substance may become overly anxious and suspicious. If your loved one constantly feels that someone is following them or is seeking to do them harm, this could be a sign that your family member is abusing marijuana. Feeling uneasy in social situations and constantly wanting to be alone and also be a glue that your loved one has a marijuana addiction, especially if he/she used to be very social and outgoing.
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