Catholic and GAy Presentation to St Francis Xavier 6th Form College 27th November, 2017 Terry Weldon
My Story Catholic High School 1960’s Avoided facing up to being gay Early marriage, children Drifted away from Church Marriage breakdown Coming out as gay Extensive study, to understand apparent contradiction Blog – “Queering the Church”
3 Key elements Scripture Conscience Prayer
The “Primacy” of Conscience Pope Francis: “Priests must inform conscience, but not replace them” stressed the distinction between one’s conscience— where God reveals himself—and one’s ego that thinks it can do as it pleases.
Papal Theologian, Father Wojciech Giertych, : "Conscience is the act of practical reason" What we have to do, is to seek "the truth" of the matter by practical reason, and that means "taking all factors involved into account".
“Taking All Things into account" Teaching Bible Catholic doctrine Natural Science “Born This Way” (evidence from genetics, brain studies) Left-handedness Animal homosexuality Social Science History Cross-cultural, all continents (including Africa)
Prayer & Holy Spirit Ignatian spirituality balances head and heart. In prayer, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance
My RETREAT December 2002 La Verna retreat centre, Vaal River South Africa
Bible: “Practice safer texts” Pontifical Biblical Commission: Avoid cherry picking Consider context of the passage Consider the historical context Careful linguistic, semantic analysis
Bible: Gospel = “Good NEWS” Old Testament: Creation as celebration of diversity David & Jonathan / Ruth & Naomi Song of Songs – celebrates love New Testament Emphasises inclusion Jesus silent on homosexuality &
CATHOLIC TEACHING Rejects attempts to change a same-sex orientation “They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided”. (Catechism, §2358) All forms of violence or malice, in words or in action, must be strictly opposed (CDF “Letter to the bishops”, 1986)
Pope Francis: “Who AM I to Judge?”
and seeks out the Lord and is willing……… Full quote: “If a person is gay ….. and seeks out the Lord and is willing……… who am I to judge that person?"
Catholic and GAy Queering the Church