2016 EACS Educational Foundation Dinner / Auction 2016 EACS Educational Foundation Dinner / Auction! Held on Friday, May 20, 2016 at Mirro Education & Research Center
Featuring . . . Jeff Saturday as keynote…
Thank you to our lead event sponsors
Thank you to our sponsors!
Thank you to our sponsors!
Our guests enjoying dinner and conversation…
. . . and purchasing auction items to support our EACS Educational Foundation’s efforts to help students and staff.
Dinner was fabulous and everyone enjoyed the festivities!
Dr. Kenneth Folks (EACS Superintendent) introduces Kent Hormann to introduce Jeff Saturday. Saturday and Hormann share their appreciation for one another.
Jeff Saturday as he his keynote speech Jeff Saturday as he his keynote speech. Everyone enjoyed Jeff’s humor, the way he presented his four pillars of leadership as well as his engaging stories – thanks, Jeff!
Rose Fritzinger, EACS Educational Foundation Director, thanks everyone for attending as Kirby Stahly, EACS CFO and EACS EF board member, looks on. Jeff Saturday thanks East Allen County Schools Educational Foundation for having him serve as keynote.
Thank YOU, Jeff Saturday!
Thank YOU to our EACS EF supporters! At this, our 2016 EACS EF annual fundraiser, we far exceeded our goal of raising $15,000 in net profit. Thank YOU to our EACS EF supporters! Contact Rose Fritzinger, EACS Educational Foundation Director, to learn how you can help support EACS students and staff in “ACHIEVING DREAMS!” 260/446-0135 (phone) or email: rfritzinger@eacs.k12.in.us
Thank you for your support! Contact Rose Fritzinger, EACS Educational Foundation Director, to learn how you can help support EACS students and staff in “ACHIEVING DREAMS!” 260/446-0135 (phone) or email: rfritzinger@eacs.k12.in.us