Life After Brexit Sajjid ChinoyAC


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Presentation transcript:

Life After Brexit Sajjid ChinoyAC Economic Research July 2016 Life After Brexit Sajjid ChinoyAC (91) 22-6157- 3386 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Mumbai Branch Toshi Jain (91) 22-6157- 3387 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Mumbai Branch See the end pages of this presentation for important disclosures.

Global performance: Disappointing but resilient

U.S. recovery has lagged prior cycles; even so, labor market is at full employment

U.S. potential growth slides to 1.4% Source: BEA

Labor share of income remains near secular lows, cyclical highs

Constrained: A dramatic global supply slide

Productivity slowdown is pervasive

Divergent: EM needs to unwind excesses, DM heals

Limited non-Euro growth impact from Brexit; model betas less applicable to idiosyncratic shock

Small transmission through trade channels

EMU recession as another regional shock

Context: signs of lift into mid-year

Risk: global corporates look vulnerable

Manifested in falling business sentiment

Policy support is coming, but space is limited

Markets shrug off Brexit…for now

Bigger risk: accelerates protectionism and de-globalization 17

Brexit: reading the tea leaves 18

Exports were a key driver of EM growth Source : CEIC, J.P. Morgan calculations 19

India: modes of transmission from Brexit Sudden stop of Portfolio flows Retrenchment of Cross Border Banking Claims Channels Slowing of FDI flows Near terms hit to exports to UK/Euro Hit from increased de-globalization Source : Bloomberg 20

India: excess are reined in after the taper-tantrum Source: Bloomberg, J.P. Morgan calculations

Underpinned by sound fiscal and monetary policies Source: Bloomberg, J.P. Morgan calculations

Manifested best in the balance of payments 23

External balance sheet has become stronger Source: Bloomberg, J.P. Morgan calculations

Trade credits at risk, but reduced risk over time Source : Bloomberg, RBI, BIS 25

Exposure from Euro banks has been falling over time Source : BIS, Bloomberg 26

FDI from U.K. has also fallen over time Source : Bloomberg, FIPB 27

As have trade shares 28

Though textile sector could be at risk Source : Ministry of commerce 29

Limited growth impact, for now Source : Bloomberg, J.P. Morgan research 30

Bigger concern is de-globalization in the medium term Source : Bloomberg, J.P. Morgan research 31

More open than you think Source : CEIC, J.P. Morgan calculations 32

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