Look at the pictures: Write down 3 things you can see
How did the Wall Street Crash effect Germany? 1929 How did the Wall Street Crash effect Germany?
Just remember a Golden PIE! The Stresemann Era was a Golden Age for Weimar… Just remember a Golden PIE! P Starter: For each part of the pie, what evidence can you give? olitical stability More support for Weimar, less support for extreme groups I mproved international relations Locarno Treaties 1925 (co-operation, keeping of borders) Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 (armies for self defence) E conomic recovery Rentenmark 1923 Dawes Plan 1924 (loans from US, lowered reparations) Young Plan 1929 (lowered reparations)
Wall Street Crash In October 1929, share prices began to fall on the Wall Street Stock Exchange Falling shares meant people’s investments fell in value Worried about losing money, people rushed to sell their shares before their value fell any further On ‘Black Thursday’, 24 October 1929, 13 million shares were sold This panic selling made things worse, and sent prices even lower Shares worth $20,000 in the morning were worth £1000 by the end of the day’s trading Within a week, investors lost $4000million
How the crash spread to Germany Bankers and Financiers in the USA recalled the loans made to Germany under the Dawes Plan in 1924 which left Germany with no money. International trade decreased rapidly, which meant Germany could not get any funds from exports. As a result, Germany did not need to produce so much, so factories closed and employers sacked workers. This also affected German farmers, who were not in a good position to start with.
Your task Read the information on pages 26 and 27 then re-read the specific information related to your group Use the additional information on your desks Group 1 What was the Wall Street Crash Group 2 What were the economic effects of the Wall Street Crash Group 3 What were the social and political effects of the Wall street crash Produce a short presentation to explain your specific area, you must include the following; A short paragraph of your key findings A memorable image A key word
How did the Wall Street Crash affect Germany? 1929 How did the Wall Street Crash affect Germany?
Aim for at least three points in each category Social Economic Read pages 26 and 27 For each category, give evidence of how Germany was affected by the Wall Street Crash Aim for at least three points in each category Political
Economic Social Political Many workers lost their jobs Banks suffered huge losses of money People had to pay more tax Demand for German goods, known as exports, was reduced Political The German Chancellor Heinrich Bruning had to rule by decree
Economic Link… Social Think about how the depression affected Germany. Can you link together the problems? Link… Political
In pairs, label yourselves A and B Student A You have one minute to explain to your partner… What was the Wall Street Crash? How did it happen? How did it affect America? Student B You have one minute to explain to your partner… How did the American depression affect Germany? Explain carefully how it spread to Germany.
Unemployent in Germany 1928-1933
Effects on Different People Group How were they affected? Why were they affected? Who will they blame? Businessmen Many lost their businesses and savings forcing them to sack workers The market for goods collapsed, and demand from overseas fell Banks went out of business Many blamed the government for overlying on American loans and failing to solve the problems of the depression Factory workers Farm workers Young people Middle class
Businessmen saw their businesses close Businessmen saw their businesses close. People had less money to spend on goods so demand fell, leading to profits also falling. Businesses had to either sack people or shut down. As businesses closed, unemployment rose. 40% of all Factory Workers were unemployed by 1932. At the same time the government cut unemployment benefit to save money. For the unemployed this was a time of extreme poverty. Farmers had not done well in the 1920s. Agriculture in Germany had been suffering for a number of years. Prices had been falling since 1925. In the 1930s farmers slipped further into debt. Farmers sold their land or struggled in poverty. Young People could not find work. In 1933 over half of all Germans between the ages of 16 and 30 were unemployed. Sixty per cent of new university graduates could not get a job. Middle classes lost their businesses, savings and investments. Many lost money as the banks collapsed whilst others had to shut down their businesses as their loans were recalled. They also suffered when Bruning put up taxes.
Describe the affects of The Wall Street Crash on Germany (8) Type of question? This is a standard consequence question What do I need to do? The aim of the question is to get you to explain 2 or 3 relevant points backed up with examples. Hot Tip! Do: You should aim to spend no more than 15 minutes on this question. Don’t: Just list the consequences explain them! Ideas for your answer This answer is perfect for PEE or PEEL Point – ‘There was widespread discontent in Germany due to the effects of the Wall Street Crash Examples – Many businessmen lost their incomes. As people had less money to spend demand for goods fell. This, in turn, meant that businesses were selling less. As a result many businesses had to sack workers or closed their companies down. Explain – For many people the government were to blame for the depression. Businessmen blamed the Weimar politicians for relying too heavily on American loans. This made the government more unpopular, led to instability and increased the support for extremist groups like the Nazi party Do these two time with a clear link for full marks.
Level Mark Description 1 1-2 Simple statement(s) offered,showing some relevant knowledge. Student offers a valid effect of the Crash but without development. E.g. people lost jobs, industry suffered, loans recalled, government response weak Reserve top of level for answers which offer several valid points. 2 305 Statements are developed with support from material which is mostly relevant and accurate. Student describes or narrates events of 1929 and after OR one effect well explained E.g. describes examples of loans recalled, problems for banks, impact on businesses, rising unemployment, loss of investments and savings, governments weak response and political chaos Reserve top of level for examples and detail included. 3 6 The answer shows understanding of the focus of the question and is able to support the points made with sufficient accurate and relevant detail. Student explains a range of effects of Crash E.g. impact on middle-class; impact on Jobs :increased resentment of Weimar government; Reserve top of level for range of effects and context of 1929 crises facing Germany.
Plenary Peer assess, Level and grade WWW 2 comments EBI 1 comment
This source dates from 1932. What can you see?
Plenary: A chance for the Nazi’s? LEARNING END Plenary: A chance for the Nazi’s? What impact do you think this will have on the Nazi’s? How will/could they try to take advantage of this?
Suffering during the Depression? Discuss What can you learn from this source about the scale of the Depression after the Wall Street Crash? Heinrich Hauser describes the Berlin Municipal lodging house where young unemployed men had to stay Long lines of men waiting against the wooden walls, waiting in silence and staring... More people were constantly pouring in the door, and we stood closely packed together. The Municipal lodging house means waiting, waiting, standing around…My impression is of the helplessness of the men. Eight out of every ten men are young fellows and about a third of these are mere boys.