Presentation, Graphic Organizers, & Activities U.S. Involvement in WORLD WAR I & POST-WAR WORLD WAR I & POST-WAR Presentation, Graphic Organizers, & Activities
STANDARDS: SS5H2 Describe U.S. involvement in World War I and post-World War I America. Explain how German attacks on U.S. shipping during the war in Europe (1914- 1917) ultimately led the U.S. to join the fight against Germany; include the sinking of the Lusitania and concerns over safety of U.S. ships, U.S. contributions to the war, and the impact of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Describe the cultural developments and individual contributions in the 1920s of the Jazz Age (Louis Armstrong), the Harlem Renaissance (Langston Hughes), baseball (Babe Ruth), the automobile (Henry Ford), and the transatlantic flight (Charles Lindbergh). © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: A Penny for Your Thoughts Print out the A Penny for Your Thoughts activating strategy handout for each student. The students will make predictions about the words inside the coins & write them down. AFTER the unit, have the students use a different color and write down everything that they learned about each word. © Brain Wrinkles
A Penny for Your Thoughts Directions: BEFORE the presentation, write down what you think the words inside the pennies mean. AFTER the unit, you will use a different color and write down information that you learned about each word inside the pennies. Charles Lindbergh Louis Armstrong World War I Babe Ruth Henry Ford Jazz Age Treaty of Versailles Lusitania World War I & Post-War America Langston Hughes Harlem Renaissance © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Who’s & What’s Print off the Who’s and What’s handout for each student. (Print front-to-back to save paper.) BEFORE the unit, the students will fill in the squares with what they think each term means. AFTER the presentation, the students will write down new (factual) information about each term. © Brain Wrinkles
WWI and Post-War: Who’s & What’s What I think this means: Definition: What I think this means: Definition: What I think this means: Definition: © Brain Wrinkles World War I Treaty of Versailles Central Powers Directions: BEFORE the unit, write what you think each term means. AFTER the presentation, you will write down new information about each term. WWI and Post-War: Who’s & What’s What I think this means: Definition: What I think this means: Definition: What I think this means: Definition: Reparations Lusitania Allies
WWI and Post-War: Who’s & What’s What I think this means: Definition: What I think this means: Definition: What I think this means: Definition: © Brain Wrinkles Babe Ruth Langston Hughes Louis Armstrong Directions: BEFORE the unit, write what you think each term means. AFTER the presentation, you will write down new information about each term. WWI and Post-War: Who’s & What’s What I think this means: Definition: What I think this means: Definition: What I think this means: Definition: Henry Ford Harlem Renaissance Jazz Age
WWI and Post-War: Who’s & What’s What I think this means: Definition: © Brain Wrinkles Babe Ruth Directions: BEFORE the unit, write what you think each term means. AFTER the presentation, you will write down new information about each term. WWI and Post-War: Who’s & What’s
WWI and Post-War America Vocabulary - KEY Allies The side of WWI that consisted of: Great Britain, France, Russia, and more. The US eventually joined this side. The Allies defeated the Central Powers and won the war. World War I Began in Europe in 1914 and lasted until 1918; Allies were victorious against Central Powers Central Powers The side of WWI that consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. The Central Powers lost to the Allies. Lusitania British passenger liner that was sunk by German submarine killing 1,198 people; angered many Americans and changed many minds about getting involved in WWI Treaty of Versailles This is the agreement that gave Germany consequences for WWI. Germany had to pay reparations, lost land, and could have no military. German people were angered by the treaty. Reparations Money that Germany had to pay to countries that were hurt by the war; Germany didn’t have $ to pay Babe Ruth Famous baseball player in the 1920s, set many records, won the World Series 4 times Louis Armstrong He was a famous Jazz singer and trumpeter during the Jazz Age. Langston Hughes He was an African American writer who was one of the leaders of the Harlem Renaissance. Henry Ford He came up with a new way to mass produce cars – assembly line. This made cars cheaper & more people could buy them. Charles Lindbergh He was the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane. Harlem Renaissance Era of expression of African American artists and writers Jazz Age Also known as the Roaring Twenties; © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: CLOZE Notes The next pages are handouts for the students to use for note-taking during the presentation. (Print front to back to save paper and ink.) Check the answers as a class after the presentation. © Brain Wrinkles
WWI and Post-War America Lusitania Isolationism Italy _______________________ Belgium Bulgaria _______________________ Ottoman Empire Russia _______________________ Serbia Austria-Hungary Allies Central Powers Alliances World War I This angered many Americans and it went against the American belief of _______________________ . 1,198 people died, including _______________________ . In May 1915, a German U-boat sank the British passenger liner _______________________ . Things changed when Germany began using its submarines to _______________________ in the Atlantic Ocean. In May 1915, a German _______________________ the British passenger liner Lusitania. US merchant ships were sending food to devastated areas in Europe and helping _______________________ from reaching Germany. However, the US did have a _______________________ . President Woodrow _______________________ thought that the US should remain neutral and that _______________________ was the best option for the country. The US stayed out of the war _______________________ . The _______________________ entered the war a few months later, and Italy entered the war in 1915. Great Britain came to the aid of France by _______________________ on Germany. When Russia came to Serbia’s aid, _______________________ declared war on Russia and France. Military alliances made the conflict _______________________ . The archduke’s murder caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on _______________________ . The murderer was a _______________________ . World War I began in 1914 with the _______________________ of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of _______________________ . © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 1
WWI and Post-War America Land Reparations Treaty of Versailles WWI Ends US Enters War Sinking Ships _______________________ were created from some of this land. Germany also lost its _______________________ . The treaty took _______________________ of land from Germany. The Allies _______________________ the map of Europe. Paying these _______________________ was nearly impossible because the war had left Germany’s economy _______________________ . Germany had to pay _______________________ in reparations to the allies. The Allied Powers dictated the treaty to Germany—it did not _______________________ in the terms. The treaty outlined the _______________________ and what they expected of the losing countries. In _______________________ , leaders from countries involved in the war met in a French palace called Versailles to _______________________ for WWI. In _______________________ , the Central Powers _______________________ to the Allies. In 1918, American troops fought the _______________________ of WWI. America’s entry into the war gave the Allies the _______________________ they needed to defeat the Central Powers. The US Navy sent supplies, Marines, and _______________________ to fight the Central Powers in Europe. The US military drafted _______________________ and was sending thousands to Europe every day. On _______________________ , the United States entered the was as an ally of Great Britain and France and declared war on _______________________ . The last straw was when several _______________________ in February and March 1917. Americans sympathized with the Allies and were concerned about the _______________________ of US ships. Germany continued to sink ships because they were trying to _______________________ from reaching Great Britain. © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 2
WWI and Post-War America Baseball Good Times POST-WAR AMERICA What Next? Depression Government Germany could not make or export any _______________________ . They were not allowed to make any _______________________ , tanks, or submarines. The _______________________ to just 100,000 men and the navy could only have 6 battleships. Military People followed every move of _______________________ , the greatest baseball player in the 1920s. Americans loved baseball and baseball players became _______________________ . Organized sports became more _______________________ . Americans had more _______________________ to do what they enjoyed. Most wanted to live for the present and _______________________ before something bad happened again. They decided to _______________________ their way of life in the 1920s. Many Americans were shocked by the _______________________ of World War I. Some began calling for _______________________ … Many Germans were also still mad at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The National Socialist Party’s leader, _______________________ , was gaining more and more power. People who could not _______________________ joined the Communist and National Socialist parties. People lost their _______________________ and could not find new ones. The war, along with the Treaty of Versailles, caused Germany to go through an _______________________ . World War I had left Germany’s economy in _______________________ . The people were unhappy and _______________________ against the government because economic conditions were not improving. The Allies put a new government in place, but the citizens _______________________ . Germany’s government had to _______________________ for the war. Germany had to _______________________ its military. © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 3
WWI and Post-War America Langston Hughes Harlem Renaissance Louis Armstrong Jazz Age Babe Ruth This helped readers understand the _______________________ in the big cities during the 1920s. His technique involved using _______________________ and dialects. Hughes wrote from his _______________________ and combined African and American culture in his work. He wrote more than _______________________ , including poems, novels, short stories, plays, children's poetry, musicals, operas, and autobiographies. Langston Hughes was one of the _______________________ of the Harlem Renaissance. It focused on literature, _______________________ , theater, _______________________ , and politics. A cultural movement known as the Harlem Renaissance was started when African American artists and writers _______________________ . African Americans made the _______________________ section of New York their home. Many African Americans moved _______________________ in the 1920s, especially into New York. Armstrong rose from poverty to become a _______________________ . He played the _______________________ , cornet, and he sang. Louis Armstrong, an African American musician from _______________________ , made a big impact in the 1920s. Its popularity quickly spread to America’s _______________________ . Jazz music developed among _______________________ in the _______________________ , and quickly became popular all over the US. Americans enjoyed baseball, dancing, listening to the radio, and _______________________ called jazz. The 1920s in America were known as the _______________________ , or the “Roaring Twenties”. Many people loved to listen to games on their _______________________ , and baseball became the most popular sport during the 1920s. In his 15 seasons with the NY Yankees, the team _______________________ championships, and Ruth set many hitting records. Babe Ruth was very talented and he made the game _______________________ . © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 4
WWI and Post-War America Charles Lindbergh Henry Ford Economic Boom A little over a decade later, _______________________ was common practice throughout the United States. His flight _______________________ in airplanes and air travel, and more people started flying as a result. He traveled from New York to Paris in a _______________________ named the “Spirit of St. Louis”. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh became the first man to fly in an airplane across the _______________________ . Ford’s mass production of the automobile resulted in _______________________ , greater mobility, movement to suburban areas, and the growth of transportation-related industries. As a result, more people could _______________________ . This increased productivity and meant that Ford produced its cars at a lower cost and could sell them at a _______________________ . He _______________________ than if he had to move around the car bolting on all the wheels. One worker bolted on 1 wheel on each car as it _______________________ . When Ford installed his assembly line, each worker on the line became a _______________________ . Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but his _______________________ innovations made it possible to sell cars cheaply. Factories stopped making war supplies and were now producing goods like _______________________ . America had become the _______________________ in the world. After World War I, there was a _______________________ in the American economy. © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 5
WWI and Post-War America Lusitania Isolationism Italy Great Britain Belgium Bulgaria France Ottoman Empire Russia Germany Serbia Austria-Hungary Allies Central Powers Alliances World War I This angered many Americans and it went against the American belief of freedom of seas. 1,198 people died, including 128 Americans. Things changed when Germany began using its submarines to sink ships in the Atlantic Ocean. In May 1915, a German U-boat sank the British passenger liner Lusitania. US merchant ships were sending food to devastated areas in Europe and helping block supplies from reaching Germany. However, the US did have a little involvement. President Woodrow Wilson thought that the US should remain neutral and that isolationism was the best option for the country. The US stayed out of the war at first. The Ottoman Empire entered the war a few months later, and Italy entered the war in 1915. Great Britain came to the aid of France by declaring war on Germany. When Russia came to Serbia’s aid, Germany declared war on Russia and France. Military alliances made the conflict grow larger. The archduke’s murder caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia. The murderer was a Bosnian terrorist. World War I began in 1914 with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 1
WWI and Post-War America Land Reparations Treaty of Versailles WWI Ends US Enters War Sinking Ships New countries were created from some of this land. Germany also lost its colonies. The treaty took one million square miles of land from Germany. The Allies redrew the map of Europe. Paying these reparations was nearly impossible because the war had left Germany’s economy bankrupt. Germany had to pay $33 billion in reparations to the allies. The Allied Powers dictated the treaty to Germany—it did not have a say in the terms. The treaty outlined the terms of the winners and what they expected of the losing countries. In June 1919, leaders from countries involved in the war met in a French palace called Versailles to write a treaty for WWI. In November 11, 1918, the Central Powers surrendered to the Allies. In 1918, American troops fought the final battles of WWI. America’s entry into the war gave the Allies the extra power they needed to defeat the Central Powers. The US Navy sent supplies, Marines, and battleships to fight the Central Powers in Europe. The US military drafted 4 million men and was sending thousands to Europe every day. On April 6, 1917, the United States entered the was as an ally of Great Britain and France and declared war on Germany. The last straw was when several US ships were sunk in February and March 1917. Americans sympathized with the Allies and were concerned about the safety of US ships. Germany continued to sink ships because they were trying to keep supplies from reaching Great Britain. © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 2
WWI and Post-War America Baseball Good Times POST-WAR AMERICA What Next? Depression Government Germany could not make or export any new weapons. They were not allowed to make any new planes, tanks, or submarines. The army was cut to just 100,000 men and the navy could only have 6 battleships. Military People followed every move of Babe Ruth, the greatest baseball player in the 1920s. Americans loved baseball and baseball players became national heroes. Organized sports became more popular. Americans had more leisure time to do what they enjoyed. Most wanted to live for the present and enjoy life before something bad happened again. They decided to change their way of life in the 1920s. Many Americans were shocked by the horrors of World War I. Some began calling for revenge… Many Germans were also still mad at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The National Socialist Party’s leader, Adolf Hitler, was gaining more and more power. People who could not find jobs joined the Communist and National Socialist parties. People lost their jobs and could not find new ones. The war, along with the Treaty of Versailles, caused Germany to go through an economic depression. World War I had left Germany’s economy in ruins. The people were unhappy and protested against the government because economic conditions were not improving. The Allies put a new government in place, but the citizens didn’t support it. Germany’s government had to accept the blame for the war. Germany had to disarm its military. © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 3
WWI and Post-War America Langston Hughes Harlem Renaissance Louis Armstrong Jazz Age Babe Ruth This helped readers understand the life of African Americans in the big cities during the 1920s. His technique involved using jazz rhythms and dialects. Hughes wrote from his own experiences and combined African and American culture in his work. He wrote more than 60 books, including poems, novels, short stories, plays, children's poetry, musicals, operas, and autobiographies. Langston Hughes was one of the leaders of the Harlem Renaissance. It focused on literature, music, theater, art, and politics. A cultural movement known as the Harlem Renaissance was started when African American artists and writers expressed their talents. African Americans made the Harlem section of New York their home. Many African Americans moved into cities in the 1920s, especially into New York. Armstrong rose from poverty to become a legend in jazz. He played the trumpet, cornet, and he sang. Louis Armstrong, an African American musician from New Orleans, made a big impact in the 1920s. Its popularity quickly spread to America’s biggest cities. Jazz music developed among African Americans in the South, and quickly became popular all over the US. Americans enjoyed baseball, dancing, listening to the radio, and fun new music called jazz. The 1920s in America were known as the Jazz Age, or the “Roaring Twenties”. Many people loved to listen to games on their new radios, and baseball became the most popular sport during the 1920s. In his 15 seasons with the NY Yankees, the team won 4 World Series championships, and Ruth set many hitting records. Babe Ruth was very talented and he made the game exciting. © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 4
WWI and Post-War America Charles Lindbergh Henry Ford Economic Boom A little over a decade later, airline passenger travel was common practice throughout the United States. His flight created interest in airplanes and air travel, and more people started flying as a result. He traveled from New York to Paris in a single-engine airplane named the “Spirit of St. Louis”. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh became the first man to fly in an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean. Ford’s mass production of the automobile resulted in more jobs, greater mobility, movement to suburban areas, and the growth of transportation-related industries. As a result, more people could buy cars. This increased productivity and meant that Ford produced its cars at a lower cost and could sell them at a lower price. He worked faster than if he had to move around the car bolting on all the wheels. One worker bolted on 1 wheel on each car as it moved along the line. When Ford installed his assembly line, each worker on the line became a specialist. Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but his assembly line innovations made it possible to sell cars cheaply. Factories stopped making war supplies and were now producing goods like radios and cars. America had become the richest country in the world. After World War I, there was a boom in the American economy. © Brain Wrinkles WWI and Post-War America CLOZE Notes 5
U.S. Involvement in WORLDWAR I & Post-War America © Brain Wrinkles
WORLD WAR ONE © Brain Wrinkles
World War I World War I began in 1914 with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. The murderer was a Bosnian terrorist. The archduke’s murder caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia. © Brain Wrinkles
Archduke Franz Ferdinand with his Wife, Sophie, and 3 Children 1910 © Brain Wrinkles
Alliances Military alliances made the conflict grow larger. When Russia came to Serbia’s aid, Germany declared war on Russia and France. Great Britain came to the aid of France by declaring war on Germany. The Ottoman Empire entered the war a few months later, and Italy entered the war in 1915. © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
Alliances Allies Central Powers Serbia Austria-Hungary Russia Germany France Ottoman Empire Belgium Bulgaria Great Britain Italy © Brain Wrinkles
Isolationism The US stayed out of the war at first. President Woodrow Wilson thought that the US should remain neutral and that isolationism was the best option for the country. However, the US did have a little involvement. US merchant ships were sending food to devastated areas in Europe and helping block supplies from reaching Germany. © Brain Wrinkles
U.S. President Woodrow Wilson © Brain Wrinkles
Lusitania Things changed when Germany began using its submarines to sink ships in the Atlantic Ocean. In May 1915, a German U-boat sank the British passenger liner Lusitania. 1,198 people died, including 128 Americans. This angered many Americans and it went against the American belief of freedom of seas. © Brain Wrinkles
Lusitania 1907 © Brain Wrinkles
Sinking Ships Germany continued to sink ships because they were trying to keep supplies from reaching Great Britain. Americans sympathized with the Allies and were concerned about the safety of US ships. The last straw was when several US ships were sunk in February and March 1917. © Brain Wrinkles
German U-boat 1910 © Brain Wrinkles
US Enters War On April 6, 1917, the United States entered the was as an ally of Great Britain and France and declared war on Germany. The US military drafted 4 million men and was sending thousands to Europe every day. The US Navy sent supplies, Marines, and battleships to fight the Central Powers in Europe. © Brain Wrinkles
Young Men in NYC Registering for the Army 1917 © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
WWI Ends America’s entry into the war gave the Allies the extra power they needed to defeat the Central Powers. In 1918, American troops fought the final battles of WWI. In November 11, 1918, the Central Powers surrendered to the Allies. © Brain Wrinkles
Celebrating the End of WWI © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
Treaty of Versailles In June 1919, leaders from countries involved in the war met in a French palace called Versailles to write a treaty for WWI. The treaty outlined the terms of the winners and what they expected of the losing countries. The Allied Powers dictated the treaty to Germany—it did not have a say in the terms. © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
Treaty of Versailles (English Version) June 28th, 1919 © Brain Wrinkles
Reparations Germany had to pay $33 billion in reparations to the allies. Paying these reparations was nearly impossible because the war had left Germany’s economy bankrupt. © Brain Wrinkles
German Trains Loaded with Cargo to Make Reparation Payments © Brain Wrinkles
Land The Allies redrew the map of Europe. The treaty took one million square miles of land from Germany. Germany also lost its colonies. New countries were created from some of this land. © Brain Wrinkles
Germany After Versailles © Brain Wrinkles
Military Germany had to disarm its military. The army was cut to just 100,000 men and the navy could only have 6 battleships. They were not allowed to make any new planes, tanks, or submarines. Germany could not make or export any new weapons. © Brain Wrinkles
Government Germany’s government had to accept the blame for the war. The Allies put a new government in place, but the citizens didn’t support it. The people were unhappy and protested against the government because economic conditions were not improving. © Brain Wrinkles
Germans Protesting the Treaty of Versailles © Brain Wrinkles
Depression World War I had left Germany’s economy in ruins. The war, along with the Treaty of Versailles, caused Germany to go through an economic depression. People lost their jobs and could not find new ones. © Brain Wrinkles
By 1923, German money had lost so much value that it was used as kites, wallpaper, and to start fires. © Brain Wrinkles
What Next? People who could not find jobs joined the Communist and National Socialist parties. The National Socialist Party’s leader, Adolf Hitler, was gaining more and more power. Many Germans were also still mad at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Some began calling for revenge… © Brain Wrinkles
Excerpt from a Germany Newspaper on the Day the Treaty of Versailles was Signed: “Today in the Hall of Mirrors of Versailles the disgraceful Treaty is being signed. Do not forget it. The German people will press forward to reconquer the place among nations to which we deserve. Then will come revenge for the shame of 1919.” © Brain Wrinkles
POST-WAR AMERICA © Brain Wrinkles
Good Times Many Americans were shocked by the horrors of World War I. They decided to change their way of life in the 1920s. Most wanted to live for the present and enjoy life before something bad happened again. Americans had more leisure time to do what they enjoyed. © Brain Wrinkles
Baseball Organized sports became more popular. Americans loved baseball and baseball players became national heroes. People followed every move of Babe Ruth, the greatest baseball player in the 1920s. © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
Babe Ruth Babe Ruth was very talented and he made the game exciting. In his 15 seasons with the NY Yankees, the team won 4 World Series championships, and Ruth set many hitting records. Many people loved to listen to games on their new radios, and baseball became the most popular sport during the 1920s. © Brain Wrinkles
Babe Ruth in a Yankees Uniform 1920 © Brain Wrinkles
Jazz Age The 1920s in America were known as the Jazz Age, or the “Roaring Twenties”. Americans enjoyed baseball, dancing, listening to the radio, and fun new music called jazz. © Brain Wrinkles
Ma Rainey & her Georgia Jazz Band 1924 © Brain Wrinkles
Jazz Age Jazz music developed among African Americans in the South, and quickly became popular all over the US. Its popularity quickly spread to America’s biggest cities. © Brain Wrinkles
Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong, an African American musician from New Orleans, made a big impact in the 1920s. He played the trumpet, cornet, and he sang. Armstrong rose from poverty to become a legend in jazz. © Brain Wrinkles
Louis Armstrong © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
Harlem Renaissance Many African Americans moved into cities in the 1920s, especially into New York. African Americans made the Harlem section of New York their home. © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
Harlem Renaissance A cultural movement known as the Harlem Renaissance was started when African American artists and writers expressed their talents. It focused on literature, music, theater, art, and politics. © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
Langston Hughes Langston Hughes was one of the leaders of the Harlem Renaissance. He wrote more than 60 books, including poems, novels, short stories, plays, children's poetry, musicals, operas, and autobiographies. © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
Langston Hughes Hughes wrote from his own experiences and combined African and American culture in his work. His technique involved using jazz rhythms and dialects. This helped readers understand the life of African Americans in the big cities during the 1920s. © Brain Wrinkles
James Langston Hughes 1902-1967 © Brain Wrinkles
Economic Boom After World War I, there was a boom in the American economy. America had become the richest country in the world. Factories stopped making war supplies and were now producing goods like radios and cars. © Brain Wrinkles
Henry Ford Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but his assembly-line innovations made it possible to sell cars cheaply. When Ford installed his assembly line, each worker on the line became a specialist. © Brain Wrinkles
Henry Ford & Wife in his First Automobile – the Quadricycle © Brain Wrinkles
Henry Ford One worker bolted on 1 wheel on each car as it moved along the line. He worked faster than if he had to move around the car bolting on all the wheels. This increased productivity and meant that Ford produced its cars at a lower cost and could sell them at a lower price. © Brain Wrinkles
Ford Assembly Line 1913 © Brain Wrinkles
Henry Ford As a result, more people could buy cars. Ford’s mass production of the automobile resulted in more jobs, greater mobility, movement to suburban areas, and the growth of transportation-related industries. © Brain Wrinkles
Henry Ford’s first automobile was the Model T Henry Ford’s first automobile was the Model T. In the first year it was produced, more than 10,000 were sold. © Brain Wrinkles
Charles Lindbergh In 1927, Charles Lindbergh became the first man to fly in an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean. He traveled from New York to Paris in a single-engine airplane named the “Spirit of St. Louis”. © Brain Wrinkles
Charles Lindbergh © Brain Wrinkles
Charles Lindberg His flight created interest in airplanes and air travel, and more people started flying as a result. A little over a decade later, airline passenger travel was common practice throughout the United States. © Brain Wrinkles
© Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Activities The following pages are activities that your students can complete after the World War I presentation. Feel free to do them all as a class, to use them in centers, or to just pick the ones that you have time for! For most of the activities, you will need to print copies of the handout for each student. They are all in black and white to save your ink! © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: WWI & Post-War America Foldables Print off the three foldables for each student. The students will cut the template out along the thick, outside lines. Next, they will cut along the thin lines that divide each word, stopping at the gray rectangle. They should attach the side of the template (gray rectangle) to their notebooks. They will now be able to open up each flap and write information about each key term underneath. © Brain Wrinkles
World War One Versailles Reparations Treaty of Lusitania Allies © Brain Wrinkles Versailles Treaty of Central Powers Reparations Lusitania Allies
Post-War America Henry Ford Jazz Age Babe Ruth Renaissance Armstrong © Brain Wrinkles Langston Hughes Armstrong Louis Renaissance Harlem Jazz Age Henry Ford Babe Ruth
WWI and Post-War America Vocabulary - KEY Allies The side of WWI that consisted of: Great Britain, France, Russia, and more. The US eventually joined this side. The Allies defeated the Central Powers and won the war. Central Powers The side of WWI that consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. The Central Powers lost to the Allies. Lusitania British passenger liner that was sunk by German submarine killing 1,198 people; angered many Americans and changed many minds about getting involved in WWI Treaty of Versailles This is the agreement that gave Germany consequences for WWI. Germany had to pay reparations, lost land, and could have no military. German people were angered by the treaty. Reparations Money that Germany had to pay to countries that were hurt by the war; Germany didn’t have $ to pay Babe Ruth Famous baseball player in the 1920s, set many records, won the World Series 4 times Louis Armstrong He was a famous Jazz singer and trumpeter during the Jazz Age. Langston Hughes He was an African American writer who was one of the leaders of the Harlem Renaissance. Henry Ford He came up with a new way to mass produce cars – assembly line. This made cars cheaper & more people could buy them. Charles Lindbergh He was the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane. Harlem Renaissance Era of expression of African American artists and writers Jazz Age Also known as the Roaring Twenties; © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Stepping Into the War Print off the Stepping Into the War printable for each student. The students will create two footsteps (one for America’s involvement in WWI and the other for America’s contributions to WWI). They will write a description (to answer the question) in the footprint, and then they will draw a quick sketch in the heel. © Brain Wrinkles
Stepping into World War I Directions: In the footsteps below, write why the U.S. became involved in WWI and what the U.S. contributed to the war. In the heel, draw a quick sketch to represent each topic. What did the U.S. contribute to the war? Why did the U.S. become involved in the war? © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Magic Carpet Ride Print off the Magic Carpet Ride printable for each student. The students will imagine that they are time traveling on a magic carpet back to an event in World War I (or right after -- Treaty of Versailles). They will design the carpet to look like the event. In the textbox, they will write a description of the event (what they saw). © Brain Wrinkles
A Magic Carpet Ride Directions: Imagine that you are time traveling on a magic carpet to World War I. Design the carpet below to look like an event that you witnessed during this time period. In the box, please write a description of the event and what you saw. © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: TOV Caricatures Print off the Treaty of Versailles Caricatures handout for each student. The students will create a caricature for an Allies government leader and a German citizen after WWI & signing of the Treaty of Versailles. They will draw clothes, belongings, and facial expressions to represent the person’s situation during this time period. Also, they will answer the questions from the perspective of each person. © Brain Wrinkles
Treaty of Versailles Caricatures Directions: Create a caricature for an Allies government leader and a German citizen after World War I. Draw clothing and belongings/items on each person that represents the person’s situation after the Treaty of Versailles was signed. Allies Government Leader How do you feel about the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? Do you think Germany deserved the treaty’s punishment? How do you think Germany will feel about the treaty in the future? German Citizen How has the Treaty of Versailles affected your life? Do you think the terms of the treaty were fair? What changes would you like to see in the treaty? © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Lost Package Print off the Lost Package handout for each student. The students will create a Lost Package Form for a gift that he/she sent to one of the people from Post-War America. The gift should represent something that the person is known for. (Example – baseball bat for Babe Ruth, Flight goggles for Charles Lindbergh, etc.) *The slide with red text has helpful hints for the students so that they know what to write/draw in each section. You can project this onto the board. © Brain Wrinkles
Draw an illustration of the gift. Lost Package Directions: Oh no! You mailed a special gift to one of the people that we’ve studied in Post-War America. Complete the form so that the lost package can be found soon! Also, draw a picture and write a caption for the gift. Lost Package Form Sender’s Name: Receiver’s Name: Package Details: Value of Gift: Your name Post-War American Describe the gift. What is it? Why does the person need it? What is the significance of the gift to the person’s life? Draw an illustration of the gift. How much did you pay for the gift? Describe what the gift will mean to the receiver. How will you feel if the package is not found? Write a caption. © Brain Wrinkles
Lost Package Lost Package Form Package Details: Value of Gift: Directions: Oh no! You mailed a special gift to one of the people that we’ve studied in Post-War America. Complete the form so that the lost package can be found soon! Also, draw a picture and write a caption for the gift. Lost Package Form Sender’s Name: Receiver’s Name: Package Details: Value of Gift: © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Man of the Year Print off the Man of the Year handout for each student. The students will choose one of the people from Post-War America. They will create a Time Magazine “Man of the Year” spread for this person. They will draw a picture of the person and write a paragraph about why he was chosen. *The slide with red text has helpful hints for the students so that they know what to write/draw in each section. © Brain Wrinkles
TIME Man of the Year Year Draw an illustration of your favorite person from the Post-War America period. Write a description that includes who the person is and why he was selected as the Man of the Year. Write a short caption that includes the person’s name & what he’s known for. © Brain Wrinkles
TIME Person of the Year © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Fact Cookies Print off the Fact Cookies handout for each student. The students will draw their favorite cookies inside of the two jars—the more, the better! They will write different facts on the cookies. The facts should relate to the jar’s topic (lid). This is an excellent way to wrap up the unit. You can really see what stuck with the students. © Brain Wrinkles
Fact Cookies World War One Post-War America Directions: Fill the jars below with “fact cookies” that you’ve learned about World War I and Post-War America. Draw cookies and write facts on them! World War One Post-War America © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Find Someone Who… Pass out the Find Someone Who Knows About… handout to each student. Give the students several minutes to walk around the classroom and ask their classmates different questions on the sheet. When a classmate knows the answer, the student will write the answer (that the classmate said) down and the classmate will sign his/her name in the box. They can’t ask the same person more than once! When time is up, check the answers to make sure everyone has them correct. *This is also an EXCELLENT study guide! © Brain Wrinkles
Find Someone Who Knows About… Directions: You will have a few minutes to walk around the classroom and poll your classmates about what they know about America during and after WWI. If your classmates know the answers, you write the answer down and they will sign their name in the box. You can’t ask the same person more than once! When we finish, we will check the answers, so be sure that you are giving the correct answers! 1. Who was the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean? 2. What year did World War I begin? 3. What was the name of the British passenger liner that was sunk by German submarines? 4. Great Britain, France, & Russia were the: 5. Who was the famous trumpeter from New Orleans during the Jazz Age? 6. What sport did Babe Ruth play? 7. Germany, Austria-Hungary, & the Ottoman Empire were the: 8. Which side of World War I did the US join? 9. Which president worked to keep the US out of war until 1917? 10. Who developed an assembly line to mass produce automobiles? 11. Why did the US enter the war? 12. What was the cultural movement when African American artists and writers expressed their talents called? 13. What was the time period where Americans enjoyed life and fun music called jazz? 14. Which side won WWI? 15. Who was a famous writer and leader during the Harlem Renaissance? 16. Why were more Americans able to afford cars in the 1920s? 17. What agreement gave Germany consequences for starting WWI? 18. Who was the famous baseball player in the 1920s who set many records? 19. How did most Germans feel about the Treaty of Versailles? Social Studies Rocks! © Brain Wrinkles
Find Someone Who Knows About… Directions: You will have a few minutes to walk around the classroom and poll your classmates about what they know about America during and after WWI. If your classmates know the answers, you write the answer down and they will sign their name in the box. You can’t ask the same person more than once! When we finish, we will check the answers, so be sure that you are giving the correct answers! 1. Who was the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean? Charles Lindbergh 2. What year did World War I begin? 1914 3. What was the name of the British passenger liner that was sunk by German submarines? Lusitania 4. Great Britain, France, & Russia were the: Allies 5. Who was the famous trumpeter from New Orleans during the Jazz Age? Louis Armstrong 6. What sport did Babe Ruth play? Baseball 7. Germany, Austria-Hungary, & the Ottoman Empire were the: Central Powers 8. Which side of World War I did the US join? 9. Which president worked to keep the US out of war until 1917? Woodrow Wilson 10. Who developed an assembly line to mass produce automobiles? Henry Ford 11. Why did the US enter the war? Germany sunk US merchant ships. 12. What was the cultural movement when African American artists and writers expressed their talents called? Harlem Renaissance 13. What was the time period where Americans enjoyed life and fun music called jazz? Jazz Age 14. Which side won WWI? 15. Who was a famous writer and leader during the Harlem Renaissance? Langston Hughes 16. Why were more Americans able to afford cars in the 1920s? Assembly lines made cars faster & cheaper. 17. What agreement gave Germany consequences for starting WWI? Treaty of Versailles 18. Who was the famous baseball player in the 1920s who set many records? Babe Ruth 19. How did most Germans feel about the Treaty of Versailles? It angered them & they thought it was unfair. Social Studies Rocks! © Brain Wrinkles
An Interactive Review Game WWI and Post-War America I HAVE… WHO HAS…? An Interactive Review Game © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Game Set-Up Print off the cover, laminate it, and attach it to a large manila envelope (with clasp) or gallon-size baggie. You can include all of the pieces for this activity in the envelope or baggie so it’s easy to find and use. Print off the “I Have – Who Has” cards, cut them out, and laminate them so that they will last longer. Each student will need a card, so you may need to print off more than one set. (It takes 2 for my class, with a few students getting more than one card.) *Make sure that you print off each set on different colored paper. This way, students will make matches with others who have the same color cards. It’s easier (and less chaotic) if you designate areas of your room for each card’s color. (Example—reds by the door, blues in the corner, etc.) © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Game Directions To play the game, each student will get one card. (If there are extra cards, some students may get more than one.) The student who has the START card will read the card aloud first. The student who has the answer will say, "I have ___, who has ___?" The game continues until the group reaches the END card. The team that finishes first is the winner! © Brain Wrinkles
Key Terms List World War I Baseball 1914 Henry Ford Allies Automobile Central Powers Charles Lindbergh Lusitania Treaty of Versailles 1918 Jazz Age Louis Armstrong Harlem Renaissance Langston Hughes Babe Ruth © Brain Wrinkles
I have Automobile. Who has the famous trumpeter during the Jazz Age? START Who has the event that began with the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary? I have World War I. Who has the agreement that gave Germany consequences for starting WWI? I have Treaty of Versailles. Who has the thing that was mass-produced on the first assembly lines? I have Automobile. Who has the famous trumpeter during the Jazz Age? I have Louis Armstrong. Who has the date that World War I began? I have 1914. Who has the side of WWI that Great Britain, France, & Russia were on? © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles
I have Baseball. Who has the year that World War I ended? I have Allies. Who has the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? I have Charles Lindbergh. Who has the British passenger liner that was sunk by a German submarine? I have Lusitania. Who has the time period where Americans enjoyed life, made more money, & listened to jazz music? I have Jazz Age. Who has the African American writer who was a leader during the Harlem Renaissance? I have Langston Hughes. Who has the sport that was made popular by the radio and men like Babe Ruth? I have Baseball. Who has the year that World War I ended? © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles
I have Harlem Renaissance. I have 1918. Who has the man responsible for mass producing cars on the assembly line? I have Henry Ford. Who has the side of WWI that Germany, Austria-Hungary, & the Ottoman Empire were on? I have Central Powers. Who has baseball player that won 4 World Series and became a national hero in the 1920s? I have Babe Ruth. Who has the movement when African Americans expressed themselves through music, art, & literature? I have Harlem Renaissance. END © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles
ANSWER KEY START Who has the event that began with the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary? World War I I have World War I. Who has the agreement that gave Germany consequences for starting WWI? Treaty of Versailles I have Treaty of Versailles. Who has the thing that was mass-produced on the first assembly lines? Automobile I have Automobile. Who has the famous trumpeter during the Jazz Age? Louis Armstrong I have Louis Armstrong. Who has the date that World War I began? 1914 I have 1914. Who has the side of WWI that Great Britain, France, & Russia were on? Allies I have Allies. Who has the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? Charles Lindbergh I have Charles Lindbergh. Who has the British passenger liner that was sunk by a German submarine? Lusitania I have Lusitania. Who has the time period where Americans enjoyed life, made more money, & listened to jazz music? Jazz Age I have Jazz Age. Who has the African American writer who was a leader during the Harlem Renaissance? Langston Hughes I have Langston Hughes. Who has the sport that was made popular by the radio and men like Babe Ruth? Baseball I have Baseball. Who has the year that World War I ended? 1918 I have 1918. Who has the man responsible for mass producing cars on the assembly line? Henry Ford I have Henry Ford. Who has the side of WWI that Germany, Austria-Hungary, & the Ottoman Empire were on? Central Powers I have Central Powers. Who has baseball player that won 4 World Series and became a national hero in the 1920s? Babe Ruth I have Babe Ruth. Who has the movement when African Americans expressed themselves through music, art, & literature? Harlem Renaissance I have Harlem Renaissance. END © Brain Wrinkles
TEACHER INFO: Comprehension Check Print off the Comprehension Check for each student. After the lesson, have the students answer the questions. *This could also be used as a quiz. © Brain Wrinkles
WWI & Post-War America Comprehension Check 14. When the German people could not find jobs, who did they start looking to for help? 13. How did Germans feel about the Treaty of Versailles? 12. What did Germany lose during the Treaty of Versailles? 11. Why could Germany not pay reparations? 10. What was the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles? 9. What happened on November 11, 1918? 8. How did the US contribute to the Allies? 7. How many men did the US military draft to send to Europe? 6. Why did the US get involved in WWI? 5. What was the name of the British passenger liner that was sunk by German submarines? 4. Which US president thought that the US should remain neutral? 3. Name the Central Powers: 2. Name the Allies at the beginning of WWI: What major world event happened in 1914? © Brain Wrinkles WWI & Post-War America Comprehension Check
WWI & Post-War America Comprehension Check 15. What did most Americans want out of life during the 1920s? 16. Who was the famous baseball player in the 1920s who set many hitting records? 17. Why were the 1920s called the Jazz Age? . 18. Where did jazz music originate? 19. Who was the famous African American trumpeter from New Orleans that became a legend during the Jazz Age? 20. What was the Harlem Renaissance? 21. Who was a famous African American writer during the Harlem Renaissance? 22. Why were Henry Ford’s cars more affordable for many Americans? 23. What did Charles Lindbergh do? © Brain Wrinkles WWI & Post-War America Comprehension Check
WWI & Post-War America Comprehension Check Adolf Hitler (National Socialist Party—Nazi Party) 14. When the German people could not find jobs, who did they start looking to for help? They did not agree with the terms or the new government; they were angry that they had to take the blame for starting WWI. 13. How did Germans feel about the Treaty of Versailles? One million square miles of land and its colonies. 12. What did Germany lose during the Treaty of Versailles? Germany’s economy was bankrupt. 11. Why could Germany not pay reparations? To punish Germany for starting WWI. 10. What was the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles? Central Powers surrendered to the Allies. 9. What happened on November 11, 1918? US sent men, battleships, and supplies. 8. How did the US contribute to the Allies? 4 million 7. How many men did the US military draft to send to Europe? German submarines sunk several US ships. 6. Why did the US get involved in WWI? Lusitania 5. What was the name of the British passenger liner that was sunk by German submarines? President Woodrow Wilson 4. Which US president thought that the US should remain neutral? Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire 3. Name the Central Powers: Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium 2. Name the Allies at the beginning of WWI: World War I began when the archduke of Austria-Hungary was murdered. What major world event happened in 1914? © Brain Wrinkles WWI & Post-War America Comprehension Check
WWI & Post-War America Comprehension Check 15. What did most Americans want out of life during the 1920s? They wanted to forget the horrors of war and enjoy life. They had extra money, there were new inventions (car, radio), baseball games, new music – they just wanted to have a good time. 16. Who was the famous baseball player in the 1920s who set many hitting records? Babe Ruth 17. Why were the 1920s called the Jazz Age? Americans enjoyed listening to the new music called jazz and having a good time. 18. Where did jazz music originate? From African Americans in the South 19. Who was the famous African American trumpeter from New Orleans that became a legend during the Jazz Age? Louis Armstrong 20. What was the Harlem Renaissance? A cultural movement in Harlem, NY where African American artists, musicians, and writers expressed their talents. 21. Who was a famous African American writer during the Harlem Renaissance? Langston Hughes 22. Why were Henry Ford’s cars more affordable for many Americans? He used an assembly line technique that could make more cars in a shorter time and for less money. 23. What did Charles Lindbergh do? He was the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. © Brain Wrinkles WWI & Post-War America Comprehension Check
TEACHER INFO: TICKET OUT THE DOOR Print out the exit slip page for each student. There are two per page. The students will make a prediction about how they think the Treaty of Versailles will impact Germany’s future? Collect the tickets at the end of class, read over them, and choose a few to share & discuss the following class period. © Brain Wrinkles
Crystal Ball Predictions Crystal Ball Predictions Name: Name: Crystal Ball Predictions Crystal Ball Predictions Make a prediction about how you think the Treaty of Versailles will impact Germany’s future. Be sure to explain why you think this will happen. Make a prediction about how you think the Treaty of Versailles will impact Germany’s future. Be sure to explain why you think this will happen. © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles
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