Our vision here at Insch
School House System In Insch school we have 4 Houses: Dunnydeer , Williamston, Drumrossie, Bennachie. Each child is allocated to a house, usually the same as siblings. Each house has 2 P7 captains. Throughout the year there are opportunities to earn points for your house through competitions and sports events. Children can also be awarded house points outwith their class by observing school values.
Background information on me I have been teaching for 16 years, 14 of those years in a big school in Montrose. I moved up to this area to live with my partner. I enjoy reading, going to exercise classes, going on holiday and going to the theatre.
Class Charter P1N As a class we designed a class charter in line with the children’s rights. (Rights Respecting School) .
Behaviour Management Strategies If children are not following out class charter or school values, they may lose some of their golden time. Children have 10 minutes golden time at the end of every day (longer on a Friday). Sanctions: verbal warning , noting which value they are not following time off golden time (children can gain this back) During this time children have time to reflect on their choices and discuss with the teacher how they can improve their behaviour. Rewards for good behaviour: stickers, dojo points, certificates, golden table Example rewards for receiving 15 dojos lunch with the teacher a pencil / rubber a wrist band bring in a cuddly toy / show and tell
Communication Dojo - The easiest and quickest way to pass information to me or to ask me questions is via the private message function of Dojo. For example, if your child has an appointment or there is a change to after school arrangements. Start of day / end of day - You can always catch me then to pass on a quick message. If you wish to discuss something more in depth you can arrange an appointment with me after school.
AiFL strategies linked to reflective learning Self assessment faces (smiley, straight, sad) Teacher assessment faces Traffic lights Visual targets in jotter, highlight next steps No hands up – (lolly sticks) Verbal feedback and brief written comment Stickers Stampers
10-15 minutes of homework a night (including reading) Details of Homework: Hand out Monday, return Friday Tricky words will be put in the word tubs (please ensure these are always in school bags). Please make sure reading books are in school bags for reading in class on a Wednesday. Homework will be noted on the weekly homework letter. You can use your homework diary to tell us how they are getting on. 10-15 minutes of homework a night (including reading)
How to support at home Celebrate the process – mistakes are OK (reversals are normal). Work on interactive homework – children may be too tired for more writing: outdoor activities & play based learning. Continue to read to/with your children for enjoyment. Refer to reading strategies/tips bookmark. Use everyday opportunities to make writing fun – shopping lists, signs, birthday cards. Develop fine motor skills by providing small objects to manipulate (playdough, tweezers, zips, laces, pegs, cutting, building with lego). Pick your battles – don’t make it a chore. Use everyday opportunities like journeys in the car, bath time, bed time etc.
Curriculum for Excellence Primary 1 is working mostly at Early Level
Reflective Learning We are promoting ‘Reflective Learning’ with the children in the school. The children will often have ‘I can…’ statements or targets in their jotters or on their pieces of work. You can also see this on wall displays. This will be discussed with the children prior to their learning and then reflected on after the lesson.
Other School Initiatives Mindfulness / Relaxation – 15 minutes after lunch each day. Silent time in class to reset minds for the afternoon session. This could be: Listening to relaxing music Yoga Mindful colouring Breathing Massage Daily kilometre Golden tickets
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