Jeopardy Final Exam
Great Depression WWII Cold War Civil Rights Famous People Potpourri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Great Depression-$100 Name causes of the Great Depression: What were tariffs on foreign goods, the availability of easy credit, and the farm crisis?
Great Depression-$200 Who were hoboes? The name given to men and boys who rode the rails as they searched for work. Who were hoboes?
Great Depression-$300 How President Hoover first tried to help the economy. What is by asking businesses not to lay off employees.
Great Depression-$400 The government system that gives payments of food and money to the poor. What is direct relief.
Great Depression-$500 A long range effect of the Great Depression. What was people developed habits of saving and thriftiness?
WWII-$100 The actions of this country finally forced the US to enter the war. Japan
WWII-$200 This made is possible for veterans to attend college for free. What was the GI Bill?
WWII-$300 This allowed FDR to provide arms to certain countries during WWII. What was the Lend Lease Act?
WWII-$400 Germany’s goal in the Battle of the Atlantic. What was to keep food and war supplies from reaching GB and the USSR?
WWII-$500 Who were the Japanese? This group of Americans was subjected to internment? Who were the Japanese?
Cold War-$100 What was the Berlin Wall? To stop East Germans from feeling to West Berlin, this was constructed. What was the Berlin Wall?
Cold War- $200 Accusations that communism was widely present in the US government and military were made by this person. Who was Joseph McCarthy?
Cold War-$300 The main goal of the Truman Doctrine. What was to stop the spread of communism?
Cold War-$400 The main purpose of the flexible response military strategy? What was to enable the US to fight limited wars around the world?
Cold War-$500 What was the military and defense? Reagan spent the most federal money on this. What was the military and defense?
Civil Rights-$100 According to the Kerner Commission, this was the main cause of urban violence. What was white racism?
Civil Rights-$200 This enabled federal officials to register voters. What was the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Civil Rights-$300 What is de jure segregation? Segregation that results from laws is this type of segregation: What is de jure segregation?
Civil Rights-$400 Who was MLK Jr.? He was the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Who was MLK Jr.?
Civil Rights- $500 This court case affirmed the legality of racial segregation and prompted the passage of Jim Crow laws. What was the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson?
Famous People- $100 He advocated for a militant approach to civil rights Who was Malcolm X?
Famous People-$200 This president demanded Congress pass a new civil rights law but did not live to see it enacted. Who was JFK?
Famous People-$300 Who was Stokely Carmichael? This civil rights leader called for “Black Power.” Who was Stokely Carmichael?
Famous People-$400 He was the NAACP lawyer who argued the Brown v. Board of Education case before the Supreme Court. Who was Thurgood Marshall?
Famous People $500 Who was Rosa Parks? The activist whose protest helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Who was Rosa Parks?
Potpourri- $100 This was advocated by the Black Panthers. What was violence?
Potpourri - $200 This president appointed a committee to study the causes of urban violence. Who was Johnson?
Potpourri - $300 What was “separate but equal?” The doctrine related to public education that was overturned by the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board Education. What was “separate but equal?”
Potpourri - $400 Segregation that is not based on laws. What is de facto segregation?
Potpourri - $500 An accomplishment of the Freedom Riders. What is bringing about a federal ban on segregation for interstate travel facilities?