Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, HYDROCARE Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Wroclaw Branch - PP 10 Bratislava, 27-28.06.2006
Person responsible for each particular action 4.2 - Tamara Tokarczyk Dr eng.; 4.4 - Agnieszka Kolanek Dr eng.;
4. Water resources management 4.2 - Assessments of the hydrological characteristics of the Polish territory during different climatic conditions. Estimation of water resources in flood, drought and average conditions. Assignment of the amount of minimal discharge.
Expenses I-VI.2006 - app. 4500 euro TIMETABLE Expenses I-VI.2006 - app. 4500 euro
Location of chosen catchments in Poland territory Pisa catchment: lacustrine catchment 4061 km2 area Prosna catchment: agricultural catchment 4712 km2 area Kłodnica catchment: urbanized catchment 1055 km2 area Nysa Kłodzka catchment reservoirs catchment 4712 km2 area Dunajec catchment: natural catchment 4341 km2 area
DATA BASE NNNNN RRRR MM DD FIELD FIELD DESCRIPTION LENGHT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NNNNN Hydrological code of gauge 5 Code from CBDH RRRR Hydrological year 4 MM Number of month in hydrological year 2 XI - 01, XII - 02, I - 03, ….. X – 10 DD Days 2 QQQQQQQQQ Discharge [m3/s ] 9 discharge *1000, QQQQQQ - integer QQQ - fraction The example file: Kłodzko.txt 00460 1966 01 01 000005920 00460 1966 01 02 000006150 00460 1966 01 03 000006600 00460 1966 01 04 000006820 00460 1966 01 05 000006380 00460 1966 01 06 000006150 00460 1966 01 07 000005920 00460 1966 01 08 000005480 00460 1966 01 09 000005700 00460 1966 01 10 000005700 00460 1966 01 11 000005700 00460 1966 01 12 000006380
PHYSIO-GEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF BASIN Spatial location Geometry of basin Morphometry and surface features Hydrological network Land cover and land use Hydrological structure LAND COVER *Corine Land Cover 2000 – grid 250 m
4. Water resources management 4.4 - Creation of homogeneous water quantity and quality database for about 100 selected monitoring points localised along the main Polish rivers. The assessments of surface water quality will take into account different climatic conditions, as in the periods of swelling, flood, drought and also in average conditions.
Expenses I-VI.2006 - app. 9000 euro TIMETABLE No Particular actions in 4.4 Time of the end 1 Analysis of preliminarily selected monitoring stations according to data availability in the last 10 years III. 2006 2 Characterisation of monitoring network according to surface water quantity and quality data IV.2006 3 Interim Report VI.2006 Expenses I-VI.2006 - app. 9000 euro
Location of preliminary chosen investigation surface water quality monitoring stations in Poland
Location of investigation surface water quality and quantity monitoring stations in Poland
Metodology of calculation the loads of contaminations
Metodology of calculation the loads of contaminations Metodologia!
e-mail: HYDROCARE Technical co-ordinator of HYDROCARE Project - PP 10 and contact person: Dr Agnieszka Kolanek tel. + 48 71 328 56 44 e-mail:
Thank you for your attention HYDROCARE Thank you for your attention