GoA P Political M Military E S Social I I Information P Physical Env. Economic S Social I Infrastructure I Information P Physical Env. T Time A Area State governed by secular leaders advised by secular and religious leaders and governing bodies. Enemy commando forces may affect east of Kuba river and in northern mountains. Use of IDPs as human shields. Agricultural region base on watering channel system. Agriculture in the plains/ poor concealment. 89% Shia; 10% Sunni. Non-Muslim minorities include Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians. 11 DPs camps around capital of bakar. Risk: Flux of IDPs through roads in the . 13 hospitals at the disposal of the railway, with a capacity to treat 1,800 patients simultaneously Cyber attacks. Encrypted communications Enemy commando fighters use Motorola walkie-talkies Mountains in north. Plains in central region. Marsh in south. (39% subject to flooding) Economic development timeline dependent on GoA ability to increase self-sustainability S Structure Constitution, President, Council of Leaders (GP and Clerical Members), Judiciary and CinC of GoA Armed Forces Airfield in Bakar and Ralak (potential use by the enemy) Central authority control. The Atropian population feels that they have succeeded in taking over their own destiny. feel disenfranchised. 2 Dams; Risk: flooding south of Bakar. 3 main Bridges; Airfield in Bakar (C130/ C17). Railway (potential use for IDPs). Telephones sys. requires considerable expansion and modernization. Kuba River basin and Bakar Growth and development has stymied due to poor economy. C Capabilities Lead, control the Atropian population. Direct/control military and direct economic- initiatives Capable of conducting defensive and offensive combined arms and joint operations. They have limited regional power-projection capabilities. Private sector activity is small-scale; workshops, farming, and services. Dependent on oil imports and natural gas. Family and tribal affiliations. Water supply: highly dependent on rivers. Water in the cities unreliable. Risk: Contamination may affect the people and the agriculture. 90.3% speak Atropi (official) 98.8% Literacy Agriculture dependent on irrigation. Mostly dry in June. No big precipitation expected. No impact on maneuver. O Organizations Enemy commando village cells are compartmentalized Army – 2 x ID; 2 x AR DIV; 1 x MECH DIV Army(R) - 2 x ID; 1 x AR DIV; 1 x MECH DIV AF - mixed fixed/rotary wing A/C NATO/SOVIET Navy – Coastal Patrol, landing craft and subs. Enemy connections with narcotics traffic. Deals at bazaars. Dissatisfaction with the Atropian leadership, driven by continued restrictive social policies, and poor economic conditions of the minorities. Nuclear plant (vic Bakar) development and fossil fuel refineries threatened by Ariana control of Atropian areas 1 state-run and 1 public television channel; 4 domestic commercial TV stations and about 15 regional TV stations Stymied development due to poor economy. State controlled NSTR P People Atropian government control and image damaged as Ariana forces claim more territory trhough offensive operations. Mostly Agriculture Railways big employer as well Unemployment rate ~25% Atropian IDPs moving westward as Ariana forces push Atropian army west toward capital. Low infant mortality High hospital bed density State controlled media and word of mouth E Events Own independent and recognized state with equitable share of regional oil reserves Military is the enforcement/action arm of the Government to achieve political ends. High oil prices have increased Atropain into debt at the rate of $2 billion a year. This debt has created extreme economic hardships such as high unemployment and inflation. Friday Prayers Dependent on the ability to maintain sovereignty and ability for economic growth. Ariana to cripple the targeted Atropia's internet infrastructure 39% of the lowland along coast is subject to flooding. Friday Prayer, Regular daily calls to prayer in towns and cities.