Colonial Society Chapter 4 Section 2
The Family in Colonial Times Many people lived with their extended families Extended family- a family that includes Parents and children Grandparents Aunts Uncles Cousins………and others Living on a farm Living in the city
On a Farm Most colonists lived on farms Many responsibilities Plant Cultivate (foster the growth of) Harvest crops Fences to mend Animals to tend Wood to chop Farmhouses made of wood/few rooms Sitting: stools and benches Sleeping: on planks Winter time was very cold
In a Town If you were single, it was easier to live in a town. Families were still important
Men Controlled family’s income Controlled family’s property Others expected to accept his authority Voters Office holders
Women Marriage chosen by parents Usually had many children Many domestic responsibilities (household) Worked outside as well Little or no role in public life Could not hold office or vote
Young People Required to work at age 7 Games- marbles, hopscotch, leapfrog, jump rope Toys- handmade at home Boys: work fields Girls: labored beside mothers- learning to run a house If family was poor: went to work as servant for another family Some boys worked as apprentices- someone who learns a trade by working for someone in that trade for a certain period of time
Social Classes Gentry- upper class of colonial society Wealthy planters merchants ministers royal officials successful lawyers prosperous artisans (goldsmiths) Felt that serving the community was their duty and right
The Middle Class Also called “the middling sort” Neither rich nor extremely poor Small planters Independent farmers Artisans Could vote A few held office Mostly white but some African
Indentured Servants Lower on colonial scale, just above enslaved Africans Signed a contract to work from 4 to 10 years in the colonies for anyone who would pay for his or her ocean passage to the Americas Few if any rights Bound to obey their masters At end of term received clothes, tools, 50 acres of land About 1 in 10 became prosperous landowners 1 in 10 became artisans
Free African Americans Never a large portion of colonial society Allowed to own property Most not allowed to vote or sit on juries