Hopewell Middle School Think about the last time you learned something... Why did you want/need to learn this? How did you figure out what you needed to know? How many of you watched a video clip or read something to learn what you needed to learn? Did you have a "teacher"? What is Personalized Learning?
What is Personalized Learning? Personalized learning puts each student at the center of their own learning. Teachers are empowered to customize instruction to meet their students' individual needs and interests. Students are empowered to become self-directed learners and develop the habits, mindsets, and behaviors that lead to academic and personal success. Habits, mindsets, and behaviors – work ethic, struggle, personal responsibility and accountability, teamwork, collaboration, flexibility To do this,we have to change how we operate – we have to experiment
What is Personalized Learning? Technology enhances good instruction,it does not replace it
What is Personalized Learning? Our three are Varied Strategies, Mastery-Based Assessment,and Just-in-Time Direct Instruction This does not mean we don't ever do the others
Offline/Online Content Use of Instructional Time HOPEWELL MS VISION To guide all students toward their full academic potential Our problem: We need a way to teach our students how to persevere through challenges and become intrinsically motivated learners Varied Strategies Mastery-Based Assessments Just-in-time Direct Instruction Teachers spend more time in small groups working with students who need help in areas of weakness. Frequently collect data from digital content, digital tools, and other “exit tickets” to identify areas of weakness and change instruction. Teachers will increase feedback to students. Increased student reflection and student conferencing. The final products from common assessments, formative exit tickets, observations, and other types of assessment data (qualitative and quantitative) will be used to determine content mastery. Students will move on once content mastery is demonstrated. One-to-one conferencing can be used to determine content mastery. Data will aid teachers in planning lessons and grouping students. Blended learning model will allow for small group instruction, collaborative work, and adaptive digital content. We will see less whole group direct instruction. We want to help studentsdevelop the skills to take charge of their own learning, to learn what they need to do to be successful Less whole group instruction, more small group instruction and activities. Our instructional time will be flexible. Each week 80% = our model and 20% = flex time. Offline/Online Content Increased use of adaptive digital content. Use of Instructional Time Increased grouping within and across classes. Class Size & Student Grouping
Offline/Online Content Use of Instructional Time HOPEWELL MS VISION To guide all students toward their full academic potential Our problem: We need a way to teach our students how to persevere through challenges and become intrinsically motivated learners Varied Strategies Teachers spend more time in small groups working with students who need help in areas of weakness. Frequently collect data from digital content, digital tools, and other “exit tickets” to identify areas of weakness and change instruction. Teachers will increase feedback to students. Increased student reflection and student conferencing. We believewe will become more effective at providing feedback to students through reflection and conferencing Less whole group instruction, more small group instruction and activities. Our instructional time will be flexible. Each week 80% = our model and 20% = flex time. Offline/Online Content Increased use of adaptive digital content. Use of Instructional Time Increased grouping within and across classes. Class Size & Student Grouping
Offline/Online Content Use of Instructional Time HOPEWELL MS VISION To guide all students toward their full academic potential Our problem: We need a way to teach our students how to persevere through challenges and become intrinsically motivated learners Mastery-Based Assessments The final products from common assessments, formative exit tickets, observations, and other types of assessment data (qualitative and quantitative) will be used to determine content mastery. Students will move on once content mastery is demonstrated. One-to-one conferencing can be used to determine content mastery. Data will aid teachers in planning lessons and grouping students. We are not as concerned with when students learn,but want to be sure they in fact do learn. Our recovery and reassessment philosophies are in-line with this concept,and our classroom structures will give us the opportunity to do this more effectively Less whole group instruction, more small group instruction and activities. Our instructional time will be flexible. Each week 80% = our model and 20% = flex time. Offline/Online Content Increased use of adaptive digital content. Use of Instructional Time Increased grouping within and across classes. Class Size & Student Grouping
Offline/Online Content Use of Instructional Time HOPEWELL MS VISION To guide all students toward their full academic potential Our problem: We need a way to teach our students how to persevere through challenges and become intrinsically motivated learners Just-in-time Direct Instruction Blended learning model will allow for small group instruction, collaborative work, and adaptive digital content. We will see less whole group direct instruction. Digital content is available to students (and parents)24 hours a day Small group instruction can enhance both teacher-led lessons and digital instruction Less whole group instruction, more small group instruction and activities. Our instructional time will be flexible. Each week 80% = our model and 20% = flex time. Offline/Online Content Increased use of adaptive digital content. Use of Instructional Time Increased grouping within and across classes. Class Size & Student Grouping
TEACHER/STUDENT LED SMALL GROUP Instructional Model Name: BLENDED LEARNING OPTION 1 Classroom Teachers will start class with some form of an activator, which could possibly be a warm-up, brain buster, formative assessment, or other independent activity for students to complete as they come into class. First 5 Minutes: Activator 40 Minutes: TEACHER/STUDENT LED SMALL GROUP For the bulk of the class period (~40 minutes), teachers have the option of having some students accessing digital contents while others are doing independent work. This frees the teacher to hold small group sessions or monitor/help the students not working with the teacher. DIGITAL CONTENT AND / OR INDEPENDENT WORK TIME Class will end with some form of a formative assessment to see the progress of the students on their work, which could possibly be an exit ticket, summary activity, or formative assessment. Last 5 Minutes: Summary
TEACHER/STUDENT LED SMALL GROUP Instructional Model Name: BLENDED LEARNING OPTION 2 Classroom Teachers will start class with some form of an activator, which could possibly be a warm-up, brain buster, formative assessment, or other independent activity for students to complete as they come into class. First 5 Minutes: Activator 40 Minutes: TEACHER/STUDENT LED SMALL GROUP INDEPENDENT WORK TIME For the bulk of the class period (~40 minutes), students will move between a variety of stations (teacher led, independent, group, and/or digital content). The stations do not need to be completed the same day. The tasks at the different stations should be differentiated by level, interest, or learning style. Student Movement PEER TO PEER LEARNING DIGITAL CONTENT Class will end with some form of a formative assessment to see the progress of the students on their work, which could possibly be an exit ticket, summary activity, or formative assessment. Last 5 Minutes: Summary
TEACHER/STUDENT LED SMALL GROUP Instructional Model Name: BLENDED LEARNING OPTION 3 At Home: Digital content Teachers will start class with a formative check-in to see if the students understood the at-home digital content, which was homework. Classroom First 5 Minutes: Formative Check-In For the bulk of the class period (~40 minutes), teachers have the option of having some students accessing digital contents while others are doing independent work. This frees the teacher to hold small group sessions or monitor/help the students not working with the teacher. If a student did not complete the at-home work, then it would be completed now as well. 40 Minutes: TEACHER/STUDENT LED SMALL GROUP DIGITAL CONTENT AND / OR This supports the flipped model, where direct instruction often takes place at home and "the work" is done in class, either in collaboration with others, independently, or with teacher support, depending on the needs INDEPENDENT WORK TIME Class will end with some form of a formative assessment to see the progress of the students on their work, which could possibly be an exit ticket, summary activity, or formative assessment. Last 5 Minutes: Summary
TEACHER/STUDENT LED SMALL GROUP Instructional Model Name: BLENDED LEARNING OPTION 4 Teachers will start class with some form of an activator, which could possibly be a warm-up, brain buster, formative assessment, or other independent activity for students to complete as they come into class. Classroom First 5 Minutes: Activator 20 Minutes: WHOLE GROUP LESSON Direct instruction would take no more than 20 minutes at the beginning of class to introduce a new concept. 20 Minutes: Students will either go to teacher led small groups for more instruction, access a variety of digital content to elaborate the concept taught, or work independently. TEACHER/STUDENT LED SMALL GROUP DIGITAL CONTENT INDEPENDENT WORK TIME AND / OR AND / OR Class will end with some form of a formative assessment to see the progress of the students on their work, which could possibly be an exit ticket, summary activity, or formative assessment. Last 5 Minutes: Summary
Why is this good for kids? Increased contact time with the teacher Multiple access points for information/content More opportunities to engage with content and each other Structured enrichment/extension and re-teaching can occur during the school day Our classroom models also provide teachers with the flexibility to incorporate the other four principles in their classrooms
What do we need to do better? Find the balance between digital content and teacher-led whole group/small group instruction Develop more effective formative assessments to gauge student progress in between major assessments Enhance conferencing skills in order to determine needs/interests Just-in-Time Direct Instruction is about both when and how!
Indicators of Early Success 8th Grade Social Studies experienced a 2% gain in 2's, 3's, and 4's and a 6% gain in 3's and 4's from 2015 to 2016 administration of Milestones Algebra 1 EOC – 100% scored at Level 3 or 4, 77% at Level 4 (highest among NWLC Middle Schools)
How do devices fit in? The Surface will make technology more available to all classrooms every day Office 365 will serve as a repository of materials and tools to enhance the learning experience and improve communication between the teacher and the students/parents http://www.fultonschools.org/en/divisions/acd/personalizedlearning/Pages/default.aspx
What's next today? You will cycle through 4 classroom activities, each one showing what an HMS classroom might look like (this is not a one size fits all model) While you will not actually participate in the whole lesson, you will get an opportunity to see what it might look like in terms of structures and activities (and see the connection to our PL models)