Welcome to Third Grade! Miss Mackliet
third grade curriculum snapshot Language Arts Deeper knowledge of informational structure More practice with narrative structure Add strategies to figure out unknown words Dibels goal for end of year= 100+ words correctly with 97% accuracy Cursive and keyboarding Writing practice with opinion, informative and narrative Math Multi-digit addition/subtraction Multiplication/Division within 100 Fractions Volume and Mass Area and Perimeter Geometric Shapes Science/Social Studies Earth and moon Living and non-living things in an environment Scientific inquiry Civic responsibility How geography influences communities
Classroom Management Positive behavior is reinforced and students are rewarded for good behavior Students that disrupt teaching or learning will be handled on an individual basis Think Time Leave all valuable and toys at home (this includes fidget spinners)
Attendance 8:45 is when the first bell rings, please be here on time! If going on vacation, work may or may not be ready to be sent home beforehand Missed work completed at home or during intervention time
homework Reading is the key to your child’s success in school!
Grading/Report Cards Progress is the focus of grading in third grade Some assignments are for practice only and will not be graded. Students are graded on a scale from 1-3 3=Student meets or exceeds grade level expectations 2=Student is below grade level standards and is beginning to understand key concepts 1=Student is far below grade level, additional time and support is needed
Birthdays and supplies No birthday treats If birthday occurs in the summer, we will celebrate on their half birthday in class Please do not send invitations to school. Keep individual supplies at home.
Volunteers/Donations Donations are always welcome Tissues Hand sanitizer Pencils Volunteer sign up sheet Optional What works for you
communication Email is the main form of contacting me and how I will send out reminders, so please make sure I have an updated email address If time sensitive, call the front office Weekly newsletter on my website (Picture Permission)