Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet Pedagogy Inspiration in the aisles! Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet Saturday October 26th 2013 “If a doctor or lawyer had 30 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, some of whom didn’t want to be there and were causing trouble and the doctor or lawyer had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher’s job”
8 creative ideas for lessons on a shoestring…. Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae
Power of the post it note! Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae
Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae Reflection Dartboard! Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae
Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae Big Mind Map! Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae
Half desk half whiteboard! Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae
Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae Jenga! Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae
Fly swats! Swat the correct answer! Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae
Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae Plenary Pockets! Exit tickets? Differentiated activities? Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae
Washing line of confidence! Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae
Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae Please leave your feedback here… goo.gl/56mWi For the links to all the presentations you have seen today… www.misedgar.wordpress.com Rachael Edgar @Dubai_Teachmeet #SPARKuae