administered at MMCC six times: Ruffalo Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) administered at MMCC six times: 2006, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2014, and 2015
Respondents are broadly representative of students in Gen Ed sections. “What is your educational goal”? Associate Degree: 44%. Transfer to another Institution: 46%. Current Class Load: Full-time: 58%. Part-time: 42%.
For example, an average Importance rating of 5.50 is halfway between “somewhat important” and “important.”
3 types of situations in which to follow up: 1. Act directly on clear challenges. 2. Communication campaigns. 3. Follow-up assessments.
on the IR website: RNL’s standard reports for each of MMCC’s six administrations. Strategic Planning Overview (your handout) PowerPoints for this and other Data Discussions Also posted on _______.
Going forward, we can do a lot more with these data. * Discuss findings in multiple settings. * Scales (units other than Academic Advising). * local data analyses (supplemental) * Inform the campus of our responsive actions!
Data Discussion. Comments and/or Questions?
helps community colleges of higher education define areas needing change or improvement and sets the stage for more in-depth planning.
Response Rate: 202 out of 388 employees responded (52.1%)
Measures 4 Domains Supervisory Relationship Institutional Structure Teamwork Student Focus The Institutional Structure climate factor focuses on the mission, leadership, spirit of corporation, structural organization, decision-making, and communication within the institution. Supervisory Relationship provides insight into the relationship between an employee and a supervisor and an employee’s ability to be creative and express ideas related to the employee’s work. Teamwork explores the spirit of cooperation within work teams and effective coordination within teams. The Student Focus climate factor considers the centrality of students to the actions of the institution as well as the extent to which students are prepared for post-institution endeavors.
Examples INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE SUPERVISORY RELATIONSHIP TEAMWORK The extent to which the actions of this institution reflect its mission SUPERVISORY RELATIONSHIP The extent to which my supervisor seriously considers my ideas TEAMWORK The extent to which there is a spirit of cooperation within my work team STUDENT FOCUS The extent to which student needs are central to what we do These are examples of the types of questions asked in each domain
Choices on the scale are: Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Not applicable
The mean scores: 5 = Very Satisfied 4 = Satisfied 3 = Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 1 = Very Dissatisfied
2015 Top 10 Strengths • The extent to which I feel my job is relevant to this institution's mission, 4.298 (#8) • The extent to which my supervisor expresses confidence in my work, 4.000 (#2) • The extent to which this institution prepares students for further learning, 3.973 (#37) • The extent to which I am given the opportunity to be creative in my work, 3.969 (#39) • The extent to which students receive an excellent education at this institution, 3.935 (#31) • The extent to which this institution prepares students for a career, 3.925 (#35) • The extent to which non-teaching professional personnel meet the needs of students, 3.885 (#23) • The extent to which students' competencies are enhanced, 3.857 (#19) • The extent to which my supervisor is open to the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of everyone, 3.851 (#9) • The extent to which student needs are central to what we do, 3.840 (#7)
2015 Top 10 Opportunities The extent to which I have the opportunity for advancement within this institution, 2.960 (#38) • The extent to which I am able to appropriately influence the direction of this institution, 3.261 (#15) • The extent to which my work is guided by clearly defined administrative processes, 3.280 (#44) • The extent to which information is shared within the institution, 3.303 (#10) • The extent to which this institution is appropriately organized, 3.309 (#32) • The extent to which open and ethical communication is practiced at this institution, 3.319 (#16) • The extent to which this institution has been successful in positively motivating my performance, 3.325 (#22) • The extent to which decisions are made at the appropriate level at this institution, 3.352 (#4) • The extent to which institutional teams use problem-solving techniques, 3.449 (#11) • The extent to which I receive timely feedback for my work, 3.452 (#20)