CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Introduction to CS447 Department of Computer Science Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Fall, 2017 Dr. Hiroshi Fujinoki E-mail: hfujino@siue.edu Introduction/000
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Agenda Topics this course will discuss Types of networks this course will deal with What this course is about What this course is NOT about Programming projects expected in this course Introduction/001
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Topics this course will discuss The areas this course (CS447) will deal with Three logical layers in computer networks Computer Management Information System Electrical Engineering Science Applications (application software) E-mail Web-browser Streaming audio/video On-line banking Telephony Game Protocols Algorithms System Software Error control Flow control Compression Routing algorithms Routing protocols HTTP TCP IP FTP UDP SSL Hardware Routers Cables Switches Modems Ethernet adapters Wireless transmitters Protocols = implementation Algorithms = design/logics Introduction/002
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications What this course is about 1. Understanding major components in computer networks 2. Understanding how the network hardware and software components work 3. Understanding how to make sure the things work as expected 4. Understanding fundamental network programming skills Introduction/003
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications 1. Understanding components in computer networks - What are the major network hardware components? - What are the major network software components? Data transmitting devices (NICs) Switching devices (Repeaters, Hubs, Switches and Routers) Network Cables (Copper wire, Optical fiber) Network application software Data transmission protocols Various data transmission and routing algorithms Introduction/004
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications 2. Understanding how the network hardware and software components work Design Concepts - What are the purposes of the network system software? - How are the network system software designed? Implementation How can we (our network application software) develop the system software or network application programs? - We cover this by programming assignments 3. Understanding how to make sure the things work as expected Performance Evaluation - How can we measure the performance of the system software? Performance Prediction - How can we predict the performance? Introduction/005
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications 4. Understanding fundamental network programming skills Almost all network applications that use TCP/IP depend on “socket interface” to perform any network activity. - You can develop any network application using socket Socket interface is provided as a set of functions (a. k. a., “API”) that application programs can call to perform network activities Each platform has its own socket interface Windows UNIX/LINUX = “winsock” library Have syntax-level compatibility = socket library Most of the high-level programming languages have socket library included in it Introduction/006
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications What this course is NOT about Learning products from particular software/hardware venders - Learn DreamWeaver for developing web home pages - Learn how to set up routers from particular manufactures - Learn how to make a home page using HTML, PHP, MS ASP, etc. Preparing for particular network certificate - Understanding topics in this course will provide a foundation for those certificate After all, this course is never meant for particular network products Not for anything that does not require understanding of working of underlying networks Introduction/007
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Definitions for academic dishonesty Can we do this? 1. Get a source code from somebody’s website and modify it. 2. Get a source code from a friend and modify it. 3. Work with your friend and create a source code. Then modify it. 4. Get source code given by a professor in another course and modify it. 5. Study example source code from a book and develop your own (instead of copying it). NO NO NO NO YES Introduction/008
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Final Course Distribution: CS447 Fall 2016 A B C D F Introduction/009
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Final Course Distribution: CS447 Fall 2016 A: 13.9% F: 33.3% B: 11.1% D: 11.1% C: 30.6% Introduction/010
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications For those who are taking more than 15 CRHs, please be very careful for your time management (or even consider reducing your CRHs). For transfer students: if this is your first semester at SIUE, be careful I try to provide help if you need, but you need to talk to me when you need some help (“help” does not mean I do your work – you still need to do your work). This course requires commitment (time and effort) Introduction/011
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Types of networks this course will deal with Circuit-Switching Networks Packet-Switching Networks Data is transmitted as a stream of signals Before you start transmission, you need to reserve network resources You hold the resources until you complete your transmission Communication Networks Telephone networks Data is transmitted by packets You can start transmission any time Network resources are shared Internet Introduction/012
Circuit-Switching Networks CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Circuit-Switching Networks Example: Public telephone networks Analog Signal Analog Switch Analog Switch Analog Signal Analog Signal Analog Signal Analog Signal Analog Switch Analog Switch Analog Switch Analog Switch Introduction/013
Circuit-Switching Networks CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Circuit-Switching Networks Example: Public telephone networks Analog Signal Analog Switch Analog Switch Analog Switch Analog Switch Analog Switch Analog Switch Introduction/014
Packet-Switching Networks CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Packet-Switching Networks Example: Internet 111 010 100 Digital Switch 111 010 100 111 010 100 Sender PC Receiver PC 111 010 100 010 100 111 010100111 010100111 Digitized data Analog Signal Analog Signal Introduction/015
CS447 - Networks and Data Communications Types of networks this course will deal with Circuit-Switching Networks Data is transmitted as a stream of signals Before you start transmission, you need to reserve network resources You hold the resources until you complete your transmission Communication Networks Telephone networks Packet-Switching Networks Data is transmitted by packets This course will mainly discuss packet-switching networks You can start transmission any time Network resources are shared Internet Introduction/016