Why did the Soviet Union fall in 1991?
Learning objective – to be able to explain the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991. I can describe the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Grade D I can explain the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Grade B I can evaluate the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991. Grade A
Starter This collection of images of people and places involved in the fall of the Soviet Union. During the presentation, can you identify who or what is in each of the pictures and write what role that they played in the events of 1991.
What was the position of the Soviet Union in 1990? No satellite states in Eastern Europe – All the Communist governments in Eastern Europe had fallen by the beginning of 1990. Baltic States – The Soviet Union was made up of 15 republics. Three of them were the Baltic States – Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. All were forced to join the Soviet Union in 1940 and all wanted to leave. Lithuania declared its independence in 1990, Gorbachev ordered the army to occupy Lithuania to stop the disintegration of Soviet control. Opposition to Gorbachev – Although Gorbachev was internationally very popular, at home he was less so. There was growing opposition from the conservative communists who thought he was destroying the Soviet Union.
Why was there growing opposition from conservative Communists towards Gorbachev? Gorbachev’s policies – Many Communists blamed Gorbachev for their collapse in Eastern Europe. They felt his policies of Perestroika and Glasnost had weakened the Soviet Union. Shrinking Soviet economy – The Soviet Union’s economy shrank by 10% in 1991 while prices rose by 50%. The Soviet economy was in meltdown. The new Union Treaty – Gorbachev proposed a new Union Treaty which gave more freedom to the 15 states in the Soviet Union although the President would have more power. Conservative Communists were alarmed at this proposal. Boris Yeltsin – A radical Communist and Gorbachev’s main rival, Yeltsin was elected President of Russia – the largest states in the Soviet Union.
Gorbachev arrested – August 18th 1991 Emergency Committee – Formed by leading conservative Communists, an emergency committee was formed to remove Gorbachev from power and they would take control of the Soviet Union in order to save Communism. House arrest – On the orders of the Emergency Committee, Gorbachev is placed under house arrest by the KGB.
Yeltsin takes centre stage – August 19th 1991 ‘Gang of Eight’ – The emergency Committee [known as the ‘Gang of Eight’] announce that Gorbachev is ill and will stand down as President. Strikes and demonstrations are banned. They declare a state of emergency which overturns the freedoms set out in Glasnost and Perestroika. Protests – People of Moscow take to the streets in protest and tanks are sent out to quell the protesters. Yeltsin – Yeltsin joins the protesters, climbing a tank outside the government building in Moscow calling for the end of the attempted coup in front of thousands of supporters. A key moment.
The coup collapses – August 20th 1991 State of emergency – The Gang of Eight reiterate their demand of a state of emergency. Ignored – The state of emergency is ignored by the people and tanks start to withdraw from the streets of Moscow. Coup collapses – In the face of collapse, the Gang of Eight flee Moscow. All are captured quickly apart from one, Boris Pugo, who shoots himself.
Gorbachev returns – August 21st 1991 Release – Gorbachev is released from house arrest immediately after the Gang of Eight are arrested. He returns to Moscow. Save Communism? – In a speech Gorbachev reiterates his aim of saving Communism. Fatally damaged? – Without doubt, Gorbachev’s authority is severely damaged while his rival, Boris Yeltsin, is hailed the hero who defeated the coup.
How did Gorbachev try to save the Soviet Union? The Union Treaty – Gorbachev is tries to implement the Union Treaty. However, most of the states want full independence from the Soviet Union. The Treaty is never accepted. Baltic States – The demands of independence of the Baltic States are finally granted in 1991 after a year of fighting and protest. This led to copy cat demands by the other states. The end of Communist control – Without support from the Soviet States, the rule of the Communist Party came to an end and on Christmas Day 1991, Gorbachev resigned as President of the USSR and announces the dissolution of the Soviet Union. USSR ceases to exist – With the collapse of the USSR, the Commonwealth of Independent States is formed which included 11 of the 15 former Soviet States.
Task Create a timeline of events between 1990 and 1991 which outline how the Soviet Union fell. Design a mind map on why the Soviet Union collapsed which includes the following groups of words. Reaction to events of 1989 Fall of satellite states Baltic States Emergency Committee Reasons for attempted coup and its failure Gorbachev’s policies Saving Communism Boris Yeltsin State of the Soviet Union in 1991 Failing economy Failure of the Union Treaty Desire for independence Remember - Colour Remember - Images Remember - Structure
Extension Task Using your completed scale, answer the following exam style questions – Describe the key features of the attempted coup in the Soviet Union in 1991. Outline two reasons why the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Explain the role of Boris Yeltsin in the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.