How did the USA react to USSR expansion in eastern Europe?


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Presentation transcript:

How did the USA react to USSR expansion in eastern Europe?

Learning objective – to be able to evaluate the causes and consequences of the US policy of Containment in the 1940s. I can describe some of the key features of Containment. Grade D I can explain the causes and consequences of the policy of Containment. Grade B I can explain and evaluate the impact of Containment. Grade A

Why? Britain unable to continue its commitments in Greece and Turkey USA wanted to prevent further USSR expansion USA wanted to wield its economic and military supremacy over the USSR Truman thought that USSR was trying to spread communism throughout the world

‘Two halves of the same walnut’ – What was containment? Truman Doctrine – US commitment to political containment Marshall Plan – US commitment to economic containment Containment – The US foreign policy which aimed to use military resources and influence to prevent the expansion of communism into non-communist countries.

What was the Truman Doctrine? I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support peoples who resist being enslaved by armed minorities or by outside pressure. I believe that we must help free peoples to work out their own destiny in their own way. Truman’s speech to Congress was aimed to win US support to aid countries from attack from the spread of communism. This speech became known as the Truman Doctrine and enshrine US political commitment to contain communism.

Consequences? The Greek and Turkish governments were able to defeat the communists Increased USA-USSR rivalry USA became far more involved in European affairs USA decided on the Marshall Plan Stalin formed Cominform to link Communist governments together to ensure united action against any threats.

What was the Marshall Plan? Truman believed that communism spread into countries hit by poverty and hardship. The events in Czechoslovakia encouraged Congress to provide aid to stop USSR expansion. George Marshall, Secretary of States, drew up a plan to offer all European countries economic aid in the form of money and goods with the aim of rebuilding these countries. These countries would then enjoy reasonable prosperity and would have no reason to turn to communism. Also, as part of the plan, these countries would agree to buy US goods. It is logical that the USA should do whatever it can to restore normal economic health to the world, without which there can be no political stability and peace. Our policy is directed not against another country but against hunger and poverty.

What aid did the Marshall Plan offer? Marshall Aid was offered to all European countries, including Russia. Despite Russia’s and Eastern European weaknesses, Stalin forced all the countries under his control to refuse Marshall aid. By 1953, $17 billion worth of aid was provided by the USA.

USA became far more involved in European affairs Consequences Western Europe became more closely linked with its distributing of Marshall Aid. Western Europe enjoyed a period of significant prosperity in the 1950s. USA became far more involved in European affairs Stalin was convinced that USA actions were selfish and aimed to dominate Europe and boost its own economy Stalin formed Comecon to link satellite states’ economies together to ensure they were run along communist lines.

Task – Draw a walnut which covers half a page of your exercise book Task – Draw a walnut which covers half a page of your exercise book. In one half of your walnut, explain what the Truman Doctrine was. In the other half, explain what the Marshall Plan was.

Consequences of the Truman Doctrine Consequences of the Marshall Plan Area of Containment Factor Explanation   Causes of Containment Britain unable to continue its commitments in Greece and Turkey USA wanted to prevent further USSR expansion USA wanted to wield its economic and military supremacy over the USSR Consequences of the Truman Doctrine The Greek and Turkish governments were able to defeat the communists USA became far more involved in European affairs Stalin formed Cominform to link Communist governments together to ensure united action against any threats. Consequences of the Marshall Plan Western Europe became more closely linked with its distributing of Marshall Aid. Stalin was convinced that USA actions were selfish and aimed to dominate Europe and boost its own economy Western Europe enjoyed a period of significant prosperity in the 1950s. Stalin formed Comecon to link satellite states’ economies together to ensure they were run along communist lines. Task Complete the table

Complete the cartoon analysis sheet. Extension Complete the cartoon analysis sheet.

Homework This learning grid activity helps you make links between the different areas of the policy of Containment. Stick a copy of the learning grid in your exercise book and write your links between chosen picture and write two sentences for each link explaining them fully.