General Inventions, LLC Investor Slide Share
What is General Inventions, LLC Business Profile General Inventions LLC (General Inventions) operates a cooperation business model where we identify, partner, and foster the commercial development of inventors, innovative businesses and products. Our aim is to provide a complete and innovative training, networking, development and empowering service for our key assets - inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs of various types and sizes (inventors/innovators). A key difference from other similar service providers is our ability to facilitate the development and commercialization of innovation and inventions without burdening inventors/innovators with large upfront fees.
Current Business General Inventions commenced operations in January 2015 and is managed by a small group of partners and team members who specialize in business innovation, start-up financing, manufacturing and sourcing and the invention and development of new products. Our key operations and achievement up to the present can be summarized as follows: Created and maintained the existing General Inventions website and increased General Invention’s LinkedIn contacts from 120 to over 18,000. We regularly post articles and announcements on LinkedIn and currently maintain 3 popular chat groups that focus on inventor needs and networking. Recognition within the invention/innovation and consumer product sector as an excellent platform and business model for the cooperative development of innovative products and businesses. Initiated and entered into formal cooperation agreements with over 80 inventors representing over 100 inventions covering consumer, medical and industrial products.
Completed negotiations and business cooperation agreements with 7 reputable innovation service companies that specifically focus on assisting inventors commercialize their product. Formally retained a select group of experienced professionals to teach General Inventions’ online classes and workshops covering IP protection and other topics. These classes will be taught in 10 languages and will target customers in the United States, the EU, China, India, Canada, South and Central America, and other countries. We will begin by offering an introductory class on inventing and how to get your product to market while you protect your IP for once funding is available to support this endeavor. Obtained a world-wide licensing agreement for an inventor who had been trying to obtain one for 8 years Represented an inventor to introduce the Super Rope Cinch product into True Value stores (which has over 8,500 store locations). We successfully negotiated with True Value to carry the product. This deal will pay General Inventions 10% of the wholesale price on each Super Rope Cinch sold at True Value. This product is currently in approximately 300 True Value store locations. When it reaches 8,500 locations and sells at a rate of 4.5/sale and 4 sales per week (current norm on this product) it will pay General Inventions $100,113 per month.
General Inventions is now offering 100% funding to inventors, with no interest charges, (subject to receipt of acceptable purchase order(s)) for the following: Tooling up at the factory Manufacture Packaging Shipping warehousing Substantial update 1: General Inventions has successfully worked with a London-based insurance company to create and offer worldwide an insurance policy that covers the inventor in case someone infringes on their patent. This insurance policy will cover the legal costs of prosecuting litigation against any size company that infringes on the inventor’s patent. Substantial update: We are now accepting applications for this insurance worldwide and the policy is only available to members of General Inventions. Substantial update 2: General Inventions has just signed with a new corporate partner which will provide funding to produce prototypes and samples of our inventors’ products. These samples will enable us to present to retailers and product distributors to obtain purchase orders and once those are obtained our 100% funding on manufacturing will take over. This enables us to bring many inventors’ product to market that could not have done so due to lack of funding for samples.
Affordable intellectual property protection Licensing agreements Business Expansion General Inventions will use its growing network to grow its business by actively: (b) Brokering or facilitating investment, commercial or service relationships between Inventors/innovators and our network of investors, companies and consultants; and (c) Actively establishing and managing a worldwide invention ideas auction. This will be a platform where inventors can submit new or existing ideas, whether patented or not, and offer them for sale and product- seeking companies can bid on those ideas. All entities utilizing this auction will have secure logins, be required to sign strong NDA agreements and we will safeguard their identities. Only we will know who they are, when they sign in and which invention ideas they review. General Inventions will receive 5% of sale price on all auction sales from the inventor and 5% of sale price from the buyer. (d) Developing and launching a comprehensive smartphone mobile application in which inventor, innovators and entrepreneurs around the world will be able to conveniently do the following: 1. submit their inventions 2. register for and participate in membership, classes & workshops, Inventor Think Tanks, IP auction and our full portfolio of products and services Every partnership General Inventions brokers will include a brokerage fee and royalty % paid to General Inventions by one or both of the parties involved. Our dynamic and global support will cover every step required to commercialize an innovative concept. This includes: Affordable intellectual property protection Licensing agreements
IP sales Product and prototype development Manufacturing Marketing Distribution and sales Company growth Affordable financing of manufacturing to fill purchase orders. Hosting online real-time innovation conventions that function as an interactive display and sales platform between Inventors/innovators and businesses or investors. Company sale or public offering Insured IP protection
Why General Inventions, LLC We are unique to the invention/innovation industry for some of the following reasons: Priced to be affordable yet very profitable. There are many companies currently operating that charge inventors & innovators large fees in return for little offering We have a comprehensive approach and business plan remove the many roadblocks that hold back competent inventors and excellent products such as: Lack of knowledge: we will offer online, live and pre-recorded classes and workshops to train and equip our inventors Lack of contacts and resources: We have over 22,0000 followers on LinkedIn, including attorneys, prototype designers, manufacturers, investors and more. Lack of funding: We are gathering a list of investors and licensing companies that have signed up to review and invest in or license our inventors’ products and ideas as they fit their own investment appetites. Lack of guidance: We stay with our inventors as they travel their paths to success
17 different revenue sources expected Networking needs: We are building a client base of inventors, entrepreneurs, patent purchasers, licensors and more ready to sign up for our unique online, live chat rooms designed to bring these players together to pool ideas, talents and funding. We call these the Inventor’s Think Tank 17 different revenue sources expected GI receives 5% equity in their inventors’ products plus 10% of purchase order revenues and 20% of patent sales and licensing sales
Why invest in General Inventions, LLC? There is no other invention industry company like us Our business plan includes 17 different revenue sources We have extensive experience in: Product development Networking IP Import/export Manufacture Business startup Our investors will have first option to invest with our inventors in each product we bring to market that seeks funding. This is a unique opportunity for investors. This is a world-wide business model with chapters in all major countries 508-922-1909