SIOP-E HR-MBL Hungarian Proposal Miklós Garami, MD. PhD. National Coordinator 5th November, 2013 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Active Treatment Maintenance Therapy Include ABMT th. in HR-MBL group. We observed increased OS and EFS. Maintenance Therapy Relapses remain a problem especially in high risk MBL patients. We observed most relapses during the 2. year after the beginning of chemotherapy.
Maintenance Therapy Metronomic th. (in the 1. yr after active tr.) topotecan / topoisomerase inhibitor vincristine / vinca alkaloid thalidomide / angiogenesis inhibitor calcitriol / vitamin D3 Supplementary tr. (in the 2. yr after active tr.) calcitriol / vitamin D3 astaxanthin / carotenoid celecoxib / COX-2 inhibitor, NSAID
Overall Survival of Low (LR) - and High Risk (HR) Patients 2004-2012 93,8% at 5 yrs 56,5% at 5 yrs Figure 3.A
Event-free Survival of Low (LR) - and High Risk (HR) Patients 2004-2012 86,2% at 5 yrs 41,5% at 5 yrs Figure 3.B
Number of Relapses (2007-2001) Figure 4.
Overall Survival (OS) Rates Comparison Treatment Periods: 2004-2006 and 2007-2012 Figure 5.A
Event-Free Survival (EFS) Rates Comparison Treatment Periods: 2004-2006 and 2007-2012 Figure 5.B