IOC NOC Relations Department Pere Miró, Jérôme Poivey, Joëlle Simond, Toshio Tsurunaga
NOC Institutional Relations and Governance Services © Getty Images
Governance and Autonomy Olympic Agenda 2020 Recommendation 27: All organisations belonging to the Olympic Movement to accept and comply with the Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance of the Olympic and Sports Movement (Recommendation 27) Recommendation 28: The IOC to create a template to facilitate cooperation between national authorities and sports organisations in a country (Recommendation 28)
Agenda 2020 – Recommendation 28 Autonomy and harmonious working relationship between NOCs / NFs / government authorities IOC to provide all NOCs with: A document summarising all key elements to be considered Working basis for establishing a “cooperation agreement” or “MoU” with government, if necessary Status: completed and available on the NOCnet © IOC
Agenda 2020 – Recommendation 27 Principles of good governance to be implemented by all NOCs IOC to provide all NOCs with: Implementation on-line tools: Minimum requirements and expectations from the IOC / Sharing best practices Self-evaluation on-line tools: NOCs to make their own assessment / Assistance offered by the IOC to improve internal governance © IOC
Tools for implementation of Good Governance Principles and Evaluation of Compliance Ready to be circulated to NOCs Tailor-made for NOCs Available on the NOCnet Demo in our Doha offices
Institutional Services Conflict situations Statutes 34 new statutes revised and approved this year Elections Emblems 54 new NOC emblems revised and approved this year
Rio 2016 Future editions of the Games NOC Games Services
Rio 2016 Facts & Figures 205 NOCs, one Refugee Olympic Team, one group of Independent Olympic Athletes 28 sports, 306 events, 11’303 athletes, 2’102 medals More than 5’000 doping tests 92% of tickets available sold 350’000 total TV and digital broadcast hours Rio 2016 – what can I say. It was a challenging task, but we survived. In the end it was very successful from a Sport point of view. It was also successful from a Broadcast point of view. There were some challenges on the ground but if it was not for the contribution and collaboration from the IFs and NOCs it could have been a lot more challenging. The IFs really stepped up and took over a lot of the Sport and Venue management responsibilities from the OCOG. And the NOCs worked very hard to make these Games happen. At one point I was really questioning if the Village would be ready to welcome the athletes. But all of you, the NOCs, really took over and made sure the accommodation was ready for your delegations. You put in time, effort and money to clean rooms, fix leaks, repair walls, move furniture and so much more. And you did all of this without communicating this in the press. Well at least most of the NOCs were discreet. Thank you thank you thank you. I would also like to acknowledge the exceptional work done by Lenny and his NOC Services team who are unfortunately not here today. They went above and beyond to resolve issues for the NOCs and at one point even took over the role as Village management not to mention Transport, Logistics and Arrivals & Departures.
Sports Debrief 11,303 athletes 45 % women Record-breaking results from an unforgettable Olympic Games 11,303 athletes 45 % women 487 competitors from Youth Olympic Games 19 medals for the host nation Success From a purely sporting perspective, Rio 2016 has been an extraordinarily successful Olympic Games 11,303 athletes, more than 45 % women Five NOCs won their first gold medal For three of those NOCs, it was their first Olympic medal Almost 100 World and Olympic records broken 487 competitors from Youth Olympic Games Numerous Brazilian medallists :total of 19 medals, the highest total in history (7 gold, 6 silver and 6 bronze) The sporting competition has been of the highest standard in the pool, on the track and in the gym Indeed, for the second time in two years, Brazil has shown it can successfully stage the biggest sport event in the world.
From 302 events in London 2012 to 306 events in Rio 2016 Sports Debrief The sports and events Rugby Sevens Golf From 302 events in London 2012 to 306 events in Rio 2016 Addition of 2 new sports 2 new events (men and women) – Golf and Rugby Addition of new events 2 new events in Sailing – Women’s 49er, Mix multi-hull Outstanding Field of Play
Sports Debrief (+1%) (+1%) (+3%) (-5%) (+0%)
National Olympic Committees 87 NOCs won medals (London: 85) Athletes from 120 NOCs received an Olympic diploma (London: 114) 1st gold medal at the Games for NOCs of: Bahrain, Côte d’Ivoire, Fiji, Jordan, Kosovo, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Tajikistan, Vietnam © Getty Images
An increased partnership with NOCs National Olympic Committees An increased partnership with NOCs Operational issues during Games-time being solved by: Financial support of USD 30 million from Olympic Solidarity for NOC Support Travel Grants NOCs taking care of fixing issues in total cooperation with the OCOG NOC positive communication protecting the Olympic Movement and Olympic athletes IOC / WFSGI Uniform support programme for NOCs © Getty Images We have created a video for future OCOGs to understand the roles of NOCs and the Chef de Mission at the Games.
Broadcasting the Games NBC described the Olympic Games Rio 2016 as ‘the most consumed Olympic Games ever when all media platforms are considered’
Rio 2016 broadcasting highlights OBS produced 7,100+ hours of coverage, more than ever before, including a good deal of content beyond the live competition footage Nearly 350,000 total hours of coverage was broadcast by more than 500 TV channels and more than 250 digital platforms Digital coverage nearly doubled that of TV and represented 2.5 times more than London 2012 (218,000 hours versus 81,500 hours)
Media coverage of the Games Well over 1 million print and digital news stories referring to “Rio 2016” (Advertisement Value Equivalent (AVE) of coverage: USD 1.3 billion) The news was overwhelmingly positive as you can see in this graph. The majority of stories covered positive events with a very few new stories focusing on “contorversial issues” Ticketing Boxing controversy Pole vault incident Ryan Lochte Rio 2016
Rio next steps Individual debriefing with all stakeholders Rio 2016 debriefing in Tokyo (28 to 30 November 2016) Consolidation of recommendations and implementation (November to end of 2017)
Future editions of the Games
Future editions of the Olympic Games
Future editions of the Youth Olympic Games
NOC Information Services Collect and organise information on NOCs Make this information available across the Olympic Movement NOC Information Services
Consolidated contact databases NOC executives NOC commissions’ chairpersons NOC functional areas (Games, International Relations, etc.)
Support to NOC operations Information files Guides and expertise Extract from Olympic archives Document management Sports results by territory Cultural activities Communications
Statistical data NOC Review 2017
Educational tools
Access to information 30’000 publications 2’000 e-documents 1’500 IOC publications 3’000 official Games publications Journals and historical archives
Access to information Anyone working in an NOC can access the NOCnet, no max. number of user accounts per NOC Specific access rights for NOC Presidents, Secretaries Generals and Treasurers All information from the IOC and OCOGs relevant to NOCs is on the NOCnet New Olympic Solidarity Programme Guidelines for 2017-2020 will be online Today’s IOC and OS presentations downloadable from the NOCnet
You’ve heard about the range of services available from the NOC relations dept, so pls we rely on your proactive feedback to be able to service you better. In my capacity as Deputy Director General, I’m in charge of strengthening the relationships between the Olympic Movement and the IOC. In order to reach this objective, I’m pleased to inform you that James Macleod will joining our teams as of next January. The next opportunity will have to see you will be the Olympic Solidarity forums at the beginning of 2017 where we’ll present the details of the Olympic Solidarity Plan 2017-2020. Thank you’s: Sheikh IOC President Continental Associations and ANOC staff members And finally you, the NOCs, our partners