Review Notes – Middle Ages A review of Socials 8
Review Notes – Middle Ages Europe had two major powers: The Roman Catholic Church and The Feudal System
Roman Catholic Church The Roman Catholic Church dominated European Culture God > Pope > Cardinals > Arch Bishop > Bishop > Priest A person could only connect with God through an agent of the Church To save your soul you needed to pay the Church $$$ if you had committed a sin: Indulgences
Roman Catholic Church (Cont’d) The Church built large expensive Cathedrals and Churches and people knew that the RCC was corrupt Science was just beginning to give new answers to questions about the earth and the universe These contradicted the Church i.e. Grave Robbers brought bodies to the universities to dissect. Church felt this was barbaric.
Feudal System (aka Monarchy) King > Lord > Knight > Vassal > Commoner > Serf Each group is responsible to the individual above with certain services (labour/fighting) This was a system for running the land and government The King was the most powerful lord in the country Sometimes this was disputed and wars would break out
Key to All Problems: 1% of the pop was rich and powerful; 99% were poor and miserable
So What Was the Result? People started thinking that one person could not rule over everyone They believed it was unjust This thinking was led by an emerging middle class (merchants, small business owners, traders, artisans etc)
Church and Feudalism began to attack each other Church and Feudalism began to attack each other. Kings were beginning to take power away from the Church. The Church did not like this and attempted to stop it.
Which Leads to…
Massive change throughout Europe