Your Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) Set-Up Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) Set-Up This presentation demonstrates the new capabilities of PowerPoint and it is best viewed in Slide Show. These slides are designed to give you great ideas for the presentations you’ll create in PowerPoint 2010! For more sample templates, click the File tab, and then on the New tab, click Sample Templates.
Spiral Notebook and compositionotebook What you need 1 Spiral Notebook and compositionotebook 1 Colored Pencils 2 Pencil, Pens 3 Glue Sticks
Step 1: Front Cover…Write in: Make it personal-Decorate and design the front cover NAME YOUR HOUR Language Arts Ms. Hojeij Rm 216
Step 2: First Page– Tape On the “Interactive Notebook Directions Sheet”
Step 3: Turn the Page: Table of Contents [TOC] 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Page # Assignment Description Page # Assignment Description 1-4 TOC Write in the page number and titles
Step 3: Turn the Page: Table of Contents [TOC] Continued…. 4 Page # Assignment Description Page # Assignment Description Write in the page number and titles
For every assignment, this is the proper heading 5 And then fill it into the Table of Contents, including page # and title
How Notebook will work! Could include: RIGHT SIDE- STUDENT SIDE: OUTPUT Requires students to interact with the information and do something with the notes on the right Reflects how students learn and apply the information LEFT SIDE- TEACHER SIDE: INPUT All information the student is supposed to know/learn Teaches students effective note-taking strategies Could include: -Notes , Class handouts, Discussion Notes, Movie Notes, Guided Notes, Vocabulary, etc. -Thinking Maps, Structured Writing, Foldables, Golden Line, Brochure, Mind mapping, Analysis, Illustrated outlines, Reflective Writing. Etc.
How you will be graded : Formal Formal Notebook Check (Summative Every Card Marking): Looking for organization and notebook upkeep 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points Table of Contents TOC is complete 1 missing entry 2 missing entries 3 missing entries Headings All pages have a heading, title, date, and page # 1 page has a missing or incomplete heading 2 pages have a missing or incomplete headings 3 pages have a missing or incomplete headings 15 Points 13 Points 10 Points 8 Points Entries on Left Side LS work is all complete 1 blank/missing page 2 blank/missing pages 3 blank/missing pages Entries on Right Side RS work is all complete 2 Points Neatness Very colorful and neat Colorful and neat Somewhat colorful and neat Not colorful or neat Total Score (Maximum 50 pts) Title page has name, class , teacher and room #
ISN Homework: Designing the front cover Use symbols or pictures that represent you. Draw them neatly. You may use markers or sharpies. You may tape pictures of your favorite celebrities but use glue sticks only. NO GLITTER, 3D STUFF or LIQUID GLUE Somewhere on there write: Your name, Core, Mrs. Hojeij, Rm. 216