Coffee Bean Manufacturing
Coffee Bean Manufacturing Supplier Manufacturer Distributor Customer Coffee Seed Label Jute Bag Rope Growing Bag Cleaning the Beans Drying the Beans Millings the Beans Tasting the Beans Roasting the Beans Distributing to local Shop Physical Flow Information Flow Reverse Flow
7s Method 1. Sketch 2. Skim First-tier suppliers Second-tier suppliers Firm Distributors
3. Scan 4. Scope 5. Scale
5. Scale a. Efficiency = High Quality and Quantity b 5. Scale a. Efficiency = High Quality and Quantity b. Effectiveness = High Profit c. Effluence = smooth flow d. Responsiveness = quick response e. Resilience = bounce back
f. Resistance = to risks and uncertainties g. Agility = to the change h. Alignment = seamlessly in the supply chain i. Adaptability = to the new technology j. Sustainability = last long
6. Scarify 7. School
Value Stream Mapping
Tree Growing
Value Organic Coffee Bean Wet Process Giving knowledge and history Delivery Service
TIMWOOD Inventory Waste