HCR Evaluation Guyana Seabob
What to Decide Harvest Control Stock Status Index Days at Sea Total Catch Other measures Stock Status Index CPUE {Mean Weight}
What to Decide (continued…) Harvest Control Limits and Response Maximum fishing level Minimum fishing level Stock Status Index Target (what we want) Trigger (when we take precautionary action) Limit (recruitment at risk: fishery minimised)
Effort Control
Harvest Control Rule
Effort Quota DaS Fishing Active Vessels 5000 10000 15000 20000 70 71 143 214 286 75 67 133 200 267 76 66 132 197 263 80 63 125 188 250 85 59 118 176 235 87 57 115 172 230 DaS Trips 11 23 34 46 21 32 43 42 10 20 30 40 9 19 28 38 18 37 DaS + Steaming 93 186 280 373 174 261 348 86 257 343 82 163 245 326 77 153 307 150 225 300
Catch Control
Harvest Control Rules