Bully awareness and prevention Created and presented by: Jennifer Conkin
The facts According to the National Education Agency, it is estimated that 160,000 children miss school each day because they are intimidated or fear attack by other students. 56% of students have personally witnessed some type of bullying at school. 71% of students report bullying as being a problem in their schools. Harassment and bullying has been linked to 75% of all school shootings.
What does that mean for us? 1 in 7 students in K – 12 is either a bully or a victim of a bully. There are 993 students enrolled in Raymond Academy. Based on reported data, that equates to 141 of our students either being a bully or the victim of a bully.
Types of bullying Physical – this type of bullying results in its victims being hit, kicked, pinched, punched, scratched or spit on. Physical bullies also do damage to or take someone else’s belongings.
Types of bullying Verbal – verbal bullying involves name calling, using insulting words, making racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks, teasing, using sexually suggestive or in any other way offensive remarks.
Types of bullying Indirect – indirect bullies spread nasty stories and gossip about someone, exclude others from their social group, send abusive notes or message to their victim, and work towards discrediting individuals.
Types of bullying Cyber – any type of bullying that is carried out over electronic medium including: text messages, sending abusive pictures and video over the phone, email, instant messaging, and social media.
How gender affects bullying behavior Boys Girls Pick on both boys and girls. Use more physical aggression. Use more direct bullying behavior than girls – physical and verbal bullying. Are just as likely as girls to use social and emotional taunting. Typically pick only on girls. Can be aggressive, but tend to use more indirect bullying tactics such as damaging relationships through gossip. Bully in groups more often than boys. Appear nice and considerate around adults, but mean to their classmates. Seek to inflict psychological pain on their victims.
Passive or submissive students Who is a typical victim? Passive or submissive students Provocative students Quiet, cautious, sensitive students who are easily moved to tears. Insecure and have little self- confidence. Physically weaker than other students. Few or no friends. Find it easier to associate with adults than their peers. Have tempers and with fight back without success. Restless, clumsy, immature, unfocused, and generally perceived as awkward and tiresome. Hyperactive. Exhibit irritating behaviors to peers and adults. Restless and have difficulty concentrating.
When and where does bullying occur? Statistics show that 74% of eight to eleven year olds report that teasing and bullying occur at their school. Bullying starts as early as 3 and 4 years of age. Bullying begins to increase in occurrence and severity at the end of elementary school and continues to increase through high school. It is most likely to occur where there is no or inadequate adult supervision, or when adults are indifferent to bullying. Common locations for bullying in schools: halls, playgrounds, the cafeteria, on busses, and walking to and from school.
What are some typical warning signs? Sudden decrease in attendance Decline in academic performance Difficulty concentrating “Victim” body language – hunched shoulders, won’t look people in the eye, backs away Frequent illness Clingy, cautious, and anxious Lack of self confidence Becomes overly aggressive and unreasonable Feels depressed
How can you spot a potential bully? Enjoy feeling powerful and in control Seeks to dominate and manipulate others Is impulsive Seems overly concerned about being “disrespected” Loves to win at everything, is boastful, and often the envy of other students Blames others for his or her problems Generally defiant towards adults
Why do students keep bullying a secret? The are told not to “tattle”. They have told or heard someone else report bullying to an adult and nothing was done about it. They are afraid the adult will make the situation worse. They are embarrassed and feel that no ones likes them. They feel shame that they can not stand up for themselves.
Teachers need to be more aware 40% of bullied students in elementary school said their teachers intervened “once in a while” or “never” when they became aware of bullying. 25% of teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and put downs. Adults have consistently been shown to not be aware of bullying. 25% of students surveyed did not know three adults they could go to for support if bullied.
Bullying must be stopped The prevalence and intensity of bullying has increased in recent years. Bullying is a common theme in school shootings. 30% of all child suicides can be directly linked to bullying. Bullying causes children to self harm. Bullying encourages gang membership, teen pregnancies, and dropping out of school. Bullying contributes to low self esteem, depression, and an inability to cope later in life.
What can we do? Role playing Watch short clips of movie or TV shows to illustrate how bullying affects people and discuss Encourage students to use a “sorry box” to anonymously apologize for acts of bullying and unkindness Switch up groups often to ensure that students get to know each other Highlight every child’s uniqueness which increases self esteem Consider a class service project
References Beat Bullies. (2012). Retrieved from: http://www.beatbullying.org/dox/resources/resources.html Facts about bullying. (2012). Retrieved from: http://bullyfree.com/free-resources/facts-about-bullying Make a sound for a voice unheard. (2012). Retrieved from: http://www.makebeatsnotbeatdowns.org/facts_new.html Stop a bully. (2012). Retrieved from: http://www.stopabully.ca/bullying-resources/teacher-resources Teacher resources. (2012). Retrieved from: http://www.kidshelp.com.au/grownups/news-research/teacher- resources/bullying-lesson-resources.php