The Stellar OmegaCam-ITA GTO programs Sudare: the evolution of a program conducted at the 2.2@WFI (examples shown)
Omecacam GTO Italian share in the Omegacam consortium 25 % Total cash contribution 1.14 M€ Italian share in the Omegacam consortium 25 % Italian Omegacam GTO: 12 night/yr × 10 yr (+ 10 VLT nights)
Omecacam GTO Allocated ~45 of the 120 nights available Title PI duration total 10 yr 20 yr SUDARE: Supernova diversity and rate evolution Cappellaro 3 120 40 OMEGA-WINGS: galaxy transformations in the infalling regions of galaxy clusters Poggianti 2 60 30 Photometry and astrometry of the Galactic globular cluster Omega Centauri Piotto 5 46 23 The structure of the Galactic external disk at low latitude Momany 35 An Omegacam survey of Local Group dwarf galaxies Held 4 128 32 TOTAL 389 125 137 Allocated ~45 of the 120 nights available First two years over-subscribed by ~ 20-30%
Supernova diversity and rate evolution Cappellaro E., Benetti S., Greggio L., Zampieri L. Bufano F., Agnoletto, I. Turatto M., Inserra C., Pumo M.L., Botticella M.T., Valenti S., Pastorello A., Patat F. - = Sudare: the evolution of a program conducted at the 2.2@WFI (examples shown) SN 2000fc type Ia z = 0.42 V=22.4 IAUC7537 4
SN rate evolution Can be used to constrain the star formation history, models of galaxy chemical evolution, and supernova progenitor scenarios Thermonuclear (type Ia) Core Collapse A number of measurements of the SN Ia rate evolution have been collected in the last 5 year. They have been used to test different model of progenitor evolution There are still discrepancies that need to be addressed. Core collapse rate are still very few (only two groups) with no distinction as far as subtype (eg. it would be very interesting to measure the rate of Ib/c for their link with GRBs) Cappellaro et al. 2005 A&A 430, 93 Botticella et al. 2008 A&A 479, 49
Questions to address Our aim: measure properties of the events SN Ia diversity with cosmic age (prompt vs. tardy events) cosmological distance scale Core-Collapse diversity massive star evolution nucleo-synthesis collapsed remnants SN Ic hypernovae GRBs Our aim: measure properties of the events and their rates. Relate them to the parent galaxies
Star Formation Rate History VST + Omegacam niche Star Formation Rate History VST LBT JWST JDEM Misure con altri traccianti c’è un enorme dispersione Funzione di salpiter errore 40per cento sull’assunzione delle masse
SUDARE Goal: Supernova detection and monitoring of ~200 SNe 3 yr monitoring of 1sqdeg field at limiting magnitude 25 frequency filter exposure purpose every other day r 30 min detection light curve once a week g, i 30 min classification extinction Constraints: R.A. , > 5 days from full moon, seeing < 1.4” 80 r + 30 g, i exposures/yr 8 nights/yr
Requirements 4 night/yr × 3 yr from Omegacam/GTO 4 night/yr × 3 yr from VST/GTO time allocation scheduling requirements service mode distributed over all year data delivery within 5-7 days (to allow for follow-up)
OMEGA-WARP Momany Y., Zaggia S., Piotto G., Ortolani S., Carraro G., Bedin L., De angeli F.
Warp maximum: 240 or 270 ? What is the best stellar tracer to probe the warp ? Comparison with models Comparison of the stellar warp with that found for the gas and dust A Mon.Ring—Flare connection ? Details: peculiar distance-Vrad of CMa (Martin et al. 2005) ? Details: PM of CMa vs warp (Dinescu et al. 2005) Details: the FWHM of CMa (Martinez-DelGado et al. 2005) Details: RR Lyrae in CMa ? Conclusion:….
Conclusions: CMa is almost surely of Galactic origin. CMa is warp max. at 240 Gas-dust-stars show similar warping (amplitude & phase), arguing against an accretion warp amplitude differences depend on tracer distance and contam.
OMEGACAM: address the origin and evolution of the warp Observations of old (10 Gyr stars) & comparison with 2MASS results. Warp origin: (i) accretion of satellites; (ii) cosmic infall; (iii) intergalactic magnetic field; (iv) accretion of intergalactic medium Revaz & Pfenniger
OMEGACAM 3 stripes 2x20 degrees long across the disk 2 colors g, i down to g=23.5. along the path of the Carina orbit. requested 65 hours to complete (35 omegacam + 35 STEP)
WFI Observations already done by other groups in the last years With a baseline of 5-7 years It will be possible to do ~5mas Precision PROPER MOTIONS
GOALS: extend the knowledge of the stellar population and star formation history of the disk out to its outer edge (15-20kpc from us) in the direction of the south warp have a clear view of the vertical and structure of the outer disk understand the origin of the warp. 35 hours assigned on the second year. REVISIONS sinergies with the VISTA surveys and VHPAS