Angels & Demons Theology Notes Nov. 3, 2016
Notes – write it down Background – you do not have to write it down
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, To whom God's love commits me here, Ever this day, be at my side, To light and guard, To rule and guide. Amen. Feast Day: October 2
Feast Day: September 29th St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Feast Day: September 29th
We have seen Angels in Movies…
Where have we seen Angels in the Bible? In your notes, list at least one time you recall an Angel being present anywhere in the Bible.
Notes - How many times are Angels mentioned in the Bible? 108 times - Old Testament 165 times - New Testament
Notes - Angels Latin = Angelus Angel means: One Sent ; Messenger
Notes - Can humans become Angels?
Notes - No. Humans cannot become Angels. Angels are an entirely separate order of creatures than human beings. Human beings have both a spiritual soul and a material body. Angels are pure spiritual beings; they are persons who have intelligence and will, but they do not have bodies.
Background - Christians Believe in Angels
Background – Every Sunday we pray The Nicene Creed: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
Notes - What is an Angel?
Background - To understand true Angels, we must know - Meaning of the term in the Bible Office of the Angels Names assigned to Angels Distinction between good and evil spirits Divisions of the Angelic choirs Angelic appearances Development of the Scriptural idea of angels
“You have made him a little less than the Angels.” - Psalm 8 : 6 Notes - In the Bible: Angels are a body of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men. “You have made him a little less than the Angels.” - Psalm 8 : 6
Like men, Angels were created by God. – Psalm 148 : 2, 5; Notes - What we know from the Bible: Like men, Angels were created by God. – Psalm 148 : 2, 5; Colossians 1 : 16-17
Angels are spiritual beings. (Hebrews 1 : 14) Notes - What we know from the Bible: Angels are spiritual beings. (Hebrews 1 : 14)
The function of the Angelic host is “assistance” Job 1 : 6; Job 2 : 1 Notes - In the Bible: The function of the Angelic host is “assistance” Job 1 : 6; Job 2 : 1 Jesus refers to it as their constant occupation. – Matthew 18 : 10
Notes - What we know from the Bible: There are Seven Angels whose special function is to stand before God’s throne. Tobit 12 : 15 Revelation 8 : 2-5
Notes - What we know from the Bible The Angels of the Bible have the Role of being God’s messengers to mankind.
Notes - What we know from the Bible: Judges 13 Daniel 8 : 16 Luke 2 : 9
Notes - Guardian Angels
Notes - Proof of Guardian Angels Genesis 24 : 7 – “He will send His angel before thee.” Matthew 4 : 6 – “As the Lord lives, His angel has been my keeper.”
3. Proof of Guardian Angels: Matthew 18 : 10 – “See that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say to you that their angels in Heaven always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”
Three Primary Hierarchy of Angels = 9 Choirs of Angels Background Three Primary Hierarchy of Angels = 9 Choirs of Angels Hierarchy 1 – “Councilors of God” Seraphim Cherubim Thrones Hierarchy 2 – “Governors” Dominations Virtues Powers Hierarchy 3 – “Messengers of God” Principalities Archangels Angels
Notes – Order 9 - ANGELS
Notes: Order 8 Archangels
Notes - Order 7 - Principalities
Notes - Order 6 - Powers
Notes - Order 5 - Virtues
Notes - Order 4 Dominions
Notes - Order 3 - Thrones
Notes - Order 2 - Cherubim
Notes - Order 1 - Seraphim
Background: Angel Encounters … Dr. Miravalle / Uncle Jim / Google…
Notes - Angels with names in the Bible: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
Notes - Fallen Angels
Notes (entire screen) - Where are fallen angels known as demons mentioned in the Bible? Fallen angels or demons, because of pride, did not return God's love. God did not destroy them, but permits them a limited scope of activity. Their condition is permanent for no creature can turn away from the perfect good of the beatific vision of God once he has come to enjoy it, and no additional reflection could change the mind of a purely spiritual being who has turned away.
Notes (entire screen) - Demons are fallen angels under the command of Satan. Satan is called the Prince, or Ruler, of all demons in Matthew 9:34; Matthew 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15. Demons are also called the ministers, or ambassadors of Satan in Luke 4:35; Luke 9:1,42; John 10:21.
Notes (entire screen) - Satan is brilliant, an administrative genius Notes (entire screen) - Satan is brilliant, an administrative genius. He is smarter than every human being combined. He has an excellent organization, mentioned in Eph. 6:10-12. The Bible also makes a distinction between demon possession and demon influence.
Notes – Leader of the Fallen Angels – Lucifer or Satan or The Devil
Notes – Wisdom 2:24 - “Through the devil’s envy death entered the world, and those who belong to his company experience it.”
Notes (entire screen) – Revelation 12: 4 – The dragon’s tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. The dragon is the devil and this refers to how he chose against God, and one third of the angels chose also against God and became demons.
Notes (entire screen) - God is infinitely more powerful than satan and all demons. If God was the tallest building in the world, satan and all demons would be smaller than a grain of sand.
What is our defense against evil? Prayer Sacraments Notes (entire screen) – What is our defense against evil? Prayer Sacraments Fellowship / Christian Friends Service
Scripture Passage that explains the weapons for battle: Ephesians 6: 10-20 Find the passage in your Bible and underline or circle it.
To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, Guardian Angel Angel of God, My Guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, To rule and guide. Amen.
Notes - Teen Timeline Lesson 5 - Royal Kingdom and Divided Kingdom
Theology Notes - October 13th, 2016 Where We Have Been: Early World -Book: Genesis 1-11 -Covenant with Adam and Eve - One Holy Couple, Sign was the Sabbath -Covenant with Noah - One Holy Family, Sign was the Rainbow Major Events: *Creation *Fall *Curse and Promise *Flood *People Scattered at Babel
-Covenant with Abraham - One Holy Tribe, the Sign was Circumcision Notes - Where We Have Been Patriarchs -Books: Genesis 12-50 -Book of Job -Covenant with Abraham - One Holy Tribe, the Sign was Circumcision Major Events *Binding of Isaac *Jacob’s 12 Sons *Joseph sold into slavery
Books - Exodus and Leviticus *Exodus/ First Passover Notes - Egypt and Exodus Books - Exodus and Leviticus Major Events *400 Years of Slavery *The Burning Bush *Ten Plagues *Exodus/ First Passover *Red Sea
Books - Numbers and Deuteronomy *Moses strikes the rock twice Notes - Desert Wanderings Books - Numbers and Deuteronomy Covenant with Moses - One Holy Nation, The Sign was the Ten Commandments Major Events - *12 Spies Sent *Manna *Moses strikes the rock twice *Bronze Serpent
Books - Joshua and Judges, Ruth Notes - Conquest and Judges Books - Joshua and Judges, Ruth Major Events: *Fall of Jericho *Israel asks for a King
*The Study of the Angels Notes - Where We Are Headed - *The Study of the Angels *Royal Kingdom *Divided Kingdom *The Exile *The Return *The Maccabean Revolt
Notes - Where We Are Now: The Book of Ruth Page 273
Answer the following in your Notes: Do not write the question. Write your answers only. Who is your most loyal friend? Why? (2 sentences) 2. What would you do if your best friend lost their family to a tragic accident? (1 sentence) 3. What does friendship mean to you? (1 sentence) 4. How can you be a better friend to others like Ruth was? (1 sentence)
Theology Notes - Monday October 17th Respect Life Week - October 17-21
Bring your Blue textbook or eBook on Tuesday October 18th
Notes - Today’s Theme: Agents of Mercy for the World Today’s Topic: Bringing Love to a Hurting World
Background: Our world often is confused by what true mercy looks like Background: Our world often is confused by what true mercy looks like. Pope Francis calls us to a culture of encounter, to recognize the dignity in the person in front of us. This encounter leads us to action on their behalf by serving others through works of mercy.
Background - Christ has called us to go and make disciples of all nations and in a special way to give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned, and bury the dead. In so doing, our hearts change and we learn to be merciful as the Heavenly Father is merciful.
Notes - 7 Corporal Works of Mercy Corporal = physical Feed the Hungry Give Drink to the Thirsty Shelter the Homeless Visit the Sick Visit the Prisoners Bury the Dead Give to the Poor
Notes - 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy Counseling the Doubtful Instructing the Ignorant Admonishing the Sinner (Admonish means to advise/direct toward God) Comforting the Sorrowful Forgiving Injuries Bearing Wrongs Patiently Praying for the Living and the Dead
An Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy - Fr. Mike Schmitz An Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy - Fr. Mike Schmitz Chris Stefanick Pope Francis - Who is Worthy of God’s Mercy?
Agents of Mercy For the World