Key responses – Hygiene Promotion Introduction to HP and participation


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Presentation transcript:

Key responses – Hygiene Promotion Introduction to HP and participation WASH Cholera / AWD EP&R training Session 2.1 Key responses – Hygiene Promotion Introduction to HP and participation

WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training Learning objectives By the end of the session the participants will be able to list possible reasons for successes and challenges in hygiene promotion linked to WASH cholera / AWD responses understand why community participation and considering vulnerabilities is important in WASH cholera / AWD responses WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training

Group work instructions In your groups share your successes and challenges – what worked and what did not work- in hygiene promotion in WASH cholera / AWD response. Write your findings on a flip chart. 15 minutes WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training

WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training Following 6 slides present community groups that were identified as vulnerable by community members who participated in SFC Alliance Rapid Assessment on Protection Issues within Zimbabwe’s Cholera Response in January 2009 WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training

WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training Elderly WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training

Children under the age of 2 years WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training

People with disability WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training

Groups refusing medical treatment WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training

People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training

WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training Unaccompanied adolescents (e.g. street children, child-headed households, migrants) WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training

WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training Learning objectives By the end of the session the participants will be able to list possible reasons for successes and challenges in hygiene promotion linked to WASH cholera / AWD responses understand why community participation and considering vulnerabilities is important in WASH cholera / AWD responses WASH cholera / AWD EP&R training