Role of real estate management processes in supporting the economy in Poland Justyna Jasiołek Krzysztof Jasiołek Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering Department of Geomatics International Conference “SDI & SIM 2013” FIG-COM3, FIG-TH-PH & Geo-SEE Skopje, 13-16 November 2013
DECISION-MAKING PROCEDURES REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT The administrative division of Poland in the service of the real estate economy REAL ESTATE ENTITIES DECISION-MAKING PROCEDURES REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT Real estate management is a system of relationships between entities, real estate, and decision-making procedures related to the management of space. Management of real estate we consciously undertaken by an individual or a collective to obtain the best possible good while optimal utilization of real estate. Among these processes are those that relate to the physical or economic transformations and changes in the legal status of real estate. With a valid real estate economy is inextricably linked to thoughtful and rational land-use planning and the ability to use real cadastral information.
Administrative division MALOPOLSKIE POLAND A consequence of the administrative division of Polish territory is a division of real estate resources. There are: · real estate resource State Treasury · community resources (2479) · capital resources (380) · provincial resources (16) KRAKOW Legend: 16 voivodeships 380 districts 2479 municipalities
Real estate management in municipalities Basic real estate management processes and procedures take place at the local level. Municipal resource form property: to 01.01.1998 were the property of the municipality afer 01.01.1998 were acquired: by contract, ownership or perpetual use of the municipality; become the property of municipalities by way of conversion or donations, or as a result of surrender; remaining after closed or privatized communal legal persons and organizational units municipal jobs; by way of expropriation, pre-emption, divisions and merges and splits. Communal resource includes all property (both land with component parts, as well as buildings and premises which are subject of property distinct from the land): entered into its composition on 1 stycznia1998 and properties which are successively thereafter acquired by the municipality, regardless of their purpose or use. The basis for the creation of a resource is a study of the conditions and directions of spatial planning. Real estate located in the resource may be used for development and structured investment activities (housing, infrastructure, technical equipment, etc.). Basically, the municipal properties resource is manages by the mayor. The execution of the steps above can, and often should be entrusted to qualified specialists in a chosen field, like: managers, property valuers or surveyors. However, within the area of local government, except real property resource there are also properties held by other natural or legal persons.
Real estate management in the community In relation to all real estate located within the limits of local government authorities are required to implement a range of own tasks directly connected with real estate. Most of them are geodetic-legal procedures for property management. These include, among others: reviewing and approving real estate divisions; merge and divisions; expropriation; right of first refusal; devices in the media and participation in the cost of construction of infrastructure facilities; determination of dimension and the collection of taxes from real estate. spatial governance and management of the exhibition The need for the implementation of these tasks by the local authorities is a natural consequence of devolution of power. Local governments have more responsibilities, which naturally generates more costs for their implementation. On the other hand, it is also more powerful multiplying the wealth of your budget. A significant portion of the above processes is associated with the ability to charge and charge that amount in its entirety part of the municipal budget, including: property taxes, agricultural tax, forest tax, adjacent fee, planning fee, fees for usufruct. Not all of the above-mentioned possibilities for enrichment of the local budget are fully usable. The reason for this is usually too high costs implementation or unstructured and inconsistent information about the real estate base.
THE NUMBER OF ACTS OF MPZP Space economy In Poland it is enacted 47116 local zoning plans, cover less than 30% of the surface area of the whole country. STATE OR PROVINCE THE NUMBER OF ACTS OF MPZP 1 DOLNOŚLĄSKIE 6270 2 KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE 2697 3 LUBELSKIE 1706 4 LUBUSKIE 1396 5 ŁÓDZKIE 1768 6 MAŁOPOLSKIE 3718 7 MAZOWIECKIE 4070 8 OPOLSKIE 1174 9 PODKARPACKIE 2453 10 PODLASKIE 1210 11 POMORSKIE 5265 12 ŚLĄSKIE 3756 13 ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE 871 14 WARMIŃSKO-MAZURSKIE 2147 15 WIELKOPOLSKIE 6750 16 ZACHODNIOPOMORSKIE 1863 SUM 47 116 11 14 16 10 2 To adopt the local plans (MPZP) is a very important process for rational management of real estate at the local level. These local acts are about how current and future land use and development way covered by the scope of the plan. Real estate management processes are implementing objectives and MPZP entries. In Poland it is enacted 47116 local zoning plans, cover less than 30% of the surface area of the whole country. Table 1 summarizes the number of local plans adopted in the various provinces. Figure 3 indicates the number of local plans adopted in the various provinces. The darker the color, the greater is the coverage of the range of local plans. No local plans significantly impedes the proper real estate management in terms of achieving the benefits of their potential. Of course, the lack of local plans compensate to a certain extent adopted study conditions and directions of land-use or zoning decisions and management of the site. However, they do not have the status of local legislation, which may only be used in limited cases. 15 7 4 5 1 3 13 8 12 9 6
References Streamlining the decision-making process, and hence a valid real estate economy leads to: detailed, thoughtful and rational planning ways to space, the ability to obtain and use the true and correct information, the cadastral implementation of management processes, including geo-processes. Discerning planned ways to space management, correct and consistent information from the cadastre and properly implemented procedures for positive change in space require one more element - the consequences at every stage of the implementation of the action. On the real estate management team consists of procedures and processes, which is a prerequisite for the implementation of consistent achievement of the best possible benefits while at the same time the optimal use of the property. Streamlining the decision-making process, and hence a valid real estate economy leads to: · detailed, thoughtful and rational planning ways to space, · the ability to obtain and use the true and correct information, the cadastral · implementation of management processes, including geo-processes, Discerning planned ways to space management, correct and consistent information from the cadastre and properly implemented procedures for positive change in space require one more element - the consequences at every stage of the implementation of the action. This applies particularly to the calculation and enforcement of charges that powering local governments budgets, and thus allow further development activities of municipalities.
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