Qtr2 performance report


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Presentation transcript:

Qtr2 performance report 14 November 2017

Contents Executive summary Strategic KPIs (update) Key projects update User feedback Operational KPIs Finance report (7mths ended Oct17) www.hra.nhs.uk | @HRA_Latest 

Executive summary Good performance continues to be achieved with most operational and strategic KPIs meeting expectations, no surprises in user feedback and our financial forecast in line with our spending review allocation. Service and projects achievements this quarter include the well-received launch of the new website, successful joint validation pilot, UK wide policy framework and research systems infrastructure migration project. Work continues on developing the new strategic KPIs with data collection and some reporting now possible. Successes to note, good progress in determining baseline data for HRA Approval KPIs, 94% eligible staff have had an appraisal, low sickness levels and external engagement opportunities are being actively promoted and taken up. While these metrics are being developed we will continue to present operational KPIs in this report to provide operational information during this transition. www.hra.nhs.uk | @HRA_Latest 

Executive summary Operational KPIs Mostly a strong performance throughout the HRA more than meeting expectations. HRA Approvals timelines (old KPIs) continue to reflect improvement although variability in monthly KPIs shows service resourcing is finely balanced. Ethics service is meeting its mandatory targets and annual reports are complete. We are targeting action to improve PR timelines (slightly outside expectations for a number of RECs distorting the overall median timelines). Projects Programme linkage with strategic plan and financial plan now being developed as part of 2018/19 planning process. User feedback No significant changes to overall satisfaction levels despite adapting the scoring structure for this quarter. www.hra.nhs.uk | @HRA_Latest 

Strategic KPIs (update and report)

User experience New KPIs for HRA Approval are being developed with baseline data being collated for increase in number ‘right first time’ improved end to end timelines (and predictability) Existing operational KPIs show marked improvement on all KPIs for HRA Approval except non-REC approval (see graph, page 7) Now that most timelines are in line with or exceeding expectations the focus has moved to non-REC timelines. Extended timelines are due to: High number of applications either incomplete or poor quality requiring re-working / submission of additional documentation Single validation and proportionality should help reduce these Median timelines now at 25 days (Oct17) and expected to hover at this level until SIP improvements flow through the system

Time from regulatory approval to HRA Approval

HRA operating model Theme Description Measure Update Financial performance Reduction in the unit cost of processing each application 5% reduction on 16/17 baseline Baseline data is being determined. Analysis of REC costs performed. Forecasting Enhancing HRA forecasting tools to deliver a balanced I&E Forecasting to be within 4% range of forecast target Forecast being recorded within oracle and within range set. SLT focused on forecast and reserves. Estates Improving facilities utilisation and cost effectiveness Achieve 8sqm/desk industry benchmark Work towards 8:10 desks / staff member. 8.5sqm/desk achieved 9:10 desk / staff member ratio

Our people Theme Description Measure Update Development Our commitment to developing our people Our ability to respond to user needs 100% eligible people have had an appraisal >50% of our people have an opportunity to interact outside of HRA 94% as at 14th November 2017 Actively being promoted. Good take up in some teams Wellbeing Sickness absence – vital to HRA success that we create and support a healthy working environment <1,500 lost days/annum (2.2%) 614 FTE (41% of target, vs 50% timeline) Engagement Strong engagement – resulting in a more productive organisation 80% from staff survey Survey launched IT Providing the tools to enable our people to perform well 10% improvement on 2017

Leadership and transparency Theme Description Measure Update Strategic stakeholder engagement Increased participation on strategic decision making groups Our ability to respond to user needs HRA executives spend at least 20% of their time engaging with key external stakeholder groups More people aware of HRA SLT criteria / reporting being agreed and reporting mechanism. As above Transparency Our ability to demonstrate publication of research findings and improve visibility of research tbd Bill Davidson is leading on developing this measure with the policy group.

Projects update

Projects - highlights Programme includes 42 projects, 2 successfully completed (infrastructure migration, UK wide policy framework) 8 deferred. 2018/19 planning process aims to increase focus on key change programmes (SIP and Research Systems) and defer / curtail other projects to release resource and knowledge SIP governance advisory internal audit review – strong confidence in approach taken SIP developments include: single validation pilot; proportionate review – stakeholder interviews; IRAS verification tool being developed; resource management PID agreed Research systems business case formally submitted to DH, awaiting decision.

Website How is it being used? Date range: 5 October – 8 November 2017 Top 10 pages visited: Planning and improving research Homepage News story: New framework for UK health and social care research launched UK policy framework for health and social care research What approvals and decisions do I need? Search HRA Approval Approvals and amendments Amending an approval Research planning

Website - user research To add to the feedback collected during private beta; 34 people have completed the online feedback from; and 12 people have emailed the communications inbox. 5 people were interviewed at Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust. Focus group with individuals from local NHS trusts and staff from Central Manchester NHS FT. To maximise the feedback that we will receive we will utilise social media, our established networks and our external newsletter HRA Latest.

Website - People are saying… Overall people have been very positive and any suggestions made have been implemented and taken into consideration. Site is clear and concise and contains a lot of useful information about the approval process   Very impressive well done! I’ve just had a quick look and have to say that it seems so much more user friendly that the current active website and the links to additional information are great – it makes the information flow and makes so much more sense rather than having to spend ages searching for the additional info – this will be great for those people who are new to research too. “I’ve just done a quick navigation of it and I must say I can only see improvements at this point, the old website really wasn’t easy to navigate but the new version seems MILES better…..especially the layout of information” Very impressed with the new look HRA website - much easier to navigate! I like the fact links are embedded within highlighted words in the text.

User feedback

User feedback - highlights No significant changes to feedback following adaption of rating 226 (Apr17 – Sep17) respondents completed online feedback survey. Response rates remain constant (221 Oct16 to Mar17 and 236 Apr16 to Sep16). The top 3 services/functions rated as either excellent or good by respondents are:  HRA Assessment Team / REC / CAT Staff – 91% IRAS Usability – 82% IRAS Guidance – 73%  

Satisfaction with HRA service

HRA service rating

Operational KPIs

HRA Approval Significant improvement in timelines for HRA Approval compared to 2016/17 – more analysis provided in HRA assessment performance report These operational KPIs are b/f from 2016/17 and will be replaced by end to end timelines in due course. Data collection on these new KPIs is currently being established. Focus has been on achieving target KPIs for 1B;1C;1D. Focus is now being directed at 1A. Contributing factors for non-REC (reduced to 25 for Oct 17) include Incomplete applications Quality of applications Proportionality

Ethics and CAG The research ethics service continues to perform well meeting its operational KPIs except proportionate review (pr) which is falling slightly behind. For PR steps are being taken to address the target with a focus on a number of RECs where timelines are not being met.

Systems, quality & transparency

Learning, FOI and finance These are new KPIs and are currently in development phase. Data collection will enable us to understand our starting point and will inform target levels for the 2018/19 planning process.

Appendices: Finance report – October 2017