Early History In the 8th and 9th centuries, kings went to war with other kingdoms. While at war, they had to assure stability at home, so King Alfred the Great established a system of MUTUAL PLEDGE MUTUAL PLEDGE- A form of community self protection developed by King Alfred the Great in 9th century England
MUTUAL PLEDGE The lowest level of self protection was the TITHING (a group of 10 families) 10 TITHINGS (100 families) were grouped into a HUNDRED Large groups of families (hundreds) in a geographic location was known as a SHIRE (or county)
shire-reeve - early English official placed in charge of shires as part of the system of mutual pledge. This position evolved into our concept of sheriff. Sheriff – Lead law enforcer in a rural area or county
What is a Constable? Constable – Considered the first form of English police officer. Constables were responsible for dealing with serious breaches of the law. The office of constable dates back at least to 1066 and the Norman Conquest of England. William the Conqueror appointed constables to supervise individual communities, or boroughs. A constable's duties varied considerably in different circumstances and times. They were often similar to those of a sheriff, who supervised a shire (the equivalent of a county). Over time, however, as sheriffs were given increasing administrative duties, constables assumed primary responsibility for local law enforcement.
The Constable The office of constable had been transplanted to the British colonies in North America by the mid-seventeenth century, and with it continued the divergence between constable and sheriff. In America as in England, the main qualification for the office of sheriff was "that he be of sufficient estate." This limited the choices for sheriff to a relatively small and elite group of planters in each county. As a result, few sheriffs had either the ability or desire to serve warrants or bring offenders to justice. Consequently, the constable and justice of the peace were about the only law and order most rural American settlers ever saw.
1285 - The Winchester Statute in England formed the first Criminal Justice system which had 4 parts: The Watch and Ward – a primitive form of policing which required all men to serve as night watch in their towns Hue & Cry – yells to summons assistance The Parish Constable Required all males to keep weapons in their homes for the use of maintaining public peace
The Watch and Ward Watchmen had 3 primary functions patrolling the streets from dusk until dawn lighting street lamps, clearing garbage from streets, putting out fires enforcing criminal laws
THIEF TAKERS - 17th Century private citizens with no official status, paid by the king per criminal captured: BOUNTY HUNTERS
Bow Street Runners Henry Fielding-Chief Magistrate of Bow Street England Bow Street Runners
Sir Robert Peel In 1828, Sir Robert Peel drafted the first police bill, the Metropolitan Police Act. Bobbies This act established the first large-scale, uniformed, organized paid, civilian police force in London. Founder of Modern Policing
American Policing In 1631 Boston created the first colonial night watch. In 1658 paid watchmen took over patrolling NYC. 1833 - FIRST paid daylight operating police force was formed in Philadelphia 1845 - NYPD was created Rogues’ galleries Mulberry Street Morning Parade 1878- Criminal Investigation Department (CID) was created in Scotland Yard. The need for centralized control of police to reform for corruption has been a recurring them in law enforcement.
Pinkerton Allan Pinkerton became Chicago’s first detective in 1849 Reliable detectives were needed because corruption in police departments was common, and the investigative abilities of city detectives were limited due to jurisdictional boundaries. In 1850, Pinkerton formed his private detective agency with Chicago attorney Edward Bucker. Uncovering an assassination attempt on President Elect Lincoln on his way to his inauguration speech in Baltimore. After the outbreak of war in 1861, he established the Secret Service Division within the Army working closely with Union General George McClellan.
Pinkerton Pinkerton emerged as an exceptional national investigator unimpeded by jurisdictional boundaries.
State and Federal Agencies 1865- Congress created the U.S. Secret Service Agency to combat counterfeiting. 1903- Two years after President McKinley was assassinated, the informal job of guarding the President became a permanent assignment of the Secret Service 1920-At the start of Prohibition, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, within the Department of Treasury (T-Men), were responsible for enforcing the law against alcohol consumption and sales.
F.B.I. 1908- U.S. Attorney General Charles Bonaparte created the predecessor of what would later become the F.B.I. in order for federal investigations to be handled by a specially trained group of investigators. 1924- J. Edgar Hoover became director of the F.B.I. establishing high moral standards and conduct within the F.B.I. to combat corruption and insure efficiency in federal investigation, information gathering, records keeping and publicity just as Pinkerton did on a national level 1935- Congress passed a measure giving the F.B.I. its current designation.
FBI Responsibilities Protect the United States from terrorist attack Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes Combat public corruption at all levels Protect civil rights Combat transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises Combat major white-collar crime Combat significant violent crime
DEA 1914- International Hague Conference called for action against illicit drugs 1930- A separate Narcotics Bureau was established with the Treasury Department 1968- Narcotics Bureau was consolidated under the Department of Justice as the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs 1973- The Bureau became the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) with the responsibility of fighting international drug trafficking.
US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ATF is a federal law enforcement agency within the Department of Justice that investigates criminal organizations, the illegal use and trafficking of firearms, the illegal use and storage of explosives, acts of arson and bombings, the illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products, and assists in terrorism investigations.
Secret Service Founded to combat counterfeiting of U.S. currency at the end of the Civil War. In 1901, after the assassination of President McKinley
US Marshals Within the U.S. Department of Justice. It is the oldest American federal law enforcement agency which was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789 during the presidency of George Washington. The US Marshals Service is the federal government's lead agency in protecting Federal Courts, Judges, witnesses and for conducting investigations involving escaped federal prisoners; probation, parole and bond default violators; and fugitives of law.
Central Intelligence Agency CIA’s primary mission is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security. This is a very complex process and involves a variety of steps.
Other Federal Law Enforcement Agencies United States Park Police National Park Service Ranger United States Forest Service United States Mint Police Federal Bureau of Prisons Federal Protective Service Federal Reserve Bank Police Department United States Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of Indian Affairs Police United States Customs and Border Protection
Federal Agencies continued United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement United States Veterans Affairs Police Armed Services (Military Police) United States Postal Service (Special Agents/OIG)
City Police City police officers are responsible for enforcing the law (local, state and federal) within the city limits, though they have police authority within the state and often interstate with agreements between states. (Tahoe example).
County Sheriff's Department The Sheriff is responsible for law enforcement on the county level in unincorporated areas of the county. A sheriff's deputies carry out most of the law enforcement duties while the sheriff, usually an elected official, manages their activities. Security of the County Superior Courts and Judges Operation of County Jails
California Highway Patrol On August 14, 1929, the California Highway Patrol was created through an act of the Legislature giving authority to primarily enforce traffic laws on county and State highways – full police authority and powers of state laws. To assist in emergencies exceeding local capabilities. The 1995 merger with the California State Police also increased the areas of responsibility to include protection of state property and employees, the Governor and other dignitaries.
Other CA state agencies Office of the Attorney General; California Department of Justice Bureau of Investigation California Bureau of Firearms California Bureau of Forensic Services California Bureau of Gambling Control California Employment Development Department California Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud & Elder Abuse CA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Office of Correctional Safety- State Fugitive Apprehension Teams & Special Service Unit
Other CA Agencies continued California Office of Correctional Safety- State Fugitive Apprehension Teams & Special Service Unit California Department of Developmental Services Office of Protective Services California Department of State Hospitals Department of Police Services - Hospital Police California Department of Fish and Wildlife Game Wardens California State Parks California State Parks Peace Officer
CA Agencies continued CA Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Department of Insurance California Department of Motor Vehicles Franchise Tax Board CA Lottery Security and Law Enforcement Division CA Department of Consumer Affairs CA Department of Forestry and Fire Protection CA Department of Health Care Services