National Food Security Mission (NFSM) - An Overview Crops Division DAC&FW
National Food Security Mission(NFSM) Objectives Increasing production of rice, wheat, pulses and coarse cereals through area expansion and productivity enhancement in a sustainable manner in the identified districts of the country; Restoring soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level; and Enhancing farm level economy (i.e., farm profits) to restore confidence amongst the farmers.
National Food Security Mission(NFSM) Aims additional food grains production of 25 million tonnes consisting of rice-10 million tonnes, wheat-8 million tonnes, pulses- 4 million tonnes and coarse cereals – 3 million tonnes by 2016-17 Targets to increase crop productivity in low yielding districts having low productivity in comparison to State average
States & Districts covered under NFSM Name of crop 2012-13 2016-17 No. of States No. of Districts Rice 24 210 25 194 Wheat 12 166 11 126 Pulses 16 468 29 638 Coarse Cereals* - 28 265 Note : * Coarse Cereals included under NFSM from 2014-15 Selection of Districts: NFSM-Rice & Wheat: Districts with >50,000 ha area and Yield below State Average NFSM-Coarse Cereals: Districts covering 70% of the total coarse cereals area of the state
Interventions Promoted under NFSM (Rice/Wheat/Pulses and Coarse Cereals) Demonstrations on improved Technologies Distribution of Seeds (HYVs/Hybrids) Assistance for Production of Seeds (only in Pulses) INM and IPM Resource Conservation Technologies/Tools (farm implements) Efficient Water Application Tools Cropping System based Training
Production Targets & Achievements for XI and Targets for XII Plan (million tonnes) NFSM Component XI Plan XII Plan Target of additional production up to during terminal year of XI Plan 2006-07 ( pre-NFSM year) 2011-12 ( Terminal year of XI Plan) Increase Target of production up to during terminal year of XII Plan Rice 10 93.36 105.30 11.94 Wheat 8 75.81 94.88 19.07 Pulses 2 14.20 17.09 2.89 4 Coarse Cereals* - 3 Total Food grain 20 217.29 259.29 42.00 25 Note : * Coarse Cereals included under NFSM from 2014-15
Total kharif Foodgrains Production (Million Tonnes) Crops 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 * 2016-17 Kharif Targets 2016-17 (2nd advance estimates) Rice 91.50 91.39 91.41 93.00 96.02 Pulses (Kharif) 5.99 5.73 5.53 7.25 8.72 Arhar 3.17 2.81 2.56 3.62 4.23 Urdbean 1.15 1.28 1.25 1.45 2.11 Moongbean 0.96 0.87 1.00 1.22 1.51 Coarse Cereals 31.20 30.94 28.15 32.50 32.77 Total Foodgrains 128.69 128.06 125.09 132.75 137.51 *Final estimate
Total Foodgrains Production (Million Tonnes) Crops 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 * 2016-17 Targets 2016-17 (2nd advance estimates) Rice 106.65 105.48 104.41 108.50 108.86 Wheat 95.85 86.53 92.29 96.50 96.64 Total Pulses 19.25 17.15 16.35 20.75 22.14 Coarse Cereals 43.29 42.86 38.52 44.35 44.34 Maize 24.26 24.17 22.57 24.50 26.15 Tur (Arhar) 3.17 2.81 2.56 3.62 4.23 Gram 9.53 7.33 7.06 9.60 9.12 Total Foodgrains 265.04 252.02 251.57 270.10 271.98 *Final estimate
Support to State Govt. /Seed Producing Agencies- i. Distribution of Seed Minikit of newer varieties of pulses- An amount of 67.56 crore has been allocated for pulses seed minikit distribution during kharif/ rabi & summer to popularize newer varieties. ii. Formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) for Seed production , procurement, and new technologies, an amount of Rs. 52.11 crore is allocated to SFAC. 81 FPOs formed : 30 more targeted. S. No. Season Allocation (No.) Supply (No.) 1 Kharif 2,83,200 1,27,601 2 Rabi 3,62,089 2,23,977 3 Summer 1,40,000 - Total 7,85,289 3,51,578
Roadmap for higher pulses production Sr. No. Year Area (million ha) Production Target (million tones) 1 2016-17 25.25 21.00 2 2017-18 25.75 21.75 3 2018-19 26.25 22.25 4 2019-20 26.75 23.00 5 2020-21 27.25 24.00
Achievement of NFSM during 2015-16 Sl No Interventions Achievement 1 Cluster Demonstrations (ha.) 17.54 lakh ha. 2 Seed distribution (Rice, Wheat, Pusles & Coarse Cereals) 11.73 lakh q 3 Integrated Nutrient Management (ha.) 20.21 lakh ha 4 Integrated Pest Management (ha.) 19.07 lakha ha 5 Improved Farm Machineries (Nos) 2.36 lakh 6 Distribution of Pumpsets (Nos) 48,892 7 Distribution of mobile raingun (Nos) 88 8 Distribution of sprinkler set (ha ) 0.19 lakh ha 9 Water carrying pipe (meter) 84.59 lakh meter 10 Cropping system based training (Nos) 9688
Target of NFSM for 2016-17 Cluster Demonstrations (ha.) Sl No Intervention Target 1 Cluster Demonstrations (ha.) 19.31 lakha ha 2 Seed distribution (Rice, Wheat, Pusles & Coarse Cereals) 26.73 lakh q 3 Integrated Nutrient Management (ha.) 98.04 lakh ha 4 Integrated Pest Management (ha.) 36.48 lakh ha 5 Improved Farm Machineries (Nos) 3.51 lakh 6 Distribution of Pumpsets (Nos) 63.245 7 Distribution of mobile raingun (Nos) 1263 8 Distribution of sprinkler set (ha ) 0.24 lakh ha 9 Water carrying pipe (meter) 201.38 lakh meter 10 Cropping system based training (Nos) 16568
Cluster demonstrations with latest crop production technologies Technologies/Interventions being promoted amongst the farmers to help them in increasing their farm income during 12th Plan. Cluster demonstrations with latest crop production technologies Promotion of newer varieties/hybrids Assistance of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) for maintaining soil health and to improve yield and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to protect the crops from insects, pests and diseases. Promotion of improved farm machineries for timely completion of agricultural operations and reduction in cost of cultivation.
Contd... Water saving devices like sprinklers, raingun and water carrying pipes to save precious water and avoid flooded irrigation; Cropping system based trainings to farmers Technology demonstration of pulses through KVKs for faster adoption of seed of newer varieties. Enhancement of breeder seed and creation of seed hubs of pulses for attaining higher production. Assistance for promotion of pulses in rice fallow areas
Initiatives taken during 2016-17 for pulses production 150 seed hubs has been sanctioned with an allocation of Rs. 225.31 crore for two years (i.e., 2016-17 & 2017-18). For strengthening of breeder seed programme at ICAR institutes and SAUs an amount of Rs. 30.39 crore is earmarked for two years. 24 Bio-fertilizer centers have been approved for the year 2016-17. Rs. 29.61 crore has been earmarked for two years (2016-17 & 2017-18). An amount of Rs. 90.06 crore has been allocated for central agencies like HIL, KRIBHCO and NSC under seed production programme for increasing availability of seed of pulses. An amount of Rs.67.56 crore has been allocated for pulses seed minikit distribution during kharif/ rabi & summer to popularize newer varieties.
Research Support under NFSM Support for SAUs, National and International research organization under following themes; Conservation of natural resources & their efficient use. INM & IPM, modification/refinement of farm machines/tools. Upscaling of improved crop varieties. Nutrient management in acidic/alkaline/sodic. Rain water management in kharif pulses. Value addition incase of coarse cereals and pulses Any other innovative approach for enhancement of crop productivity S.No. Institutes No. of Projects sanctioned 1 State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) 8 2 ICAR Institutes 5 3 International Organizations (ICRISAT/ICARDA) 6 4 Other Institutes
Demand and Supply of Vegetable Oils (Million tonnes ) Years Demand / Consumption Domestic Availability Import 2012-13 19.82 9.22 10.60 2014-15 21.17 10.19 10.98 23.06 9.21 13.85 2015-16 (Prov) 23.49 8.64 14.85 Source: Department of Sugar & Vegetable Oils
Area, Production & Yield Scenario of Oilseeds Year Area (Lakh ha) Production (Lakh tonnes) Yield (Kg /ha) 1950-51 107.30 51.60 481 1960-61 137.70 69.80 507 1970-71 166.40 96.30 579 1980-81 176.00 93.70 532 1990-91 241.50 186.10 771 2000-01 227.70 184.40 810 2010-11 272.20 324.82 1193 2011-12 263.10 297.99 1133 2012-13 264.84 309.43 1168 2013-14 285.25 327.49 1153 2014-15 257.26 275.11 1037 2015-16 261.86 252.51 989 2016-17 ( 2nd adv) 266.33 335.96 1261 Source: DES, DAC&FW
Major Constraints in Yield Improvement of Oilseeds Continued dependence on rainfed production system leading to larger fluctuation in area and yield with larger variation in groundnut. Agro-climatic limitations like adaptability of mustard under saline soil / low water areas of >4 million ha; groundnut under low rainfall / drought prone areas of >2 million ha and soybean under upland black cotton soils of >10 million ha. Farmers’ priority to cereals under irrigated condition due to assured buy back. Availability of cheaper imported vegetable oil with admissible blending depressing domestic markets of oilseeds leading to area stagnation. Lack of assured procurement of oilseeds.
Development Programmes and their Impact Plan Period Programme Avg. Production (Million Tonnes) Yield (kg/ha) V & VI (1974-85) IODP 11.42 621 VII-IX (1985-02) TMOP 19.48 825 X (2004-12) ISOPOM 23.33 918 XI (2007-12) 28.33 1081 XII (2012-17) ISOPOM / NMOOP 30.01 1129 XII (2014-15) NMOOP 27.51 1054 XII (2015-16) 25.25 968 XII 2016-2017 33.60 1261
Vision for Oilseeds Production Qty in million tonnes Oilseeds Highest production 2016-17 Short term 2021-22 Medium term 2026-27 Long term 2030-31 Soybean 141.25 16.50 18.50 20.00 Groundnut 84.72 10.75 11.25 12.00 Mustard 79.12 9.75 Sesame 8.21 1.10 1.35 1.50 Others * 22.66 4.00 4.50 5.00 Total 335.96 42.10 46.85 50.50 * Includes sunflower, safflower, niger, linseed and castor.
Strategies for Oil Seeds Increasing SRR with varietal replacement Promotion of new varieties through minikits / FLDs Area expansion under protective irrigation Area expansion through diversification of low yielding cereals, use of rice fallows and inter cropping Enhancing procurement of oilseeds
Frontier Technologies Ridge-furrow / Broad-bed-furrow technologies in soybean and groundnut Line sowing in mustard. Sprinkler irrigation in groundnut and rapeseed-mustard Use of drip irrigation and hybrid in castor Application of gypsum in groundnut Intercropping groundnut and soybean with arhar
Key Interventions Production of foundation/certified seed> 8 lakh qtl Distribution of > 14.0 lakh seed minikits of less than 10 years old varieties of oil seeds including 6.4 lakh minikits of < 5 year old varieties of mustard Distribution of > 2.6 lakh qtl certified seed Demonstration of improved technologies- 2.75 lakh ha. Supply of farm machinaries (> 24,000) and drip / sprinkler (30,000) National kisan melas (5) / exhibitions (3) and farmers' training
Way Forward Larger support for protective irrigation and mechanization Strengthening seed chain for promotion of newly released variety / hybrids Assured procurement support with competitive prices over food grain to encourage diversification of areas Processing support both for oilseeds and oil palm in new non traditional areas
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