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Nutritional Sciences: From Fundamentals to Food YOUR COURSE MATERIALS McGuire/Beerman Nutritional Sciences: From Fundamentals to Food You will… be tested receive homework assignments have reading assignments …from these materials
WHY DO I NEED THIS BOOK? Zogby International, 2006 Nine in ten professors (90%) say that students would do better if they made greater user of the assigned textbook. Students’ pass rates, retention rates and grades improve when they employ supplemental materials in addition to their textbooks. Zogby International, 2006
GET THE GRADE RESOURCES! Diet Analysis 8.0 InfoTrac College Edition Study Guide Free Companion Website
Diet Analysis will help you succeed in your course! WHAT IS DIET ANALYSIS 8.0? Learn how to better meet your nutritional goals Learn how to attain your physical activity goals Learn about essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in your food. Learn about serving sizes Diet Analysis will help you succeed in your course!
DIET ANALYSIS PLUS HOMEPAGE! There are four main components to the program…Track Diet, Track Activity, View Reports, and Print Reports. To maneuver between each section, simply use your mouse and click on the tab. Also, new with the 8.0 version, there is also a built-in tutorial, which provides an audio and visual walkthrough of the three main functions of the program- “Set up a Profile,” “Track Diet,” and “Print Assignments.” With the click of a mouse, you are able to watch and listen to the presentation. Additionally, there are review questions, which the professor can assign and have you turn in for credit.
TRACK YOUR DIET! Now it’s time to track your diet! Select “Track Diet” on the upper navigation section, then simply type in the food item in the “Search” box and either press the enter button or select “Search.” Then, a list of foods will appear under the “food list” section.
ACTIVITY LEVEL PROFILE Next, you will need to enter the profile information required, including your name, age, gender, height, weight, etc. You will also have to select your activity level (sedentary, lightly active, etc.). If you are unsure which level best describes you, select “How Active am I?”
INFOTRAC COLLEGE EDITION Available 24/7 Over 20 million articles! Nearly 6,000 journals Updated Daily Over 20 years of content Can be used for any course Your research tool for papers, and projects
INFOTRAC COLLEGE EDITION HOW TO SEARCH THE DATABASE There are 3 ways to search: Subject Guide Keyword Search Advanced Search There is also a Limit Search function, which limits the search by date, journal, or keyword.
FREE COMPANION WEBSITE! Great for test prep!
ANYTHING TO HELP STUDENTS WITHOUT COMPUTERS? Study Guide detailed review of chapter material, reiterating chapter objectives and key concepts. challenges students multiple exercise types, word problems, figures to label, and tables to complete from memory. ISBN for Study Guide: 053453726X
YOU HAVE CHOICES OF HOW TO BUY THE BOOK! Purchase textbooks in the format and at the price that is right for you. Print Options NEW print textbooks at up to 25% off, shipped free! Digital Options Electronic texts up to 50% off Individual chapters for as little as $1.99 Study Tools Study Guides, Online Homework Assistance, Audio Content, and more!
STUDENTS…PLEASE READ If your textbook doesn’t already come with the helpful study aids we’ve discussed, go to your local college bookstore or go on-line to